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Favorite stories


Well-known Member
What are your favorite video game stories? :D

Mine are:

1. Bioshock
2. Persona 3
3. Bioshock Infinite
4. Spec Ops: The Line

Also, what do you like to see in a game story? What makes it good to you? :D


Well-known Member
I liked Legacy of Kain Blood Omen
I also like Anarchy Reigns, link to all cutscenes + dialogue involve in story : here(u shud check it out)

I also like Dante's story, people say "His character is so underdeveloped", but what i saw in Dante is a guy who lost his family, and he goes around in world like Hatake Kakashi from Naruto
Hatake Kakashi lived a solitary life until a point, even after meeting Sasuke and Naruto. His two friends had died and because of it he shut out his heart from getting attatched to other people.
Not saying Dante did that, but he was definetly as sad as Kakashi

Alan Wake, such fun story

What i like in stories:
Good dialogues (Legacy of Kain)
Subtle or asks you to read between lines or solve a riddle (Alan Wake ending: "It's not a lake, it's an ocean")

Consistency in characters and storyline
Awesome looking cutscenes
Also i demand logic to be incorporated or else the story will look comical. This looked awesome but was flawed (can you see the flaw?)

And i like the story presentation to use good techniques to convey vibes. For instance 4:50-4:59 was well done.

Also good voice actors and music is very important.

Here is Anarchy Reigns impressing me ALOT (really great story telling in my opinion)

First watch this: Stela's death
and then this:
Baron/Jack "You quit smoking?"

The voice actor for Baron (pimp guy) is excellent.


Devil hunter in training
No particular order. I like then all equally^_^
  • All Legacy of Kain games
  • Bioshock Infinite
  • Bioshock
  • DmC
  • Final Fnatsy VII, X, XII, XIII-2
  • Devil may cry 3
  • Enslaved
  • Mass effect trilogy
  • All Uncharted games
  • Kingdom hearts II


Fake Geek Girl.
Video game stories that have stuck with me huh? I am at times a bit of a story hound. I love an interactive experience that really gets you even more engrossed in the experience with an interesting narrative. Some that really stuck would have to be these when I think about it.

Shadow of The Colossus- It was simple but also so very epic. Wanderer trying to bring back the love of his life completing a quest of unimaginable proportions. The journey felt epic and literally grand in scale when you first saw the Colossus. I remember seeing it for the first time I was like "You want me to kill that?!" In the end it was a choice that wasn't the greatest. Some would say maybe more selfish than anything. Genocide for the sake of his own personal happiness.

Metal Gear Solid- This is a game that truly blew my mind the first time I played it. It was unlike anything else out there at the time and it still is unlike anything else. Arguably the game that really set a new standard for video games in general. It was bat sh!t insane. It was epic. It had great characters. One of the greatest boss fights of all time. Truly in a league of its own.

Silent Hill 2- Silent Hill 2 is one of the greatest survival horror games ever made. This was the guilt trip from hell you never forget.

Red Dead Redemption- RDR is one of the few games of the current generation that is truly a modern classic. The story was flat out amazing. John Marston, an outlaw trying to walk away from that bad life he lead for the sake of his family thrust back in to it to save his family and kill the men he once called friends. Then, an ending that really tugs at the heart. Rockstar is truly amazing when it comes to story telling. Probably won't be the last I mention them here.

Portal- Portal was fun. It introduced one of my favorite video game characters ever. Glados. I love Portal.

Psychonauts- This game was like a great cartoon. It has interesting and fun characters with also a pretty fun premise. This game was also pretty damn funny. Psychonauts is one of the greats. Play it if you haven't.

Grim Fandango- From the creator of Psychonauts you played basically the Grim Reaper but he was a travel agent who helped book people's trip to the afterlife. Really funny and an adventure game great.

The Walking Dead- What hasn't been said already about The Walking Feels?

Final Fantasy 10- First off, I'm not a big RPG gamer. I'm not too big in to the Final Fantasy series but I do admire it to an extent. I don't care what anyone says, FF10 was the FF game that got me so engrossed in to the experience it's one of my favorite games of all time. Say what you want about Tidus and how he's annoying. That's kinda true but, that doesn't change the fact it was probably the last actually good Final Fantasy with an organic and well done story. I pretend FF 10-2 doesn't exist though.

Journey- It isn't so much a story but one giant metaphor wrapped in a package that is a beautiful game that can definitely prove video games can also be considered an art form. Journey, a game unlike anything I've ever played.

