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How do you Jump Cancel in DMC 3 & 4?

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
I don't know how to Jump Cancel. :/ I watched videos on Youtube about how to Jump Cancel but I don't get, or perhaps my timing is off. Can somebody explain it to me please.
PLEASE use normal words because if I see all that DMC technical babble I'll be doomed. In other words talk to me as if I'm dumb. :lol:

Please be nice to me folks.


Well-known Member
I don't know how to Jump Cancel. :/ I watched videos on Youtube about how to Jump Cancel but I don't get, or perhaps my timing is off. Can somebody explain it to me please.
PLEASE use normal words because if I see all that DMC technical babble I'll be doomed. In other words talk to me as if I'm dumb. :lol:

Please be nice to me folks.

You remember those moving chess pieces? Those are literally statues and because Dante is a hardcore stuntsman he can jump off of them. Same thing with every other enemy. You know how you would slash a scythe- wielder and dust would fly out, that's because he's a moving statue too! So all you have to do is jump on him. You can do that for nearly all you enemies, just jump on them. Once you get the basics down, you can try to fine tune yourself to jump cancel while attacking.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
I jump canceled on accident while doing the air combo with Vergil and Yamato. I also did it with bewolf.


Well-known Member
You use "Enemy Step" in mid air to jump off of your opponents before an attack completes, this cancels your attack and you can do it again.


Oldschool DMC fan
That video is a good video - but I find his button-pressing technique a bit overly-complicated. It's really quite easy. Set X to jump and square as the attack button, then to practice your first JC use Beowulf's Killer Bee.

Jump, press the attack with the lock-on kept down to execute a Killer Bee on an enemy, but instead of holding down attack just tap it, and have your finger on the jump ready as soon as the character strikes the enemy. If you press jump at the precise moment of strike, you have JC'd and can attack again. Same goes for any of the other moves mentioned. It's all in the timing.

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
That video is a good video - but I find his button-pressing technique a bit overly-complicated. It's really quite easy. Set X to jump and square as the attack button, then to practice your first JC use Beowulf's Killer Bee.

Jump, press the attack with the lock-on kept down to execute a Killer Bee on an enemy, but instead of holding down attack just tap it, and have your finger on the jump ready as soon as the character strikes the enemy. If you press jump at the precise moment of strike, you have JC'd and can attack again. Same goes for any of the other moves mentioned. It's all in the timing.

I've managed to JC a couple of times with Rebellion and Beowolf but your method makes sense to me. I never thought of just tapping the button and having my finger ready to press the jump button upon contact. Thanks Lexy! ^_^
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