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Has anyone noticed....

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I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
There are no people running or screaming at the sudden appearance of a huge tower....

Did no one look out of their window and think... 'that's wierd, that wasn't there a moment ago..."
Or "Oh my Gawd! my truck is in the side out that house!"

You would've thought someone would've noticed the tower coming up through the ground... or perhaps it happened, just last week and no one pays attention to it.


(It's something i've always thought)


Well-known Member
I've actually thought the same thing! My guess is that in the world of DMC that kind of stuff happens a lot, so no one was that surprised.


Oldschool DMC fan
Yup. It's like the entire city's population vanished (violently) in a short period of time except for the four main characters. There's blood all over the strip club and crashed cars outside but Dante doesn't seem to have noticed, unless it all happened super-quick while he was air guitaring in the shower? Or did time stop for Dante when Arkham wandered in? Surely he'd have heard some kind of ruckus outside. I doubt he'd have sat there eating pizza if people were running about screaming and being dragged away by demons outside his front door.

...Weird demon-summoning stuff.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Perhaps when the Temi-Ni-Gru was summoned, it got rid of everyone except those it chose to stay. Kind of like what Silent Hill does to teleport people to the fog realm. The Temi-Ni-Gru, when summoned, creates another dimension in which only a select few are allowed into. Like, say, those with demonic blood or extremely strong wills.


Enma Katana no Kami
my guess: well did you notice all the deamons outside. they killed everyone nearby before the tower appeard. so all the people freaked out by the giant tower were a few miles away so you don't see them.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
@ Lexy: Exactly. Makes sense, doesn't it? Arkham only needed Vergil, Dante and Lady, so he had the Temi-Ni-Gru place them in "his dimension".


Oldschool DMC fan
Yeah. There's another possibility - that only Dante, Lady, Vergil and Arkham were strong enough to fend off the Hells-type demons running loose everywhere. The Sparda brothers for obvious reasons, Lady because she's well-equipped and does it for a living (or something like that). Arkham would be crafty enough to avoid them, probably. I like your theory though, everything seems to have happened too quickly for it to be a simple case of the demons killing or taking every single other person away so fast.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Can i be brutally honest... i didn't expect to get sensible answers :D
i was feeling very sarcastic when i wrote this. But you've all made excellent points.


Best Super Penguin ^^
Could have been because only 3 characters are necessary for the plot. Or might say, people thought there was just a sudden earthquake occurred in just a matter of seconds and they could pay less attention about it since they were all gathered in just one place, watching no other than but the infamous purple dinosaur, 'Barney' singing: "I love you. You love me. lalala and so on... ." Due to the annoying voice produced by Barney, demons tend to fly away from the said area causing all people very much secured. o_O

But seriously though, I also thought about 'where on earth did people went to?' I've never seen even a glimpse of a shadow of one so maybe the city was abandoned already and the inhabitants living there previously went off to Fortuna.

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Good points by most people here. My guess is that Dante's office and Temen-ni-Gru location is situated in an isolated city, or a dead city, where no one goes around. This may be also to emphasize on gothic setting. It is notable that only in DMC4 and DMC Anime that we see civilians around. Good thread. :D


Red Queen and Blue Rose
My opinion is that teh first demons were hells,right?

They send people to hell for sins.So they sent every one of them to hell,Dante,Lady and Vergil fighted them of.Arkham dodged them.

Logical,isn't it?


Well-known Member
Perhaps when the Temi-Ni-Gru was summoned, it got rid of everyone except those it chose to stay. Kind of like what Silent Hill does to teleport people to the fog realm. The Temi-Ni-Gru, when summoned, creates another dimension in which only a select few are allowed into. Like, say, those with demonic blood or extremely strong wills.
makes sense.


Well-known Member
I think it is jus a question of detail. U can find every corner in temen-ni-gru textured to perfection and enemy AI designs have been the best. Design of 5 bosses and lavish environment is enough work for developers. I dont think developers wanted to add imperfect designs of humans running scared jus to spice up the rise of the tower.

Same was in DMC 4 except for first few interludes.I too don't think it was necessary.


Super Penguin Number 2
Well...I've noticed that when you get to higher elevations on the tower, if you look in the distance to see the city at night, some of the lights way off below actually move around. My guess is that those are car-lights or something. The most likely explanation is that not the whole city was attacked, but the surrounding area around Temen-Ni-Gru was attacked and most of the civilians in THAT area were either killed or taken off. Because you've got to think, there isn't a whole OUTSIDE area that Dante travels, and within the time it took the demons to attack him and his shop, other demons could've easily disposed of civilians along the way.

Mr Anderson

gun slinging sword master
i think that dante may have been fighting and eating while everyone was either destroyed by demons or sent to hell or just got outta the city as fast as they could
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