Grand Theft Auto (Vice City, San Andreas)- These were some really great stories with entertaining characters. Really capturing the crime drama the right way. Rockstar is one of the best story tellers in the biz and also have great games with it to boot.

There's probably some more I can think of but I'll cut my list short.


Praise the Sun!
Freaking Rule of Rose and Silent Hill 2 with all that symbolism in everything
Resident evil 2 its cheesy but fun to play through
Hotel Dusk Room 215 which is devastatingly underrated and all the characters are relate able
Xenoblade Chronicles because mechs
and Dot Hack


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Prototype and Prototype 2
The story for me was really interesting as Alex Mercer tries to find out what he truly is and why he turned into the monster of a man who can create weapons and see the memories of people he consumed and killed. When he does finally find the answer that he's not Alex, but a Virus that takes the form of Alex Mercer with his memories and emotions, he starts to actually go a bit insane in the second game and recreate the world by killing off humans. Of course he also infects James Heller to ask him to help destroy Black watch, the people responsible for Alex's transformation and the outbreak of infected. But James catches on and decides to hunt and kill Alex Mercer in order to save his daughter an the city as well. The story really puts a big question on a person's true humanity and gives a very entertaining cast of characters as well. Plus the sheer free for all in killing people and infected is almost too fun to deny.​
Assassin's Creed II
Assassin's Creed II was my first Xbox 360 game as it follows the story of Ezio Duditore Da Firenze, an Italian man of the 14th century who witnessed the death of his father and twin brothers by a ruthless cult of Templars who planed on world domination. Now it was up to Ezio to done the Assassin's white robes and wrist blades to kill the Templar order and save Italy from their twisted plans. I really enjoyed AC2's style, music, setting, and all around story telling along with its gameplay. It definitely has the title of best AC game all around in my book.​
Persona 4
Persona 4 in my opinion had a very cool and slice of life/adventure story as it follows an silent protaganist (Yu Narukami as I like calling him) and him moving to a quiet little town called Inaba, where he meets friends and has a normal life...until his television tried to eat him. Since then strange things have occurred from a corpse on a TV poll to strange disappearances all over Inaba. Yu and his friends are now on the case as they travel into a strange alternate world where they must use their ultimate beings called "Personas" to defeat the darkness that covers the alternate world and save the human realm from falling into chaos. I've not played the game yet but I have seen cutscenes and gameplay walkthroughs and I must say its very unique and greatly detailed in a lot of elements.​
DmC: Devil may Cry
Now I know how "controversy" the game is, but I just love the story. For those who don't know (and obviously you all do) I'll just explain it; The story follows Dante, a young rebellious individual who enjoys pizza eating, drinking, and having casual sex with strippers and whores. However he also has a darker secret going on with him; he can see and fight demons. He uses a trusty sword and twin pistols to kill and destroy his demon foes from killing him. But one day, he meets a girl named Kat who invites him to take part in an organization called "The Order" who's sole purpose is to destroy the demons once and for all while the leader, Vergil runs it who is also Dante's long lost twin brother. Now Dante must defeat the demons with the order in order to take down the demon king Mundus and save humanity from the demon's grip. While going through all this, Dante must also come to terms with his true power and accept his true nature as Nephilim; a hybrid of Angel and Demon. This story was unique compared to the other DMC's of the series and I really did enjoy it. It had a cool level setting and its gameplay was a unique spin on the series but still keeping what made DMC cool.​
No More Heroes
It was one of the most crazy and hilarious games I've seen. It's a story about Travis Touchdown, a man who's out of money and needs it fast. So what other way to make quick money then to be an assassin. However, he then gets caught up in an insidious game created by the United Assassins Association, or UAA where he'll have to kill all the top ranked assassin's in order to be number one, where both money and a promised good time with the head director Sylvia Crystals was waiting for him at the top. It's definitely a game that doesn't bore you that easily. With its fun characters, straight forward plot, and hacking and slashing, it's definitely a good one.​
Lollipop Chainsaw
This crazy game is about Juliet Starling, a teenage cheerleader who just turned 18. However her birthday is filled not with cake and balloons but blood and dismemberment. On her very way to school, she comes in counter with a horde of zombies that threaten the entire school to get infected and become zombie slaves. And then there's the zombie leaders who control different parts of San Romero school and the very city as well. Now it's up to Juliet, and her decapitated living headed boyfriend, Nick to kill all the zombies with her customized chainsaw and her zombie hunting bloodline and save humanity from eternal enslavement form the zombie new world. No big deal. I really enjoyed this game for its comedy, action, and music choices. It may not be the best Suda 51 game, but it's certainly the biggest one to leave an impression.​
Kingdom Hearts 1
This is still the best one to me. The story is about a young boy named Sora who lived on an island with Riku, and Kairi. They all wanted to escape the watery prison of an island and go out to sea to see other worlds that could be out there. They get their wish, but in a bad way when the island is being destroyed in darkness and dark creatures appear. Riku escapes by excepting the darkness, while Kairi is taken away and vanishes from Sora. However Sora was also able to escape and wound up in a sleepy town where he meets two guardians of the King of Disney castle Donald the wizard, and Goofy the guard. Sora must now travel with these two and fight the darkness with a magical key sized sword called the keyblade and travel to different Disney worlds to find Sora's friends and save the worlds from darkness. KH1 to me was the best out of all the KH games. It had that great character development, and the walk down memory lane of all my favorite Disney characters is something that I enjoy. Along with its gameplay KH as a whole is a very complex story that is hard to follow if you haven't played all the games, but once you do, you'll be happy you did.​


