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Fantasy Wishlist


Supporter 2014
Um... this is all sort of delusional I know, but there's nothing wrong with a few air castles every now and then right?

What is it that you wish for? What do you want that would be impossible to have? What would you like to have that's just out of your reach?



I would like... a colony on Mars.




A powersuit exoskeleton.


Preferably one that you can use in conjunction with a sword.





A medieval fantasy country. One where you could live off the land, visit castles, but still leave at any time in case you ever want (or need) to.

They have something like that in "The Quest" reality show, but I personally would really like something a bit more... individualistic (for a lack of a better word).




The problem is, that unless you're using some sort of modern technology, it's almost impossible to use "magic" in the fantastical sense of the word.

So, unless someone came up with something, the mage class would be almost impossible to "portray" alongside the archetypal "warrior" and "rogue" classes.

It would more or less be four or five basic classes at the most -- maybe a few more if you count "royalty."


Note that I said, "classes" not "jobs" or "trades" -- besides, not everyone wants to be a merchant or a priest. Tailors, blacksmiths, and shoemakers would probably only be there out of basic necessity (and to teach others their trade).

Any "adventurers" out there would have to create and mend their own gear for the most part if they're off exploring.




Something that blends the two together -- a high-tech fantasy world.

Something that's more or less like the Xenoblade Chronicles series or Phantasy Star.



A supercity that's just around the corner. And when I say "around the corner" what I mean is, in a decade or so.

Still, could be worse, right?

Seriously though, I know that we have extremely high-tech cities right now but, it would still be nice to see how much further they can go with this.

Not to mention, there could be more built on the western hemisphere. No one should have to travel to a different country (or state for that matter) just to be able to see one, right?


Finally, I would like to be able to climb, base-jump, and wingsuit-glide all over these places.


Bonus Wish:

It would be nice if everyone could make a living with what they want to do, instead of what they have to do.
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Supporter 2014
Awesome. XD

You're right though. Godzilla is pretty damn cool. :p
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Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
I would love to have immortality and the powers of a vampire with none of the weaknesses sunlight silver and stakes etc and also not have to drink blood or kill , meat could sustain me or else animals blood could if I had to drink blood

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Something I'd like to have but that is impossible to have: DANTE.
Something I'd like to have that's just out of my reach: Reuben's mobile number (for realz)

But seriously.
I'd love to have Dante to myself.
I would love to have the power to paralize my ennemies with my eyes, that would be awesome. The other one would be to move with speed of Light, and the Last one would be being absolutely invincible :sneaky:
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