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Have a go at: Creative Writing Prompts

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Hey guys!
Shadow and I were chatting not too long ago about bringing word prompts back to the forum. It was a hit the first time, and an even bigger hit when I resurrected it again.
So here I am again with another challenge for ye masters of the words.

Only this time, we're going to do things a little differently. :)

How this works:

1.) It's not a contest as such so there will be no poll to vote as used to be tradition in days gone yonder.
The amount of likes that your oneshot/prompt-piece accumulates will be the number of votes cast for you.
I know! The 'like' option is going to be awesome. You'll even get to see who voted for you, unlike times past where members had to post in the poll thread to claim their vote. Thumbs up for convenience!

2.)As such, there will be no clear winner, hence why I said this is not a contest. The like option will never deactivate so you might be winning one day, and then lose the next. But don't be discouraged. The only thing you'll miss out on is a virtual cookie from moi. The 'likes' should be of secondary value - this is aimed at honing your writing skills, milking some creativity out of you and having *****fun***** with it.
Yes, I said milking. MOO. ;)

3.)This is not a word prompt thread. This is a creative writing prompt challenge.
I'll give you a scenario and some material that you need to work with. You have to use your imagination to take A and B and give us a DD treat.

4.) I will be posting a new challenge every week on the same day.
Late entries will disrupt the thread, so please don't be late. You either meet the deadline, or you don't. If you don't, you're still free to post your piece on the forum, just don't post it in this thread. I want to keep it in order and would appreciate if you guys could work with me on doing so.

5.)The minimum word count allowed is 500. If you go less than this, then you'd better make it bloody good and punchy.
The maximum word count is however many words you can get into a single post. If you have to continue in a second post, take this as your guideline that you've gone over the word limit.
Unless otherwise stated in the challenge.

6.) Only one entry per person per challenge.

7.)You may post your piece in this thread, or you can create a new thread and post the link to it here. Whichever you prefer.
Please note: I know that many of us have grown up since we first joined the forum, but do keep in mind that there are young (somewhat) innocent minors who join. If you write something with hardcore lemon or squirming lime, please don't post it anywhere in these boards.
You can post it on a different fanfiction site and post the link to it in this thread, with a clear, good warning that it contains adult themes.
If you cross the line, consider yourself reported.

8.)You have to copy and paste this format with the applicable info at the start of every oneshot you contribute.
If you're only going to post a link to your story in this thread, it's compulsory that you still copy and paste this format into this thread along with your link.
Format to follow:

Title: (name your story)
Universe/Crossover: (DMC1, DMC2, DMC3, DMC4, DmC, V/D, anime, manga, novel, etc)
Genre: (general, fluff, action, comfort, family, crack, horror, etc)
Warnings: (potty-mouth, blood, character-death, non-canon pairings, OC insert, lime, yaoi, yuri, twincest, macaroni-and-cheese, etc)
Rating: (M - for mature content, T - for general audience, K+ - for kid friendly fluff)
Concrit: (Yes please/Go to hell)

9.) No original work allowed.
Devil May Cry fanfiction only, please.
Why, yes, I am being anal. Like you guys didn't see this one coming. :p Crossovers are welcome, but the main theme needs to be DMC.

10.) I'll concrit your work and beta-read it for you in PM as a 'thanks' for joining the challenge in the first place. This goes for every new entry each week. If I'm unable to reach you via PM, I'll quote you here.

11.) As this is a writing challenge, expect the challenges to become more...challenging as time goes on. Don't worry. You'll have tons of fun, and you'll be improving your writing at the same time. It's a win/win situation. :)

*Oneshots: it doesn't need to be a oneshot. If you want to do a continuous story within the challenges, you may do so. I only used that term as it's the most common form used for challenges/prompts.

I've tried to keep restrictions to a minimum.
These are guidelines that need to be adhered to in order for the challenge to work.
I have laid out said guidelines in way to conform to forum rules.
If you break forum rules, you're on your own, buddy.

