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Well-known Member
A topic has probably been made before but I don't want to bump it.

My favourite game series ever! Talk about it here.


Bio Hazard
Not close to my Fav. but its dang good if ya ask me. I wish I could play my copy of Half Life 2 again, but I lost my CD Key :(

Crimson Red Knight

master of the blade
ive never played it..although ive heard good things about it...i dont even really know that much about it though so im afraid to get it till i know more about it

Crimson Red Knight

master of the blade
well then i need to stop posting here..lol i hate FPS' i have a kind of OCD thing about having to see my character in order to plan out my attacks


Bio Hazard
........I totally forgot about that :O lol. Ok I will say that my earlier post was a load of crap ha. They are the BEST types of games imo. But everyone has to enjoy hack in slashes.


New Member
Since I played the first one, It became one of my must-have game series. Played also Half-Life 2 and the two Episodes that followed.

Nelo Angelo

Dark Knight
Me Personally have got one for my PC but I havent played Half Life 2 properly and because my computer is rubbish I doubt I will unless I get it on PS2 or Xbox360 (if its on any of those not that I can remember it right now)...


I am Joe
Strifer;82460 said:
Will there be a Half Life 3?

yes, that is if they decide not to drag out hl 2 any longer! I mean come on three bloody episodes counting 2. in my book thats taking the pi...oh must remember the rules, thats "extracting the urine".:lol:

SpArDaCaN =/)

will it be weird if the was half-life on the DS?
or if not how about a Hal-Life live action Movie? (for who wil be in it see Black Mesa social group.)

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Whilst normally I'm one for the rule of "Don't Bump Old Threads", with Half Life being my absolute favourite game series, I need to contribute to this.

Half Life is quite possibly the single most influential and revolutionary FPS games of all time, it was one of the first games to feature prominent use of the Havok Physics engine, to make use of real death animation, rather than Ragdoll Physics and at the time, was so far ahead of anything else, it was outstanding.

Half Life 2 and the subsequent episodes were extra greatness to the Half Life franchise, just adding to the superb storytelling, excellent graphics, wonderful level design and enjoyable puzzles, it was a game that not only drew you into the experience, but also made you think before you acted.

It was also a game that brought strategy into play, how much ammo do you have left? Which weapon is appropriate for this situation? Am I better off using my crowbar for now, rather than my guns? And so on.

My only gripe with the game was that the vehicle sections were a pile of arse, and occupying a vehicle at times felt like steering a shopping trolley weighted down by a hippo, but everything else makes up for that one, minor detail, the maps are huge and massively detailed, you're never likely to find a more revolutionary and brilliantly designed game to be honest.

'Nuff said.
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