Stylish and Viewtiful
Heya! Just like making introduction threads.
My name's Viewtiful, and I'll be your resident Joe fan. I honestly might not post very much because I dislike the traditional forum layout, and, as politely as I can without starting a flame war, looking at New Dante's face gives me a headache.
Hopefully people don't mind me. I aim to be polite, kind, and respectful to other people.
I'm an animator, and study game design as a sort of hobby. I love breaking down game mechanics, and level design. Wouldn't do it as a career though, haha.
My favorite DMC is DMC3, but I love the aesthetics of 1 and 2.
Hopefully I meet some really cool people here!
My name's Viewtiful, and I'll be your resident Joe fan. I honestly might not post very much because I dislike the traditional forum layout, and, as politely as I can without starting a flame war, looking at New Dante's face gives me a headache.
Hopefully people don't mind me. I aim to be polite, kind, and respectful to other people.
I'm an animator, and study game design as a sort of hobby. I love breaking down game mechanics, and level design. Wouldn't do it as a career though, haha.
My favorite DMC is DMC3, but I love the aesthetics of 1 and 2.
Hopefully I meet some really cool people here!