Now go back and reread How this Works.

If you have questions, PM me :)

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Ok, I'll be the moron here - what does it mean when you say "creative writing prompt"?

I know nothing so I'll gladly take the fall for others who may not know :lol:

Yeah, sorry. It's gonna have to be explained for me too.

3.)This is not a word prompt thread. This is a creative writing prompt challenge.
I'll give you a scenario and some material that you need to work with. You have to use your imagination to take A and B and give us a DD treat.

^That's pretty much what it is. If you're still confused, it may be a bit more clear when I post the first challenge up.
I also tweaked the guidelines a little (in blue).

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Challenge #1: Random
~ Pick two characters from Devil May Cry.
~ Write an intense scene involving these characters, for example: they might be in the middle of battling a strong opponent, or they might be about to fight each other, or they're making out, or sneaking in somewhere. Let your imagination run riot.
Got a scene? Good.
~When you hit around the third paragraph/100 words mark - throw in a random sound. Any kind of sound that would be out of place for that particular scene.
Now go forth and reveal the source of that noise.
And have fun! :D

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Does it have to be serious, or can it be a troll/ parody of some of the weird stuff I've come across in the DMC section of ff.net?:p

LOL, you mean satire? Yes, that's allowed. Check out the options I've put in the format. Just about anything and everything goes, you'll just need to put the right info in the format when you finally post it here. XD


Devil hunter in training
LOL, you mean satire? Yes, that's allowed. Check out the options I've put in the format. Just about anything and everything goes, you'll just need to put the right info in the format when you finally post it here. XD
That's cool. I've just been inspired by a very stereotypical fanfic where a half angel/human teenager falls in love with Vergil and suddenly becomes the focus of the story with her good looks and 'speshul' powers.:p

Does this mean the parody/satire can include deliberate bad spelling and things like ' And he said suddenly "OMG!!!1111 I liek you because you are so speshul."':troll: Well, not excatly like that, but you get the idea.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Title: FOOD!
Universe/Crossover: DMC4.
Genre: Action.
Warnings: Blood, non-canon pairings.
Rating: T
Concrit: Eh please?

The wind blowing on their faces made their silver hair wave, he had dared the kid to a race and both of the motorcycles were doing pretty good, in fact Nero had proven to be a good driver (If the expletives and fingers were not considered) but he was struggling to keep control at the speed Dante had set as the minimal (any slower and you lose by default) and he had admit that their motorcycles were going to start shooting nuts and bolts around the minimum of 200 KPH.

“Let’s put some fun into this kid!” Dante focused on his motorcycle and lightning began to gather on it making it go much faster, Nero did nothing more than smile, if he could beat Dante in something that was into raw power so he mimicked what his friend did. ”HAHAHA red goes fastah kid!”

And suddenly…

A portal opened before them, Nero tried to evade it but he lost control of the bike and fell scraping the pavement and going through the portal, the man in red didn’t even had a chance to evade it…
Nero opened his eyes and stood up, he had fall with his ‘good’ arm so there was no damage there but his head had scraped against the floor and bled a little before his wound healed itself. Dante was standing behind him but looking at south… And he was having a pretty good laugh.

“You got to be kidding me! You a demonic army of food wants to take over the world?” Nero looked at the beings Dante addressed as food and… It was food in a way. All the demons were farm animals, but what made them stand out were three facts.

They could stand, their eyes were red and bulging and the diverse weaponry they use looked pretty sharp.

“Moo we moo felt a moo great amount of demoonic energy being released, we though you guys would like to help out and summooooned you guys” The bigger one spoke out, a cow wielding a halberd and wearing a crown, as those words were spoken now it was time for Nero to crack up.

One pig looked angry and yelled at both of them, he used a great sword. ”Don’t you dare mock our king you trash”. “I’m sure you would like us to help but we were occupied so we can’t.” Nero answered while thinking they wouldn’t make past the first McDonalds.

