Behold the Legendary Rejected Son of Sparda has returned to posting within the forums! Gaze in awe my fellow members lol. I jest, but recently I checked the DMC wiki and read info on the new DmC game and I gotta say its sounding wickedly awesome! The wiki says that this Dante is half demon and half angel, wow what a shock! But I like it a lot. I feel a fan fiction coming on. I like the direction this DMC game is going in. DMC purests please don't stone me lol.
UPDARE: Lol my bad Dante has a angel form and powers. But by that notion alone one could understand why I believed the wiki when it said Dante was half angel. How else would he have angel powers? But I GET IT.
UPDARE: Lol my bad Dante has a angel form and powers. But by that notion alone one could understand why I believed the wiki when it said Dante was half angel. How else would he have angel powers? But I GET IT.