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Well-known Member
My other post on the matter was lacking on context. I've had a good day today. Wonderful actually. I'm not letting this keep me down. I got to know someone in the hell sim on Second Life. Dom/sub dynamic and everything. I. Feel. Great. But there's still some very. Serious. Danger. So can you please pay attention to this properly?

I need pressure to be applied on F-chat mods. They keep pretending they can ignore the danger. They are in denial. I garuntee it. They just need more reminders.

Below are my concerns. Try to read between the lines.

Honesty isn't easy or comfortable. I have every valid reason to believe the actions of the F-chat mods can get people killed from ignorance. My concerns are confirmed by mods and admins that listen to me. People do suffer in silence and are too afraid to speak up. Leaving this unchallenged is how they win. If you just send an e-mail ticket they might say they don't want to communicate. How many people have been stuck with concerns and trauma because of excuses like that? I once lost someone to suicide online and had to learn from it. It's not the danger. It's not the abuse. It's not even the death. It's IGNORING it. When people choose to turn a blind eye and pretend to know better when they can't even ask or hold a conversation. Those F-chat mods drive people into suffering in silence because all they care about is "last word in". Can you please do something to challenge that? As for why I got banned in the first place, I was talking with people about the concept of treating people like they don't even exist. Some people got confused. Others hugged it out with me because they understood. That's what I was banned for? Why ever do that to anyone? Let alone me. I make a topic about mod abuse on steam. They delete it. I'll handle that one. I ask people on Ferzu if they're ok. When mods refuse to communicate. EVERYONE said no. I'm seeing a pattern here. This **** happens when mods refuse to hold conversations. And if we choose to do nothing then aren't we just allowing it? Why is Falco having to deal with the bullshit? Can't just make more of an effort for communication?

Was reaching out to someone on Second Life. I stated I'm not giving up on this in my other posts. I keep my word.

This is a life and death matter. This is a matter of people suffering in sillence. This is a matter of how abuse is ignored.

At least pay attention if you mean to hurt people. If you turn a blind eye then that is what someone trying to avoid accountability does. You can confirm that logic by psychotherapists and cops.

I am not the fool people take me for.

Simply making an account on F-chat and informing the F-chat mods about the danger (you can copy and paste the concerns above) will be something. They will have gem icons next to their names. They're trying to silence me. I can't do it alone. This is not about just one person. It's about everyone that's ever been spat on when people pretend they can just get away with it.

Have you people noticed that abusive mods will try to lecture you about warning and danger yet IGNORE it themselves?

Don't let them get away with that hypocritical bullshit. I need those F-chat mods to learn to hold conversations and listen. Because I have good reason to beleive their actions can (and may already have) get people killed from ignorance. I know what leaving people stuck with concerns and trauma does to people online. I KNOW.

World problems 101: Excuses for lack of communciation. Period. Full stop. No one's proved me I'm wrong, so I'm sticking with it.
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Well-known Member
F-chat mods ignore concerns about danger, sanity and death. My concerns are confirmed by mods and admins that listen to me.Their good intentions from ignorance do get people hurt from ignorance. It can (and may have) even get people killed. For reasons you won't understand. Holding hard conversations is the only thing that works, and is logic backed up by therapists. It's a matter of communication vs lack of communication. I'm telling you this because I need someone to get those abusive mods to see reason when they only try to get the last word in and avoid communication. Have you notice they'll lecture you about being warned yet repeatedly ignore it themselves? One person alone is easy to bully and abuse. Other people do suffer in silence. I had to apply pressure on people from the site with suicidal tendencies. And all because the F-chat mods don't want to hold a conversation when they don't like what they hear. I'm reaching out to everyone I can. The problem isn't danger. Or abuse. Or even death. It's IGNORING concerns when people have them. Lack of communication is the **** up. Period. Full stop. No excuse changes that.

Their fear of others being involved is why others are involved in the ways they fear basically.

And since they're making every effort to avoid communication (others are NOT as ok I am) then I need someone else to talk to them. And get them to talk to me. Why are people less ok then I am having to deal with THEIR bullshit?

My concerns are also confirmed by mods and admins that listen to me who caution against blindly agreeing with everything. People have died online because of lack of communication. So please help me get the F-chat mods to see reason.

Are you people going to help or or ignore this?
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