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Final fantasy periodic table!


Don't trust people
I found this on the gamefaqs dissidia final fantasy board. THIS IS EPIC!


Don't trust people
Same for me. It is awesome to the maximum, this is why I look the Gamefaq's Dissidia board, they got LOADS of FF stuff and jokes. It's so great to take a look all the time. Like a lurker.


Devilicious Devi
Oh wow, and the element symbols each represent the first 1-2 letters of the character name? o_O
Like Cl - Cloud, Rn - Reno, right?


Dante enthusiast!
Brilliant, I'm gonna print this out and put in on the wall at work - everybody already thanks I'm crazy, so why not?!


Don't trust people
Why not? It won't hurt anybody, and I would love to see a periodic FF table when I'm at work.


Dante enthusiast!
Yeah :D I keep staring at it and trying to guess which game each character is from. I haven't played them all (I've played 7 onwards and that was years ago) So it's quite fun having a guess - I should be doing work tho - nevermind :D


Don't trust people
I know most of them... If I cared enough maybe I would write a list... Wait, someone already have done that! Gotta find that thread!

Edit Tide: Found it, here:

1. H (Hyrogen) = Princess Hilda (II)
2. He (Helium) = Heidegger (VII)
3. Li (Lithium) = Lightning (XIII)
4. Be (Beryllium) = Black Belt (I)
5. B (Boron) = Bartz (V)
6. C (Carbon) = Cidolfus (XII) / Cyan (VI)
7. N (Nitrogen) = NORG (VIII)
8. O (Oxygen) = Odin (various)
9. F (Fluorine) = Fighter (I)
10. Ne (Neon) = Necron (IX)
11. Na (Sodium) = Nanaki [Red XIII] (VII)
12. Mg (Magnesium) = Mog (VI)
13. Al (Aluminum) = Prince Alus (III)
14. Si (Silicon) = Siren (various)
15. P (Phosphorus) = Propagator (VIII)
16. S (Sulfur) = Squall (VIII) / Shiva (various)
17. Cl (Chlorine) = Cloud (VII)
18. Ar (Argon) = Aria (III)
19. K (Potassium) = Kain (IV)
20. Ca (Calcium) = Cactuar (various)
21. Sc (Scandium) = Scarlet (VII)
22. Ti (Titanium) = Tidus (X)
23. V (Vanadium) = Vaan (XII)
24. Cr (Chromium) = Carbuncle (various)
25. Mn (Manganese) = Minwu (II)
26. Fe (Iron) = Freya (IX)
27. Co (Cobalt) = Chocobo (various)
28. Ni (Nickel) = Knights of the Round (VII)
29. Cu (Copper) = Kuja (IX)
30. Zn (Zinc) = Zidane (IX) / Xande (III)
31. Ga (Gallium) = Garnet (IX)
32. Ge (Germanium) = Gestahl (VI)
33. As (Arsenic) = Astos (I)
34. Se (Selenium) = Sephiroth (VII)
35. Br (Bromine) = Borghen (II)
36. Kr (Krypton) = Krile
37. Rb (Rubidium) = Ruby WEAPON (VII)
38. Sr (strontium) = Serah (III)
39. Y (Yttrium) = Yuna (X)
40. Zr (Zirconium) = Zeromus (IV)
41. Nb (Niobium) = Neo Bahamut (VII)
42. Mo (Molybdenum) = Mobile Type 8 (VIII)
43. Tc (Technetium) = Lenna Tycoon (V)
44. Ru (Ruthenium) = Rikku (X)
45. Rh (Rhodium) = Ricard Highwind (II)
46. Pd (Palladium) = Pandemona (VIII)
47. Ag (Silver) = Aerith Gainsborough (VII)
48. Cd (Cadmium) = Cloud of Darkness (III) / Cidolfus (XII)
