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Eyewitness to Hitler Warns Americans...

What do you plan on doing?

  • Buy a gun.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Keep your gun.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Register your gun.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • See something, say something.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Supporter 2014

"Keep your guns. Keep your guns and buy more guns."

  • Hitler was elected with 98% of the vote.
  • Hitler destroyed the existing medical system when he brought a national healthcare plan into being.
  • First, people were forced to register their guns to cut down on crime.
  • Then they were forced to turn them in or risk capital punishment for keeping them.

“In 1938, the media reported that Hitler rode into Austria with tanks and guns and took us over. Not true at all,” she says. “The Austrian people elected Hitler by 98% of the vote by means of the ballot box. Now you might ask how could a Christian nation… elect a monster like Hitler. The truth is at the beginning Hitler didn’t look like or talk like a monster at all. He talked like an American politician.<

“We also had gun registration. All the Austrian people… had guns. But the government said, ‘the guns are very dangerous. Children are playing with guns. Hunting accidents happen and we really have to have total controlled safety. And we had criminals again. And the only way that we can trace the criminal was by the serial number of the gun.’

“So we dutifully went to the police station and we registered our guns. Not long after they said, ‘No, it didn’t help. The only way that we won’t have accidents and crimes [is] you bring the guns to the police station and then we don’t have any crimes anymore and any accidents. And if you don’t do that: capital punishment.’

“So that’s what we did. So dictatorship didn’t happen overnight. It took five years. Gradually, little by little to escalate up to a dictatorship.

“When the people fear the government, that’s tyranny. But when the government fears the people… that’s liberty. Keep your guns. Keep your guns and buy more guns.”






Antonov Uprising [Tambov Rebellion]





Aquaponics Kit - No, I'm not affiliated with them (or anyone else on this list, for that matter), I'm honestly trying to help.




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Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Another interesting point or side to the whole Gun Control debacle.

I can see the NRA twisting this in their favor.

Yeah not a gun person.

If you take away a murderers gun they'll just improvise and use a sword or something. You can't stop a killer from being a killer. A gun is just the most effective way to commit murder.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!

I was going on about how.....well you got a point. Also, in Japan where guns are ultimately banned people get creative and use gas bombs or just stab people.

Can't stop people from being violent and really shouldn't punish everyone for a couple bad eggs otherwise you'll turn more people against you.


Well-known Member
I don't see why people think guns will be banned. It's a constitutional right. No president will ever have the ability to ban guns from the masses.


Devil hunter in training
I don't see why people think guns will be banned. It's a constitutional right. No president will ever have the ability to ban guns from the masses.
It is a right, but it also carries a great responsibility which is why you have to be licensed.

However, the right to bear arms doesn't just refer to firearms. It can be anything used as a weapon to defend yourself. I don't know why people always turn it into a gun issue when the constitution does not specify firearms. At the time the constitution was made, 'arms' included anything from knives to bows and arrows or even pitchforks.

So they could ban firearms, but still uphold the right to bear arms as stated in the constitution because people could still use knives or any other kind of weapon to defend themselves. It would not be a violation of rights at all considering people could still carry knives or any other kind of weapon and use them in self defence.

A firearm ban would also not cancel out the section of right to bear arms amendment stating that it is a recognised right that people should be allowed to defend themselves and the country.

There's a very good page explaining it here:


Hot-blooded God of Guns

Yeah...in China, while gun crime is nearly non-existent, the Triads love hacking people who cross them with hatchets. Sometimes they don't even go for a kill, just to maim.


Devil hunter in training
Yeah...in China, while gun crime is nearly non-existent, the Triads love hacking people who cross them with hatchets. Sometimes they don't even go for a kill, just to maim.
In that kind of situation, a swift killing shot with a gun would be preferable to being hacked to death or attacked to be maimed for life. Either way, should not be happening at all. The best solution would be to ban all weapons. But, you can't ban all weapons because there's always the fear that someone is hiding a big stash of them and will use them when the rest of the world is defenceless. Failing that, if there were no weapons, people could just punch each other to death or something like that. Humanity, by nature, is a very violent species and banning will do nothing to stop that.


