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funny place names

Demons Destiny

Silenced Vampire
I have just gone downstairs from a break off the computer, and my mum and dad were laughing about funny place names. Well, they were watching the news and it was talking about floods. My dad said they were talking about a certain place. The name was so funny, I decided to make a thread about it.
(the name was t w a t t, its in the sheland islands :lol: )
I have one, my dad told me it because he has been there.
North piddle :lol: :lol: :lol:
If you have anymore tell me :lol:


Lost Soul
Here are a few.

Assloss Ayrshire Scotland
Badgers Mount Kent UK
Batman S.E Turky
Buttzville P.A USA
Crackpot UK
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