49. In (Indium) = Ingus (III)
50. Sn (Tin) = Snow (XIII)
51. Sb (Antimony) = Sabin (VI)
52. Te (Tellurium) = Terrato [Midgardsormr] (various)
53. I (Iodine) = Ifrit (various)
54. Xe (Xenon) = Exdeath (V)
55. Cs (Caesium) = Caith Sith (VII)
56. Ba (Barium) = Barret (VII)
57. La (Lanthanum) = Leviathan (II)
58. Ce (Cerium) = Cecil (IV)
59. Pr (Praseodymium) = Promathia (XI)
60. Nd (Neodymium) = Alexander (various)
61. Pm (Promethium) = Porom (IV)
62. Sm (Samarium) = Seymour (X)
63. Eu (Europium) = Yuffie (VII)
64. Gd (Gadolinium) = Garland (I)
65. Tb (Terbium) = Terra Branford (VI)
66. Dy (Dysprosium) = Rydia (IV)
67. Ho (Holium) = Hojo (VII)
68. Er (Erbium) = Edgar Roni Figaro (VI)
69. Tm (Thullium) = Tiamat (various)
70. Yb (Ytterbium) = Yojimbo (X)
71. Lu (Lutetium) = Lulu (X)
72. Hf (Hafnium) = Josef (II)
73. Ta (Lutetium) = Tellah (IV) / Tifa Lockhart (VII)
74. W (Tungsten) = White Mage (I)
75. Re (Rhenium) = Relm (VI)
76. Os (Osmium) = Chaos (I)
77. Ir (Iridium) = Irvine (VIII)
78. Pt (Platinum) = Prince Trion (XI)
79. Au (Gold) = Auron (X)
80. Hg (Mercury) = Galuf H. Baldesion (V)
81. Tl (Thallium) = Tifa Lockhart (VII) / Tellah (IV)
82. Pb (Lead) = Puck of Burmecia (IX)
83. Bi (Bismuth) = Biran Ronso (X)
84. Po (Polonium) = Penelo (XII)
85. At (Astatine) = Atomos (IX)
86. Rn (Radon) = Reno (VII)
87. Fr (Francium) = Firion (II)
88. Ra (Radium) = Ramuh (various)
89. Ac (Actinium) = Arc (III)
90. Th (Thorium) = Thief (I)
91. Pa (Protactinium) = Palom (IV)
92. U (Uranium) = Unei (III)
93. Np (Neptunium) = Phoenix (V)
94. Pu (Plutonium) = PuPu (VIII)
95. Am (Americium) = Amarant Coral (IX)
96. Cm (Curium) = Edward Chris von Muir (IV)
97. Bk (Berkelium) = Black Mage (I)
98. Cf (Californium) = Kefka [Cefca] (VI)
99. Es (Einsteinium = Celes Chere (VI)
100. Fm (Fermium) = Fran (XII)
101. Md (Mendelevium) = Mid (V)
102. No (Nobelium) = Gabranth [Noah] (XII)
103. Lr (Lawrencium) = Laguna Loire (VIII)
104. Rf (Rutherfodium) = Refia (III)
105. Db (Dubnium) = Diabolos (various)
106. Sg (Seaborgium) = Setzer Gabbiani (VI)
107. Bh (Bohrium) = Bahamut (I)
108. Hs (Hassium) = Hades (VII)
109. Mt (Metnerium) = Matoya (I)
110. Ds (Darmstadtium) = Desch (III)
111. Rg (Roentgenium) = Red Mage (I)
112. Uub (Ununbium) = Rubicant (IV)
113. Uut (Ununtrium) = Ultimecia (VIII)
114. Uuq (Ununquadium) = Unicorn (various)
115. Uut (Ununpentium) = Ultima Weapon (various)
116. UUh (Ununhexium) = Ultima (XII)
117. Uus (Ununseptium) = Ultros (VI)
118. Uuo (Ununoctium) = Umaro (VI)

This is copied from the site the picture came from!!! The things that may be wrong is not my fault! I'm far more perfect to make an error when it comes to final fantasy.


Super Penguin Number 2
Wow, I'm so confused looking at it, but it's awesome none-the-less XD
I can't find Zack Fair though T_T...Zack is my favorite character in FFVII
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