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How do you play?


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
What I mean is what are your stats for each difficulty, how many times you die, if you use items, and anything else you'd like to include.
*Note* These are your stats on average when you just casually play.


Average damage taken- little to none.

Stylish point- 5000+

Item usage- None.

Average score- A to S.



Average damage taken- Little to none.

Stylish point-10,000+

Item usage- None.

Average score- S very rarely A.


Average damage taken- Usually little, but sometimes half of one of my two healt bars.

Stylish points- 10,000+

Item usage- None.

Average score-S rarely A.

Deaths- 97% of the time none, but since I haven't play in a long while I recently died on 18 and 20. Once I get my groove back it will be back to 0.

Average damage- Little over half of one bar.

Stylish points- 10,000+

Item usage-NONE. I don't use them they make you weak.

Average score- S



Well, since DMC4 is my first DMC game, I died most in human mode... then in the subsequent modes I usually die less than 10 times in each mission.

Average damage taken & item uses - similar trend; used even golden orbs in human mode, but almost no items (except holy water for sanctus till last week) even in DMD; now I can play most DMD mission with less than 5 bars taken.

Stylish points - forget about the human mode, others are all over 10,000 (i can go check later tonite to see the exact range)

Score range - 1:1 A:S; got a B in human mode (mission 5), a B in DH mode (just don't bother to raise it to S :p), a B in SoS (I think it's mission 20?) , and a C in DMD (mission 18)
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