Hot-blooded God of Guns
The problem is really just that criminals tend not to obey the laws anyway, so they're gonna have guns either way. In America, guns are rather accessible, but that also means that any responsible gun owner can (and does) protect themselves from criminals.

I totally think that gun restrictions work, as evidenced by many countries that ban them having decently low gun-related problems. However, it just won't work in America, because the country has has accessible firearms for hundreds of years now.

EDIT: To expand on that, it works when a country is just starting out and it's easy to establish that as the paradigm; trying to get people give up what has been such a common part of the paradigm is much more difficult.

It's like on the forum I'm a moderator at, we mostly let the tournament players talk vast amounts of sh!t and overall just be dickholes to each other. When we finally decided to crack down on it and other problems, it was met with a lot of resistance. To a point, it's not even about guns, censorship, or moderation, it's that the people in charge are trying to change what became ingrained in the culture itself.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I learnt enough about Hitler in school... (4+ years)
I'm just wondering, would Hitler have been present at conception or was it a 'turkey baster' job? (I was being serious).

One thing did bother me about him, he wanted a race of 'Aryans' (The perfect race: blonde hair, blue eyes...) would the Aryans have ended up overthrowing him only, in their eyes, he wouldn't have been as 'perfect' as them.

Aren't guns illegal in New York? But still the odd firearm slips through the 'net'.
If carrying a gun is a right, people will defend it.

Mind you, in the UK, we're more worried about the mass influx of Romanians and Bulgarians who will claim all of the benefits possible...:rolleyes:


Supporter 2014
Aren't guns illegal in New York? But still the odd firearm slips through the 'net'.
If carrying a gun is a right, people will defend it.
If you make something illegal, you create a black market. Criminals will always smuggle guns in, no matter what. Most of them don't fear death or prison, especially now in these desperate times.

It does next to nothing to stop the criminals themselves. It only stops responsible law-abiding citizens from having them in the first place.


Oldschool DMC fan
1) Any country that intends to squash an uprising of any kind or fears one will restrict the population access to weapons. It the logical first step. For everything America gets bashed for, at least it doesn't do this.

2) That said, the American people vs the U.S. armed forces in any such uprising? This isn't the days when the right to bear arms was given because carrying guns then was effectively equal to what the government's bodyguard and the military had. Not any more. If there was a civilian revolution do you think numbers, guerrilla tactics, and only basic organization would win out over people trained to kill and with access to much better technology and weapons?

The price of liberty is you can't sit back and enjoy it. You always have to be on guard. By the time you start thinking about using a gun to get it back, you already dropped the ball.

Hitler was a sly one, huh? Always remember "too good to be true" is usually true.


Devil hunter in training
One thing did bother me about him, he wanted a race of 'Aryans' (The perfect race: blonde hair, blue eyes...) would the Aryans have ended up overthrowing him only, in their eyes, he wouldn't have been as 'perfect' as them.
I wonder, why blonde hair and blue eyes? Did he want a race of people to be what he could never be? But, there is a flaw with him wanting all Aryan. If you keep on selectively breeding for those traits, eventually you're going to get a very watered down genetic sampling of the population, maybe even inbreeding between 2nd cousins to carry on getting Aryan children. That just leads to a whole load of problems ranging from haemophilia to schizophrenia. You keep on breeding people with those traits and you're in for a lot of trouble. Besides, that goes against Hitler wanting to breed a master race free of mental and physical disability.

Though I have to say, I don't know why, when someone wants to persuade someone that something is bad, they use Hitler. Yes, he did terrible and disgusting things, but so do all the other dictators and despots, both past and present. There are people just as bad or far worse than Hitler. And what about Mussolini who sided with Hitler during WWII and the Japanese to form the Axis of power? They were just as bad by aiding Hitler.

Mind you, in the UK, we're more worried about the mass influx of Romanians and Bulgarians who will claim all of the benefits possible...:rolleyes:
Where I live, people are freaking out that 'Indians' are coming to our school because the parents have worked very hard and climbed the social ladder. I se no problem with social mobility. These people came here with nothing and worked their way up. They deserve this, not a load of prejudice.
If it's not that, it's worrying about the underclass breeding like rats; ergo chavs, single mothers, people on a low income, people who aren't university educated...the list goes on. :facepalm:

If you make something illegal, you create a black market. Criminals will always smuggle guns in, no matter what. Most of them don't fear death or prison, especially now in these desperate times.
Exactly. It's like when they tried that alcohol ban with prohibition. That did not work at all and created new problems. Alcohol drinking went underground, speakeasy places were opened up to allow it, and the mobs profited and gained more power because they helped the alcohol black market. Banning something outright just doesn't work.

