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Have you ever been class clown?

Have you ever been class clown?

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my friend is a major class clown...he's so funny...sometimes i get in the teachwers face tghougfh because sometimes she says things that offend me...

Demons Destiny

Silenced Vampire
well, im one of the class clowns ^_^ theres only about three of us. Im always cracking up random jokes to my friends, and they find it so funny, but i'm like :huh: what have i said????


-is writing an album
Uh, you can be the class clown in two ways than one, you either crack jokes and make the class laugh or crack up and make a total *** of yourself for attention. To be honest, I have never been the cracker of a class, I was kinda quiet around friends and just enjoyed their jokes and just slipped one in when necessary.

Demons Destiny

Silenced Vampire
good idea. Why would i make a right fool of myself, i dont know, but i try not to, but when i do its really funny ^_^

Fallen Angel

Devil Hunter
This kid in our class said to the teacher.
Man,something smells.
So i shouted it's probabaly you.
The teacher said that's enough.
So i stuck my middle finger at her when she turned round but apart from that no.
Oh but there was this other time when we had to act in front of the class.

Luke: Do you swear to tell the truth,the whole truth,and nothing but the truth?

Me:.....Yes you're ugly.

The whole class laughed.


Cursed Girl
cool so this the clown thread ^^
heh it has many of them i see! And yeah... i'm the classes/schools clown lol


Is not rat, is hamster
At my first and middle schools I was always in the middle of everything and making everyone laugh (not that difficult when most of the school population doesn't speak English as a first language) but I was bullied for the four years I endured at my high school so I disappeared in to the background as much as possible...although I was more the joke than the joker by then...

I try to steer clear of humour these days when I'm around people - it's normally too sarcastic to follow anyway...


Is not rat, is hamster
Hiding is my speciality...especially when meeting someone for the first time. I'm just not a people person, I guess.

Can still remember being the only girl in school who would take on any bet, any time...one time my friends dared me to come to school in my nightclothes, complete with teddy bear and a dummy in my mouth. I was 10 and I did it - got myself a detention but also won two trolls, a bag of marbles and thirty pence worth of penny sweets from the newsagents on the corner, so it was worth it :D

Demons Destiny

Silenced Vampire
i'm VERY shy when it comes to meeting people i haven't met before. When we first moved up into the high school we were all in different classes with different people. It scared me alot and i fell backwards, my grades going with me, but noe i know nearly evryone in school and its a whole lot better ^_^
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