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Four years of Meg


Well-known Member
I was gonna wait until Tuesday to do this, but I'm gonna be mega busy, so I'm just doing it now while I have time.

I joined this site four years ago. I never thought I'd say that, but it has been four years. That's incredible. It's hard to believe it's been that long. This site has just been a part of my life for so long I didn't really think about it. Logging on has long since become a habit. I know my activity has been disjointed lately. I've been trying to post more while I have time, but over all my activity level has gone down quite a bit. But the thing is, I still like coming on here. Even if I don't post. Even if I just poke around for a bit and then leave. I still like coming on.

I noticed I've aged out of that enthusiastic, nice, caring member everyone likes *cough* and into the sarcastic veteran who doesn't give much of a sh*t. But that is really a reflection of who I am as a person and how I've changed over the years.

Some might argue that you can't base how someone is in real life by how they act on the Internet. I think that is partially true. You can't make any assumptions based on members you barely know. But members who you've seen around for awhile and actually talk to, you can get a feel for who they are. (Assuming they are being honest. ;))

But even if they aren't honest, everything a person says on the Internet has to come from somewhere. That's one of the things I like about being a long time member. Other long time members can see me grow and change, and I can see them. But not only that, I also have a four year log of things I've written, things I've felt, and opinions I've held. I think that's really special.

That's one of the things I doubt people on forums realize. But it's pretty cool if you do think about it. Makes me wonder what people think of me. Because I certainly have opinions of other members. Most good. ;)

In previous forum anniversary threads, I've said that I look forward to the next year of posting, and that I plan to continue to be around for years yet, but now that it has been years I really need to stop on think how much longer I'm gonna be around. I figure I'll be here until I graduate college, but what then? I know I'll eventually stop posting for one reason or another. I just didn't realize how numbered my days of posting were. Because they are, but I don't know what that number is.

But I do know this: the past four years of DMC.org-ness are filled with memories that no other life experiences can copy or replace. And I look forward to see what the future brings.


Wait, you...changed?

I'm just kidding. I think we're all happy to see you're still around Meg, it's weird when long time members suddenly go m.i.a.
You need to do more threads. I luuuuuv your threads :p


Well-known Member
Wait, you...changed?

I'm just kidding. I think we're all happy to see you're still around Meg, it's weird when long time members suddenly go m.i.a.
You need to do more threads. I luuuuuv your threads :p
Even weirder when long time members go M.I.A only to come back as someone else. :p

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
I can tell you this, we joined around the same year, and you have been an important member of this community Meg, A lot of people from here aprecciate all the things you have done here.

And while i did not joined that topic around that time, do you want a Klondikle Bar?


Pain and pleasure... I've got it all.
I'm not going to lie, i honestly thought that you were going to reveal that you were in fact a hyper intelligent four year old.

That's how my mind works right now.


Well-known Member




The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Here here. Congratulations on making it 4 years. Have you still kept most of your sanity? If so what's the secret because I may need to know. Why we have had our fair share of adventures and encounters over the years. I think we can see how we have grown. I have been here for a fair amount of time so I must of grown right? Even if it is just by a few millimetres. No but seriously with all jokes aside I am pleased for you. In more than likely Dante's words himself, you've done good kid. All that leaves me to say is here's to another (Insert number) years to come :D


Single life for life
Happy 4th anniversary :D
Hopefully your last years are as good if not better than your previous years, since it sounds like you've enjoyed the experience a lot :p

You just made me realise I've been here for just over a year now. I still feel like a nub with all you veterans around xD


Well-known Member
So I just saw this now. Most people would expect me to ignore it, but I've had an awful lot of sh*t happen to me lately, so I'm really not in the mood. Even if I'm late to address it. I really don't know what I did to make you want to troll me in thread after thread. Or why the staff has turned a blind eye. I'm not even gonna bother with reporting you. I'm gonna handle this myself. Because I've had it with you.

You really took the time to look up an old thread just so you could post it here to make me look bad? Or stupid? Or hypocritical? Or all of the above? You really felt the need to dig up how I felt at the time just so you could degrade this thread? Is taking extended breaks from a site due to personal reasons such a bad thing? Apparently to you it is.

That's sad. Like that's really, and I mean really pathetic of you. I mean, who takes the time to look up old threads just so they can post a link to it and laugh at the person who made them? Who does that? A troll. You sir, are ridiculous. I mean *looks at your post again* Pffft!


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