“In 1938, the media reported that Hitler rode into Austria with tanks and guns and took us over. Not true at all,” she says. “The Austrian people elected Hitler by 98% of the vote by means of the ballot box. Now you might ask how could a Christian nation… elect a monster like Hitler. The truth is at the beginning Hitler didn’t look like or talk like a monster at all. He talked like an American politician.<
Have to pull this paragraph apart a bit. I love how it questions 'how a Christian nation' could allow Hitler into power, as if saying that Christians are perfect, good people, or some sort of special group. Christians can be, and are monsters too. Just look at the crusades, the burning at the stake, and the prejudice, hatred and bigotry that has been associated with Christians.

Also, I notice how the paragraph says that Hitler was a monster, but also implies that American politicians are not. That is a lie. All places have monsters and corrupt politicians, even in America. I've heard secret tapes broadcast where American politicians were outright racist, sexist and classist, anti Semitic, and some who support Hitler's eugenics. So to say that American politicians are somehow better than Hitler is a lie.

Also, Hitler was not seen as a monster back then, not at that point in time. He was offering them a solution, he was telling them what they wanted to hear following the financial collapse of WWI. Of course people were going to follow him if he was offering to bring back former greatness to the country. If you've heard any of Hitler's earlier speeches when he was first starting out, you'll see that he is a very powerful and convincing orator. He started off small, appealing to emotions, to the common man, and the idea of making the country great again. Then he gained power and showed his true colours little by little by convincing people that his way was right and in the best interest of the people to accept it. Those that didn't agree were taken by secret police, bribed, bullied or killed.
It wasn't until later that he revealed what he truly was by scapegoating Jewish people and enacting genocide, war, and eugenics. By then it was too late.


Supporter 2014
I love how it questions 'how a Christian nation' could allow Hitler into power, as if saying that Christians are perfect, good people, or some sort of special group. Christians can be, and are monsters too. Just look at the crusades, the burning at the stake, and the prejudice, hatred and bigotry that has been associated with Christians.

Also, I notice how the paragraph says that Hitler was a monster, but also implies that American politicians are not. That is a lie. All places have monsters and corrupt politicians, even in America.
I think what the lady was trying to say was, "moral".

Most people know that Christians are immoral while posing as saintly as a fact, but the consensus is, is that Christians back then were seen as "innocent" back then. But to be fair, it was only back then, and nowadays people are capable of seeing through most people's masks.

Most of them.

There are still many, many, many, people who can't see past the end of their noses. Even people... on this forum who can't see the... obvious solutions.

I won't name names, but I can see how the "Innocent Christian" principle can be applied to other groups of people and how they can fool the masses. It's been done, it's still being done, and will continue to fool them for centuries to come (history is written by the victors and indoctrinated to the public -- it's always been like this).


About the "American Politician" thing.

She didn't mean that they were perfect.

She meant that they were "smooth-talking" and well, once again, able to fool the masses.

Hitler, in the beginning, spoke in that way, and in not the overly aggressive way that most people see in those old videos.

Most early speeches back then weren't filmed, and since Hitler wasn't important enough back then, there would be almost zero proof of him (outside of written documents) talking smoothly to fool the public so that they could vote him into office.

She meant that American politicians were indeed bad (for the most part) -- but did you see what you did there?

Did you notice how when she said, "American", you automatically thought she meant to say, "good"?

Personally, I think you might have been... led into thinking that... "America has it wrong."

Sure, America's politicians are a monstrous lot, but only because the uneducated throngs of the American public put them there.

I, and the minority of private citizens (these people are a mixture of every race, creed, and sexual orientation, so it's a fair community) who see past all that, are making preparations to prevent... such things from coming to pass any longer.

Now, we (those few who see past the indoctrination of the school system (both public and private), government, corporate keynesian fascists, and the media) just have to wait until the time comes.

Once that time arrives, we'll be able to take action.

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