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Dark Slayer
OK so I just finished DMC4 on DH (finally)and I just tried it on SoS LMAO! I'm laughing becuase I can't defeat Dante just after the tutorial at the beginning. I mean I got totally owned there.

DH wasn't too bad that is until I reached Mission 20 and found it increasingly difficult to beat Sanctus. Now that I am on SoS I see no way that I can progress. I feel I have gone as far as I can go with DMC4. I just simply don't have the hand skills to do it. Dissappointed doesn't cover it.

DMC4 for me is much harder than DMC3. I kicked a@@ on that.

Let the slating of my crappy DMC4 abilities commence.......


New Member
Devil May Cry 3 is considered as the hardest Devil May Cry, along with DMC1. Devil May Cry 4 isn't near that at all....


Dark Slayer
Not exactly what I meant. In my opinion DMC3 was easier. If the general consensus suggests that DMC4 is easier. Thats cool. I believe different thats all.


New Member
Bosses of DMC4 aren't even compared to DMC3 ones. Berial, Bael & Dagon, Echidna, Angelo Credo, Angelo Agnus, Sanctus, The Savior...They are all easy compared to Cerberus, Beowulf, Nevan, Agni & Rudra, Arkham, Vergil...


Devil May Cry's a Rockin Baby!
I remember not being able to defeat Dante on SOS mode :lol:, I too think DMC4 is harder than 3.


New Member
Devil May Cry 4 is harder than 3....because Dante can't be defeated in a mode....Great way to value a game's overall difficulty level!:lol:


Dark Slayer
All I'm saying is I found DMC4 harder than 3.

As for DMC3 bosses. Vergil and Nevan were the only ones that caused me a few problems.


Dark Slayer
Well I find it difficult utilizing Dantes other weapons for instance. (Lucifer, hate that can't get used to it. Gilgamesh is the same, Pandora is too slow). Compared to the weapons in DMC3 Agni and Rudra were my faves.

I find it quite easy to get overwhelmed by baddies in DMC4. Thus getting pummeled. Probably because I am out of practice. I havn't touched a DMC game for donkeys years.

Obviously it tends to get worse as you progress through the difficulties.

Of course I am going to get slated for this. But please keep in mind this is my opinion. It's just how I find it.


New Member
Logan;92555 said:
Well I find it difficult utilizing Dantes other weapons for instance. (Lucifer, hate that can't get used to it. Gilgamesh is the same, Pandora is too slow). Compared to the weapons in DMC3 Agni and Rudra were my faves.

I find it quite easy to get overwhelmed by baddies in DMC4. Thus getting pummeled. Probably because I am out of practice. I havn't touched a DMC game for donkeys years.

Obviously it tends to get worse as you progress through the difficulties.

Of course I am going to get slated for this. But please keep in mind this is my opinion. It's just how I find it.

This is a comparison between Devil May Cry 3 and 4.


- All weapons are used
- Style changing in-action
- Nero's Buster Techniques
- Less tough enemies and bosses


- Two weapons only
- Style changing through Divinity Statues
- Tougher enemies and bosses
- Challenging Bloody Palace and Difficulties....

It's obvious which game is hard.


DMC4 Dante could be the easiest boss battle in the game because the way he was design, is you could do loop attack on him and he will fall for it every single time. He doesn't DT or use all his moves in a proper way. He will counter with stinger every time you miss him with an attack or he dodges it and this makes him so predictable. He is 5x easier then Vergil3 DMC3. DMC4 was just about as easy as DMC2(yes i said it). I don't even have to DT to kill the DMC4 bosses but DMC3 its a different story. Also the DB is a cheap and overpowered weapon but its fun lol.


New Member
Zato-OW;92558 said:
DMC4 Dante could be the easiest boss battle in the game because the way he was design, is you could do loop attack on him and he will fall for it every single time. He doesn't DT or use all his moves in a proper way. He will counter with stinger every time you miss him with an attack or he dodges it and this makes him so predictable. He is 5x easier then Vergil3 DMC3. DMC4 was just about as easy as DMC2(yes i said it). I don't even have to DT to kill the DMC4 bosses but DMC3 its a different story. Also the DB is a cheap and overpowered weapon but its fun lol.

Exactly. I really don't see where Devil May Cry 4 was hard...:dry:


Devil May Cry's a Rockin Baby!
Logan;92553 said:
All I'm saying is I found DMC4 harder than 3.

As for DMC3 bosses. Vergil and Nevan were the only ones that caused me a few problems.

:lol: me too.


Well-known Member
Dante Aseroth;92554 said:
What are the arguments in which you find Devil May Cry 4 harder than 3?! Would gladly hear!^_^

i found DMC4 to be way harder than DMC3! partly because both my hands were severed just after finishing DMC3 and now i have to play DMC4 with stumps!

True story!


New Member
evilweevle;92590 said:
i found DMC4 to be way harder than DMC3! partly because both my hands were severed just after finishing DMC3 and now i have to play DMC4 with stumps!

True story!

Can't believe people still say Devil May Cry 4 is way harder than 3.:lol:


Well-known Member
Dante Aseroth;92633 said:
Can't believe people still say Devil May Cry 4 is way harder than 3.:lol:

no i agree i think DMC3 is harder than DMC4 i just think that whether you find a game hard or not is down to personal stuff and cannot be explained scientifically, granted it is unusual as they both play the same but it doesnt make them wrong.

i recently tried DMC3 again and got my **** handed to me on the very hard setting, even after 100% DMC4
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