Well-known Member
It sucks that it didn't get a third game.:(
What happened?

I played 2 only, but big fan of Alex Mercer.

I doubt he died. He got killed so easily.

+ Prototype mutation is tied to virus. So if Mercer lived inside Heller as a virus, EASILY potential for him to return, taking over Hellers body.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
What happened?

I played 2 only, but big fan of Alex Mercer.

I doubt he died. He got killed so easily.

+ Prototype mutation is tied to virus. So if Mercer lived inside Heller as a virus, EASILY potential for him to return, taking over Hellers body.

Nope. Apparently he's dead.:(
He's the Vergil of Prototype. No one wants to believe he's dead.


"Waiting for one's arrival."
My favorite gaming series and story:

My favorite gaming series and story. Engaging characters and events backed up by an epic score. What else could I ask for? Halo has always held a special place within my heart, the characters have captured my heart.​


"Plough the lilies"
1. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - It's really nice to see a character who actually got a great characterization in a Castlevania game and also having an epic journey in the story. The story is basically about Gabriel belmont, a knight of the brotherhood of light who seeks to defeat the Lords of Shadow, to free the land from the suffering the lords gave and to revive his dead wife. However, he began to question his beliefs and what is he is fighting for as the Lords of Shadows are originally the ones who created the Brotherhood of Light. Lot of things have happened as the story progress and so as to his fall from grace. From a brave heroic knight to a greater evil that mankind have never seen before.

2. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Although, the story has it's flaws to me this is nothing but a classic. Flawed but a classic. The Main character is interesting as he deals with the conflict of killing his own father for the sake of mankind whom killed his mother. YEEEEAHHHHH!

3. Assassin's Creed 2 - Storytelling is great and Ezio probably is one of the most dynamic character in gaming. The execution of a playboy turned into an assassin who experienced the harshness of life is extremely done well. I mean "Extremely". Kudos for the writer or is he/she the same guy who milks the story? *cough Assassin's creed 3 cough*

4. GTA San andreas - I don't care what anyone says. This is probably the best game in PS2 and the best GTA Rockstar has to offer. Not only with gameplay but in the story and characterization department. Carl Johnson is my nigga and his story from a simple gangsta to a billionaire then getting his revenge is simply compelling to me.

5. Devil may cry 3 - Yeah, i know lots of people says that DMC 3 story is a copy from Inuyasha. Well, good thing i have never seen Inuyasha before playing this game. Kikyo tempts me to watch it though.


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
I'm not very fond of story focused games but there are some that I like. Mostly because their gameplay made me care.

-Resident Evil 2 & 4
-Mass Effect 1
-All Uncharted games
-Halo 1,2 and 3 (all games after them were utter crap)
-Batman Arkham Asylum/City
-Metal Gear Solid 3
-Quake 2 & 4


Lord Cheesington
Doesn't seem that dead if you ask me. And he was calm even when Heller cut halfof his arms off.

Didn't Heller consume Mercer? The typical 'the one who was consumed overpowers the consumer' ploy could happen.

Persona 3/4
FF Crisis Core
Arkham City
Bioshock series
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