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Heads Up!


Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter
Heads up indeed. Anyway, to all my friends, I just created this thread to let you guys know that in about three or four weeks, I will be working at the kennel every single day for god knows how long, probably the whole Summer. Why? Because this Lady that works on my days off is going to be busy with her second job at a vet office. And since I'm the only full time Employee there, I get all the hours. Keep in mind that I work at a small kennel, which is why I'm the only full time worker.

Anyway.... Does this means that I'm dissapearing off the face of the planet again? Not nessessarily. I'm still going to try to come online after work, or during my lunch break. But there will be moments where I might just not come on for about a week.

I admit, it sucks that I'll be working all this overtime, but I'm going to keep positive and tell myself that all the overtime is going to give me one nice paycheck every week, as well as happy dogs and cats and satified owners.

Just figured that I would give everyone a heads up this time. Unlike the times when I really did vanish :lol:

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
The same might happen to me... sort of. I won't be working in a kennel, but I will be out of state with my friend working. I don't know how often, if at all, that I can get on here, but I will try my best. But after summer, I will be on more often, if every thing goes according to plan. :D

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
Hey, I have no idea if I will be able to get on or not, but my summer plans are not changing. I plan on working and making money, maybe getting enought for a laptop. Then I will be on more often. :D


Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter
And hopefully I'll have enough money when the kennel close down in October. After that.... Who knows what I'll be doing with my life...... Other than being online more often and collect unemployment for a bit (If I have to) :lol:


Nicodemus Zamoran;230988 said:
Hey, I have no idea if I will be able to get on or not, but my summer plans are not changing. I plan on working and making money, maybe getting enought for a laptop. Then I will be on more often. :D

I hope more on MSN.


Dante enthusiast!
Oh, I'd love to work at a kennel - is it fun? Do you like it? I sometimes volunteer at my local place and help them out - if it were up to me I'd bring all the animals home and be a 'crazy pet lady!'


Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter
I actually do love working at a kennel. I admit though it's sure as hell stressful and I got to the point of burning out at least 5 times since I've started working there three years ago. But most of the time, I'll wake up in the morning and go "I really don't want to work today....", only to go in and end up having a smile on my face cause everyone is so happy to see me. After growing up around animals, they just grow to me. Hell I'm actually studying animal behavior a bit and I've learned alot more working at a kennel. People think that it's only a job. But for me, it is practiclly my life. Hell I haven't had a dog or any other pet since my Fergus died two years ago and, I'm really.... REALLY in need of a companion again.


Oldschool DMC fan
Working with animals is great. They're not weirdos, they're not two-faced, they don't lie, and you don't have to talk to them. Give me a job with animals any day of the week.


Dante enthusiast!
Lexy;231185 said:
Working with animals is great. They're not weirdos, they're not two-faced, they don't lie, and you don't have to talk to them. Give me a job with animals any day of the week.

^ exactly!

I have 2 cats and 2 guinea pigs. I love having pets. I've always had guinea pigs they are so cute!


Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter
I wouldn't mind getting another guinea pigs if I wasn't allergic to them, which is odd cause it's the only animal I'm alllergic too :huh: But I had cats, dogs, ferrets, doves, rabbits.... guinea pigs lol (Thats how I found out that I'm allergic to them, but even then I didn't get rid of them. My mother just took them out of my room.)
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