Fan Dub of Japanese Spider-Man

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Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
Dec 25, 2010
Japanese Spider-Man. We have all heard of it, he is the "spiderman with the megazord. " Well I have taken it upon myself to fandub the series. So how it goes is that I voice all the male characters and my helper “Bubbles” does all the female voices, then I add in the sound effects. Finally I throw in some music and BAM done.
So with that being said please take a moment to check out my Youtube channel, there you can enjoy episodes of “Japanese Spider-Man Abridged!”

This is not a comedy series nor is it a 1 for 1 dub. It is more of an adaptation. (Think Power Rangers compared to Super Sentai) Don’t worry it is closer to the original Japanese than you think Haha.
So far there are (9) episodes on Youtube with more coming in the future. I will update this page as new episodes are uploaded, check back frequently.

This is the Youtube Link to the Playlist:


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Hate to be that guy and self promote myself but... self promotion it is! So for those who don't know I fan dub Japanese Superhero shows on youtube. Japanese Spider-Man is usually my main project, but in this case I fan dubbed a Kamen Rider move. The movie in question is Kamen Rider J from 1994.
So everyone please enjoy this fan adaptation (dub). "Masked Rider The Fan Dub.

@Goldsickle LOL! The pressure is on to make sure that episode lives up to that line now lol.

@lorddemolatron I hope you enjoy my work, I really do.

With that said more Spider-Man episodes will come out. I am just taking a long break. (The MRJ Fan Dub tired me out lol)
So after a long break and many delays here is episode 10 of Japanese Spider-Man Abridged. The Obnoxious Tune, Spider-Man boogie!

Any and all criticism is welcomed.
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Trying to keep a dead thread alive lol. But I have a valid reason for that! Episode 11 is up on Youtube!

For those wondering, this was an actual show created in the 70's by Toei and Marvel. I decided to Fan Dub it because I like the show. That's it.
(To be fair the show is more of an adaption than a 1 to 1 dub but I retain many elements of the original show . Think Gaoranger compared to Wild Force)
The impression this gives me is that: You know how dubs of old 60/70 wuxia movies always seemed off and a bit silly, but it's because they had a genuine love of the material and wanted to share to with the world who otherwise would never see it without living in hong kong or knowing mandarin? That's the vibe I'm getting. Not high quality, but that's not point and who cares because it has its own reasons to watch and enjoy
@Xeroxis That is a fair point. I agree with you, I fully admit that my products are not top tier but gosh darn it, I do love the show to death. Whenever someone watches it I am happy because the world needs more JPN Spider-Man in their lives Haha.

In general news I made another Fan Dub! I was bored lol. SO enjoy some English Masked Rider BLACK/Black RX transformation clips.
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It has been a while but I'm still producing my Spider-Man Fan Dub. I have not released episode 13 yet because I am fan dubbing another Toku show for 1) fun and 2) to play around with my video editor a bit and thus produce even better fan dubs. In the meantime I've released mini dubs in the form of small clips. (Space Sheriff Gavan's first transformation fan dub. Stuff like that for example) to keep my channel alive; and it is working! Lol

So as soon as I am done with my current (episode length) Toku related fan dub I will jump back into Spider-Man (ep 13) So stay tuned and please keep supporting the channel. Please. Lol
I should have the Mods rename this thread as Tokusatsu fan dubs by WolfFistProductions or something... Anywwho! I fan dub Japanese Superhero shows. And this fan dub of Super Robot Red Baron is the newest show dubbed into English. Please enjoy ya'll.
EDIT: The Rights holder blocked the video. That is fair. Sorry folks.
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I am still fan dubbing Japanese Spider-Man but in between episodes I fan dub other Tokusatsu. So in this case I fan dubbed a battle clip from episode 26 of "Kamen Rider Black." So enjoy folks.