The sheep’s gasped, and the chickens readied their daggers.” Do you dare defy moo!?” The king said raising his weapon high ready to yells his army to charge but Dante started to poke his head until he remembered something.

“Nero does the portal is still open?” The kid confirmed that.” Do our motorcycles seem to be in good state?” “Yep”

“And now… Didn’t the women tell us to shop for food?” Nero was about to confirm that until a grin formed in his face and he took his sword and gun, while Dante triggered and did the same. The cow king was already running away like his subjects chickens.

“Now Nero since they stopped our contest, let’s see who ‘buys’ the most food.” Nero triggered and took a cow then slammed it against the pork, and Dante went straight for the ´pig with the great sword and cut his legs.” OINK you! We will never let you get the king!” “Oh shut up” He readied his guns and screamed before firing. ”Baconized!”

Back on the human world, DMC main shop…

Kyrie and Lady were eyeing the massive piles of meat on the table, all bagged up, cut and cleaned. “Oh well they bought only meat but at least they bought something.” Lady’s calm was vaporized when Kyrie pointed out the bullets on the meat, she sighed and…



I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Title: An Evening at Mallet
Universe/Crossover: DMC1 (or general Devil May Cry)
Genre: a bit of fluff and some 'horror'
Warnings:OC Insert (non~canon pairing), potty~mouth, and 'hint of lemon' (if you know what I mean)
Rating: M~Mature
Concrit: If you want *isn't too bothered*

“Why on Earth did I agree to come here?” Dante mumbled.
“Because you were being polite,” Trish replied.
Dante sighed, “That question was rhetorical, besides, I don't know why you came. Nite hates you and you hate her.”

“You told me to make an effort!” Trish said in disbelief.

Dante and Trish had been invited by Nite and Vergil to the re-built castle on Mallet Island for the evening, and were making their way around the long path from the small dock up to the castle entrance.

Just as they turned the last corner, they were greeted by Nite. “Hi guys.”

Dante stopped and wiped the sweat from his forehead. “Why couldn't you have built this on flat ground?”

“Ignore him, he's been eating too much pizza,” Trish said, poking Dante's stomach
Nite laughed, “Well, I'm glad you're here, both of you.”
They entered the castle. “I'm very sorry, but Vergil won't be joining us until much later.”

Nite showed Dante and Trish to their room.
“Something doesn't feel right about this place,” Dante said.
“Of course it doesn't. It's built on a portal that leads to the Underworld.” Trish chuckled. “I swear, you're turning into a wimp!”

Dante threw a cushion at Trish. “Hey! I meant, for a place that has been rebuilt by two people that weren't as bad as Mundus, it still doesn't feel right.”

“It's just your imagination”
“Maybe,” Dante sighed.

Later that evening just as dinner was served, Vergil appeared. As they were settling down to eat, the lights flickered and a noise could be heard. It wasn't too dissimilar from the sound that fingernails make when they're scraped along a chalkboard.

“What the f**k was that?!” Dante gasped
“What was what?” Nite asked
“That noise... you must've heard it!” Trish replied
“It's just the wood settling,” Vergil said.

The same noise happened again, yet Nite and Vergil continued to pretend not to hear it.

After dinner, Nite and Trish changed into their nightwear and settled down for a 'girly' evening by the fire. Nite had even bought Trish a present, something that not only shocked Trish, but Dante too. Nite giggled with glee as Trish opened it. The twins played chess and threw a few insults at each other.

It wasn't until the castle was in darkness that the noises started again.
Dante and Trish were in bed listening to heavy footsteps pounding the corridor outside their room. It definitely wasn't Nite or Vergil as they were obviously in bed, the sounds coming from their room was a major give-away.
Footsteps, scratching on the doors and walls. Then the howling started.

“THAT'S IT!” Dante shouted. He pulled on his trousers and stormed out of the door, with Trish following not too far behind.

