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Hello Agains!


Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter
Oh jeez.... Work has been a killer. Drama is going on everywhere I look. I feel bad about not being on here as much as I used to be :(

But after I had a brief conversation with an old friend, I've decided to come by here and check in, see what everyone's been up to. Yadi Yadi Yada.

My god..... I do miss this place O_O


Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter
Thanks. If only this drama will end. II've been ahving a had time to keep my sanity intact


Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter
lol And since everyone is probably going to be curious. I might as well write this down instead of repeating myself over and over. I've wrote this down on my Deviant Art page.

Here's the story, it's gonna have massive ranting/cursing:

"My Ex-boyfriend kept writing these sucidal emails, which led to me bitching at him. He has no reason to be sucidal about. His mother yells at him to do **** around the house, woopie ****ing do! I've went through more **** in my life.

ON another note, my lazy ass jobless sister whom I still care about got herself kicked out because of her continuous ways of running off without telling anyone. So she ended up staying at my ex boyfriend's house. So ended end getting a job since the whole getting kicked out ordeal. I've figured she must be doing well.....

Well..... I was wrong..... My ex's mother kicked my sister out, and he didn't bother to call me or my father. So I got REALLY ****ed off..... I slapped him in the face while he was at work (Walmart). His exuse (in a snobby tone): " I've tried! I had no gas money and my parents wouldn't let me take any of their vehicles!"..... (something along those lines)

Bull ****! A mature person would of called me or my father. So I've bitched at him, calling him an idiot and he always will be. Then I went on about he should of never got the 2010 Toyota Tundra, cause he has no money for it. For **** sake his dad is paying his payment! He became a selfish bastard. No idea why I've ever dated him. He's now permitaly out of my life and I'm never dealing with him again.

I ended up ****ing off Walmart and they wanted to press charges at me, only my ex asked them not to. Then I guess I was going to get banned there for a year, but I guess not either. Newflash! I don't give a crap about Walmart, there are other store to go to. Besides.... The Walmart here is crap anyway.

So my sister is back home. God knows how long she was in the streets. I've figured she learned her lesson....... No she hasn't, once again.... Asked me for money, went off for two days without telling anyone. ****ing A! I love her an all (Which was why I almost got arrested) But she needs to grow up."

However, not even three days, she moved out and is now living in a ****ty Motel..... So much god damn drama. Not to mention work is trying to kill me again. I was sick yesterday and felt like I got his by a truck


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Holy... It's times like these that I question if good still exists in this world... Hope that this **** stops and your sis stops being such an idiot...


Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter
Thanks guys. Do not worry, My Ex is out of my life for good and my sister seems to be getting her life together, she's still being an idiot, but ah well.


Well-known Member
That is a great thing to hear. and as what my my partner used to say " one should always look at the flower infront of you"
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