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Final Fantasy Questions!!.

Evil Nero

Well-known Member
1. Will They advance on the FF8 story like they did with FF7?
I for one would think it would bring in a lot of money for them!

2.Cloud Vs Squall
what do you think?

3. Fave FF weapon?
Siefer from FF8's gunblade


The Oncoming Storm
1. I doubt it. FFVII was the flagship FF title for the next generation of gaming when it was released. I don't think any FF since has surpassed it in terms of the character's backstories and the way they react to what happens in the story. No story has been better either.

2. Cloud. Squall was too close to the "silent protagonist" type of character seen in games like Breath of Fire and the Shin Megami Tensei games, whereas Cloud had a lot to say and an absolute ton to deal with (imagine finding out you were created and having to deal with that).

3. Very difficult to choose, though mine would definitely be a sword. Probably the Buster Sword.


New Member
1. They will remake a version of FFV to the PS3.

2. Cloud will probably win.

3. My fave weapon is Tidus's Cadabolg in FFX.


Fearfully and wonderfully made
1. It'd be cool if they did make a continuation of the FF8 storyline, however I'd rather they did something with FF9 first. In my opinion: FF7 > FF9 > FF8. I still love FF8, though!

2. Cloud Strife, probably.

3. Either the Ultima Weapon of Lion Heart (probably the Lion Heart since I enjoyed researching into it and finding all the necessary items to forge it)

Bringerofchaos;101968 said:
No, because all other Final Fantasies suck in comparison to FF7.^_^
Haha! Good answer! I was totally going to reply with that if you hadn't. :lol:

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
1.It depends.But seeing how the story concludes,it is almost impossible to see the sequel or prequel for Final Fantasy VIII.It would be better if they just remake FFVIII with voice actors,include MP System,and etc.Final Fantasy IX remake is good too.:)

2.Probably Cloud.Seeing his First Tsurugi is formed by 6 swords which are different.His attitude is a bit cooler to me.And he has a lot of skills and strength to wield that heavy Buster Sword,not to mention the 6 swords to form First Tsurugi.

3.Rapier (Genesis Rhapsodos's signature weapon.)


Cursed Girl
1. they didn't announce anything about FF VIII and i doubt that they will make anything new with it

2. cloud would be all like "this battle has no meaning..." and squall "whatever..." :lol:

3.In FF XII there was this one huge beautiful sword i don't remember it's name tho

Evil Nero

Well-known Member
one more question..
do you lot find this odd aswell?
eiko of FF9 .. look at her image ..
Am i the only one that finds this disturbing aswell?


Give Me More...
You probably clicked the 'post reply' more than once. Final Fantasy 8 isn't my favorite, or one I particularly like, so I'm not fussed about a remake.

Angel Valentine

[ It Penetrates ]
You probably clicked the 'post reply' more than once. Final Fantasy 8 isn't my favorite, or one I particularly like, so I'm not fussed about a remake.
Actually I figured out what happened xD I tried to reply but told me I had to wait 19 secs before I could post again, so then I did but it wasn't loading at all, just said 'done' and I hit 'refresh' on the page which never seems to work so I'm not sure why I did it %D Oh well.

I don't like FFVIII at all, but then there's the Seifer fangirl in me that rears it's ugly head. ^^;;


The Oncoming Storm
I remember really looking forward to FFVIII. I also remember being really disapointed when I played it. I liked the GFs but I hated the drawing magic and junctioning system.

It's a good game, but I really have to psyche myself up to play it. Seifer's gunblade looks better than Squall's too.

Bad Wolf

32 flavors and then some
Trish67;102921 said:
im playing ff8 and im stuck

Where are you stuck, hun? I've played through it a few times, so I kinda know my way around. :lol:

...and it seems that I'm the only one here who actually liked it. o_o I guess maybe because it was the first one I played, so it has special place in my heart? Heh. :p


Bad a$$ Gunslinger
i sent u a profile message...but mine as well say it here too.
i'm stuck when u go into the second dream sequence.....
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