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Well-known Member
help plz...i am in mision 13 and i am block..plz help....i dont now where to go...i am stuck in that forest...plz help

Demons Destiny

Silenced Vampire
Is that the one with Dante in the forest and you have to go through those weird pinky coloured blobs?
I got stuck on that too
All I can say is when Nero was in the forest, remember that big plant thing you had to get rid of in that churchy looking place? and you had to through that door to those things were you had to walk on the right path to get out of it?
Well you have to go there with Dante. I can't remember the right way - it's different to the way Nero goes. I hope that helped you a little bit ;) I'm almost on that misson on SOS mode (I know, I haven't had time to go on DMC4 much)


TimeLord Detective
You end up in an altar which says something about the light when you try to talk to it right? It's a simple puzzle.

Every time you see the altar, its shadow points a different way. The opposite way of that is where the light is supposedly coming from. Keep going opposite of the altar's shadow and you'll find your way out of it.


Soldier 1st Class

Missson 14

== Ancient Training Ground ==

For this mission, Dante must simply exit the forest by running all the way to
the Foris Falls area that leads to Fortuna Castle.

--> Enemy Encounter: Fault (NEW Enemy!)

While moving down the path to the side a new enemy will appear. These enemies
do not have to be defeated in order to move on even when they appear with other
enemies. These Fault enemies will constantly keep your character in the air
during battles since they appear right below your character while he fights and
you need to jump to avoid getting caught in their mouth.

If your character is caught in a Fault's closing mouth then you will be taken
to the Ruined Lowlands and be forced to fight a group of random enemies. Enter
the teleporter to exit back to the previous area - you'll have to restart
whatever battle your character was engaged in at that time though.

In order to defeat these enemies, jump or move out of the way whenever they
appear below Dante then switch to Gilgamesh and hit them with the first two
hits of the punch combo to defeat them quickly. They can be defeated with
Rebellion but it takes more hits to damage them. A close Coyote-A blast works
well too.

--> Enemy Encounter: Scarecrows, Chimera Seeds

While walking up under the bridge, Scarecrows and Chimera Seeds will attack and
Faults will appear once again, so jump out of the way whenever one starts to
unearth below your character.

Be sure to look around the area carefully for the breakable Chimera Eggs - two
of them are on top of the bridge. Enter the Lapis River area up ahead.

Breakable Objects: [ ] 8 Chimera Eggs

== Lapis River ==

--> Enemy Encounter: 2 Mephistos, Faust

Two Mephistos followed by a Faust will attack in this area and Faults will
appear below your character here as well. Use Coyote-A blasts to easily bring
down the Mephistos and Faust then back them into a corner and perform a Real
Impact with Gilgamesh to damage them severly. Use a Distorted Real Impact to
instantly defeat a grounded Faust. Be careful not to get stuck in an attack
pose for too long or a Fault might catch Dante.

Breakable Objects: [ ] 12 Chimera Eggs

Be sure to enter the Ruined Lowlands by getting caught by a Fault or opening
the door to the side in Lapis River and jumping off the side. The red orbs
down there are needed for a better orb ranking at the end of this mission.

== Ruined Lowlands ==

--> Enemy Encounter: random group

Fight off the enemies then break all the Chimera Eggs and be sure to find the
hidden orbs.

Hidden Orbs: [ ] Stand at the edge of the ledge in the northwest corner.
Breakable Objects: [ ] 4 Chimera Eggs

Back in the Lapis River area, enter the path across the bridge to continue.

== Ancient Plaza ==

--> Enemy Encounter: 5 Assaults
--> Enemy Encounter (Son of Sparda): 2 Assaults, Blitz

Don't get too involved in a ground fight against the Assaults in this area
since Faults will continue to appear below Dante. Gigamesh's Kick 13 works
rather well for keeping Dante moving while on the ground. Don't even attempt
any of the powerful Swordmaster attacks unless you know for certain that a
Fault is not in the current area.

Enter the path on the other side of the area to leave once the enemies are

Breakable Objects: [ ] 9 Chimera Eggs

== Windswept Valley ==

--> Enemy Encounter: Chimeras, Chimera Assaults

Faults are out in full force in this area once Dante reaches the middle.
Faults will appear very close together, so you'll have to jump often. Use
Stingers to knock down the Chimera infested enemies or use Kick 13 with
Gilgamesh to keep moving while attacking.

Make sure to find all the Chimera Eggs in this area including the ones up the
stairs and along the side paths. Hop up the ledge on the cliff.

Breakable Objects: [ ] 13 Chimera Eggs

== Forest Entrance ==

No enemies attack here - no Faults or normal enemies. Break all the Chimera
Eggs and stock up on Red Orbs from the Red Orb Pillar down the left path.

Breakable Objects: [ ] 12 Chimera Eggs
Red Orb Pillar: [ ] Down the left path.

Dante can also access --SECRET MISSION 08-- under the small rooftop. This is
the secret mission that Nero couldn't perform on Mission 7.

============================ Secret Mission 08 ================================
Successfully execute a Royal Block 5 times!

Location: Forest Entrance
The glyph is located under the roof of the middle structure.

Dante must deal with two Mephistos for this mission. Kill off one of them at
the beginning so you'll only have one to deal with.

In order to successfully complete this secret mission, switch to Royal Guard
and prepare to perform a Royal Block, where you must press the O button the
instant before an attack hits Dante. Five of these Royal Blocks must be
performed in a row in order to complete this secret mission. Stand for a few
minutes and get the timing down for the Mephisto's finger stab and foot blade.

Finger Stab - One of Mephisto's fingers glows as it points then it eventually
stops as the glow brightens and stabs forward with its finger.

Foot Blade - Mephisto moves toward your character then leans around with its
blade foot and then slices your character with it.

Once you know what to look out for, it's all about timing. You have to press
the O button the instant before the finger hits Dante or the instant before the
blade foot hits Dante. Many gamers believe that the finger stab is the easiest
move to set up for a Royal Block, but it all depends on the individual. Either
way, you need to know about each attack since the Mephisto will perform both of
them quite a bit. Roll or jump away from it's other moves, the lunge (when it
moves away and suddenly dashes toward Dante; jump from this one) and the blade
spin (when it spins in place and moves toward Dante; run away!).

Perform five Royal Blocks in a row and Dante will be rewarded with a --BLUE ORB


Leave the forest by running through the tunnel up ahead and enter the next

== Foris Falls ==

Run down the path up ahead and cutscene will play that will end this mission.
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