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Found this: 10 signs you play too many video games


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I found this on Yahoo, and thought i would share.

10 signs you play too many games

If you recognise any or all of these telltale giveaways, it could be time to admit that computer games have got a hold on you. Have you considered knitting instead?

More and more people are enjoying computer and videogames lately, and it’s no longer just the kids to blame for putting ‘FIFA’ or ‘Grand Theft Auto’ at the top of the weekly charts. Unlike television or even boxed-set DVD collections however, games have a way of getting under your skin.

To help you identify whether or not you have a potential problem, we’ve compiled a list of the most common side effects of a gaming passion gone too far, by asking other people of course.

1. You can survive on Cola for 24 hours after a new purchase
The thrill of the new combined with fight or flight excitement means that solids are not essential

2. You wear the same haircut as your favourite game hero
This is sheer coincidence. You were always planning to sport a 3 ft tall crew-cut like Colonel Guile

3. You think you could actually be your favourite game hero
Suddenly you are considering joining the TA or practicing the art of Kung Fu… or managing a farm

4. You anticipate a new game more than you eventually play it
Only 18-months to wait for the sequel to the biggest game of 2010, and you’ve already pre-ordered

5. You buy the official guide only to admire the pictures for a week
Player guides seldom become your secret weapon against friends, but at least they look very nice

6. Game rage! Like road rage but your partner walks in front of the TV
You are approaching the final bend or facing your nemesis when suddenly ‘Check out my new shoes’

7. You own several tee-shirts with esoteric game slogans or signs
While out drinking with friends you secretly hope that a t-shirt that says ‘Me > Evil’ makes you look cool

8. Constantly refresh browser window checking for new casual games
Your other coffee-break games are ticking away nicely, now you seek to fall in love all over again

9. Lately you’ve been having nightmares about 7 ft soldiers
The last thing you saw before crawling to bed was a bunch of blokes standing over your lifeless virtual body

10. 4.00am is a good time to call it a night. Unless it’s the weekend
One more try before 11pm, this is a school night. One more try before 12am, this is a school night…

1. Guilty - I haven't drank anything but cola for years
2. Guilty - My hair is a bit like Dante's, and in the rain, a bit like Vergil's
3. Guilty - Vergil is a huge influence, Tonight, I'm gonna stand on the roof
4. Not Guilty.
5. Guilty - Especially DMC3...
6. Not Guilty. Except if my mum disrupts me.
7. Not Guilty- Onlyone with the DMC4 Logo on
8. Not Guilty - Rubbish internet
9. Guilty - I dream of Vergil and a camel, enuff said.
10. GUILTY - Especially with DMC3 SE


Well-known Member
I'm not guilty of any of these. Although 6 made me laugh. I AM guilty of something though. I often rate how close I am to someone on a scale from 1-10 like in Persona 3 and when I feel closer will actually picture the animation from the game.

That's actually sad.

Another one that should be on there is if you pretend like you are talking to your favorite game character. I think everyone on here is guilty of that. :lol:

Nice find, VB. ^_^

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
Only guilty of 2 in a way[It's not my fault that Gin-chan and I have natural perms.It's in our damn genetics!] and 10 but that was during high-school and only one year.Now that I'm at the U I barelly have time after all the cafe meetings,walks,talks and strolls at the peirs with my friends during the night to even think of playing games when I usually return home at 12 or at 1 and forget the times we go out during the night and the next thing we know is that we have to hurry or we'll be late for the lecture.:D

Thought during the holidays I'll do it since I want to saty a bit in bed and so I play a bit.

Good find VB!*Thumbs up!*


Entertain me.
1. false. i need junk food more than i need liquid.

2. nope, if anything i wish my hair looked more like my favorite film character.

3. .....what? no. just, no.

4. nope. the only game i extensively anticipate is halo, which i play religiously for the years that follow.

5. i've found guides to be an enormous waste of money unless it's a final fantasy... so no.

6. can't say i nerd rage. i do make other people nerd rage with the properly delivered snide comment though ;)

7. can't say i do.

8. web games bore me.

9. my nightmares are much stranger and gross than that. and NOT video game related.

10. only in the summer. 1 is late on a weekday ;)

i guess i don't game too much according to this list... which is a complete lie.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Guilty of none but six. I get really ****ed when people walk in front of the TV as I'm doing something important.


Don't trust people
Guilty of none actually.

A little guilty of six though. When someone disturbs me when I'm playing I usually pause or if it is in a climax (I don't like to pause then) I just tell them "not now". It's just like when someone passes by the TV while I play, I don't get bothered (got the TV in the middle of the living room. xP), but when my mom goes right in front of my line of sight and then decides to stop and watch I get quite angry. >_<
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