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Homo Vampiris


Supporter 2014

This doesn't count as smut, does it?? o_o


Ok, seriously though:

"Vampires are always described as possessing superhuman qualities, both physical and sensory. Let's start by addressing the former.

While a fictional vampire's strength often comes from supernatural sources, we don't have to resort to any of that poppycock - it's entirely possible for a human-sized creature to have incredible strength. Take the orangutan, for instance, which stands four and a half feet tall, weighs about 150 lb, and yet is said to be seven times stronger than a human (that exact figure is contested, but what isn't is the fact that apes are stronger than humans).

Why are they stronger? The answer lies, once again, in genetics. Scientists have identified genes that contribute to the development of certain key muscles in apes and found that they are deactivated in humans, barring exceptional athletes. Could it be that because we evolved to rely more on our brains than our brawn that we've genetically lost the ability to be as strong as other apes?

Needless to say, our homo vampiris will not have suffered the same evolutionary fate and would retain superhuman strength.

As far as heightened senses are concerned, nocturnal animals generally have highly developed senses of hearing, smell, and night vision. Not only would the homo vampiris have to be a nocturnal hunter due to its albinism, but it would also gain a distinct advantage over its prey of choice, due to a human's poor ability to see in the dark. Lions prefer to hunt at night for the same reason.

Beyond the regular senses, many creatures have adapted the ability to locate prey in the dark using chemical detectors. Certain snakes and - surprise, surprise - vampire bats can even detect infrared radiation, allowing them to "see" body heat. We'll give our homo vampiris such a "sixth sense" to make it the perfect hunter of man."
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Supporter 2014
Anyway so where does vampirism being a curse fit into your thread cause without it you're pretty much talking twilight.
Uh, I was thinking that because the title was, "Realistic Vampires". And since your name is VampireWicked, I was thinking about showing off more realistic women when I saw that title. My mind works that way. I have no idea why.


Anyway, I think the "curse" is pretty much just the sun and garlic in this case.

Sure, it's two steps away from "Twilight", but it's also one step further 'progression-wise' when compared to True Blood.

And I think that's a win-win for everyone.
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the horror was for love
Grr, if I wanted a realistic vampire I'd let normal people bite me and suck on my blood! :mad: Rawr!

All joking aside, though, that was actually an interesting article. I wonder if we should start fearing for the existence of real vampires. :nailbiting:


Supporter 2014
All joking aside, though, that was actually an interesting article. I wonder if we should start fearing for the existence of real vampires. :nailbiting:
Well, I was already born an evolved being, so...



Also, when talking about weaknesses, the hibernation thing could also be taken as a weakness: you can't defend yourself while you sleep, and since you need to sleep a lot to recharge, then that leaves you open to attack the majority of the time.
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