Trish grabbed Dante's arm as they walked through the corridor. As they came to the top of the passage way, they both caught sight of a shadow.

“SH*T! PHANTOM!” Trish screamed.
Dante turned to Trish and screamed himself when he saw Trish's face covered with a white 'face-mask'.
“What the hell is going on?!” Nite asked.

A terrified Dante and Trish screamed at each other and ran off, past Nite and in the opposite direction. They pushed Vergil out of the way as he was walking up to Nite.

“I'm thinking this place has scared the heebie-jeebies out of them.” Nite chuckled.

Vergil and Nite looked at the shadow and found what was casting it. “That plant doesn't look like that other times.” Vergil scowled. As he walked up to it he heard the 'scraping' sound that frightened his brother. Nite walked over while Vergil searched through the leaves.

“Ah!” Vergil said, just as he pulled the 'culprit' from its hiding place.

Vergil held a black cat in his arms. Although, from the look of it, the little bundle of fur was no older than a kitten.
“Aww, one of the cats in the castle must have had kittens a few weeks ago.”

“Really? I didn't even know we had cats,” Vergil replied with astonishment.

“Well, either way, it's always good to keep the mice at a minimum.”Vergil had to ask something that had been bugging him the whole evening. “I know you gave Trish some cosmetics as a gift, what was in the facial pack? Only, you were laughing a few days ago when you kept looking at it?”

“You really want to know?”


“I hear Squirrel semen is pretty useful,” Nite said with a grin. “So I paid someone to make a facial concoction with it. Don't ask me how they did it, I didn't want to know.”

“So, nothing has changed?” Vergil asked, chuckling at Nite's deviousness.

“Absolutely not!” Nite chuckled as she smoothed the kitten down and gave it some kisses, then Vergil placed it down on the floor.
Vergil kissed Nite as they walked away.

What they didn't see was the cat turn into a Shadow, run its claws across the wall, give a huge howl
and disappear into the darkness.

~The End~

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Challenge #2: Crash This Party

-Turn your TV on.
-Pay attention to whatever movie/show/commercial/news report is on (this can be from 2 minutes to however long it takes before inspiration strikes)
-Now have a DMC character crash that movie/show/commercial/news report.

Brief examples:

Commercial: some women are demonstrating the use of some exercise equipment called Ab Rocket. You can see the strain on their face as they try to keep the smile up.
Dante appears from a portal behind the demonstrators eating a cheesy slice of pizza. He walks around like a school teacher scrutinizing them and making some pervy comments. The women attack him. And take his pizza.


Promotion on National News Program: two women talking about some designer clothes hanging on a small clothing rack on stage, and how they're comfortable and affordable and look good.
Trish and Lady round the backstage corner and pounce the clothing rack like there's no tomorrow, pulling out clothes going ooh and 'gross' and whatever. The promoters demand to know what they're doing to which the two devil hunters reply 'shopping, the guy backstage is paying' - and then have the camera pan in to backstage where Dante is being confronted by security staff for not having access to the studio, and his reaction when the promoters slap the bill in his face.

Just ideas. Feel free to add as much gore and demons and fire as you like :)

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Does 2 minutes equal a certain amount of words? (Like in the first Challenge when the sound occurred after 100 words)

:lol: No, I meant 2 minutes of watching whatever is on TV. Some of these commercials are really difficult to actually watch. Just watch long enough to get the gist of the show and formulate an idea. I'd highly advice not to watch any commercial promotion for longer than 2 minutes. Not even if they mention Chuck Norris. It's bad for your health =3


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
:lol: No, I meant 2 minutes of watching whatever is on TV. Some of these commercials are really difficult to actually watch. Just watch long enough to get the gist of the show and formulate an idea. I'd highly advice not to watch any commercial promotion for longer than 2 minutes. Not even if they mention Chuck Norris. It's bad for your health =3

Thanks for explaining that, Although I've been here for five minutes and still not been inspired (and that's with 100 words typed lol)
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