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Favourite DMC game-(why?)

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Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
Number 1 because thats the only one I remember really admiring Dante's character in. After 1 it all kind of went a bit up and down I think it's because he didn't seem invincible in 1 so it made me route for him more. It made me want to get to the end and make Mundus pay for everything he had done. Dante just seemed more human and that made him more of an interesting character in my eyes.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
DMC1. Dante was the most believable he could be in that game, plus the enemy design was awesome, and it was actually hard in a good way instead of being frustratingly so like other DMC games. The gothic design of the cathedral and the surrounding ruins was awesome, and the organic hell is my favorite environment in the entire series, especially the music.


Dante's Lapcat
I'd have to say its a tossup between 1 and 4. Didn't care for 2 much beyond Dante's appearance, and I liked 3 well enough but not as much as 1 and 4. The controls in 1 are so irritating to me, though...

So I guess I'll have to say Devil May Cry 4. Final Answer.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Partially for sentimental reasons. It's the game that got me into Devil May Cry in the first place, although it was an add for DMC3 that had me hooked and desiring to get anything DMC. That picca of Dante had me fall for the series long before I knew anything about it.

But so far, DMC4 is my fave. No competition.


Well-known Member
3. Absolutely 3. The straight forward but awesome story. The cool characters I actually cared about. The all around awesomeness.


Oldschool DMC fan

Story-wise it seems the most well-rounded and engaging to me, theme-wise I reckon it represents everything the series is about the most succinctly...

Character-wise I thought Arkham makes the best antagonist and Vergil the best foil/rival; the characters of Lady and Dante are particularly interesting as they develop and change over the course of the game. Though there's only 4 main characters, they're all important and have motivations that're believeable and comprehensible given their circumstances, and you can care about them...

Like the gameplay and SE. Also prefer DMC on the PS2 to DMC on the XBox or PS3, as I'm just the most comfortable with it...

In terms of the environments, I loved the design and concept of the Temen-Ni-Gru and its guardian demons/Tower of Babel-ish look, and preferred it over Mallet, Dumary or Fortuna. The fact it is summoned into the modern day rather than Dante visiting a normal existing place made it all that more spooky to me (although DMC1 wins in terms of creepy atmosphere and detail)...

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Devil May Cry. :D Devil May Cry 3 (both versions) are my second favourite, then Devil May Cry 4, then the last one is Devil May Cry 2.

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
DMC 1 and 3.Both are.The first was Kamiya's game that spawned the Stylish Action/Extreme Combat genre[Sub category of ACtion games] and had an excellent Dante.DMC3 was,like BASARA 1 and 2,Koba's ferawell gifts to Kamiya and proof that not only he can carry on the legacy but make it better...too bad that sentiment died along the way though and he became a troll...also it's the game that hooked me to the DMC series for good.


Enma Katana no Kami
my favorite is DMC3: SE. ( i like DMC1 more than the original version of DMC3 but the rebalanced difficulty and added features make the SE version better than DMC1)


Loveless Hero
#3. probably one of the hardest ones and it was just all arround good with storyline, graphics, and character development.

King of Hell

Must Die
DMC1, the reasons:
- enemy design
- enemy moveset
- environment
- theme
- perfect difficulty progression
- DMD didn't try to raise the enemy's health while lowering yours only, but they give the enemies bigger moveset, access to their invincible DT mode, & different placement of every single enemy
- real DT, instead of just raising your stats
- not having a mission select screen contributed to the creepy & difficult feel of the game
- Secret Missions themselves
- Secret Missions placements were actually "secret"
- memorable weapons, like Nightmare Beta
- the coolest pause screen in a DMC game
- Dante was believable, AND he was badass

I don't feel like I need to add more, so I delivered my point.


Well-known Member
I shot four more times and have only 1 or 2 missions left in DMC 1 and DMC third date, I had the most fun with this game I can not really explain why, it just perfect balance, a decent story and the fight against just feels perfect.

~Yamato slasher~

"Die" = vergil
DMC 3 SE without a doubt
the replay ability in this game is overwhelming.

btw i never played DMC2 and i guess everyone knows the reason.


Mmm-hmm.....so what were we talking about again?
i like DMC 3. because dmc 2 didn't do too well for me.

dmc 1 was great and all............but DMC 3 was my all time favorite.

there will never be another dmc that will hold a light to it.

i like dmc 3 not because vergil and etc....

i love the game play. i like how the cutscenes were very well done despite the fact that the japanese made dante kind of cheesy.

i just love the setting and the effect and the time that the developers put into dmc 3. as a prequel it is very good and interesting.

dmc 4 was rushed and dante looked like a goofball (but still admirable) and nero was not needed. damn you kobayashi or whatever your name is.
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