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erm.... many question want to ask

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Well-known Member
I am newbie,just wanna know is monster's health bar can be seen?How?Beside,what is DTE and when did royalguard did its most powerful atk.Thats all,Thanks!


Bad a$$ Gunslinger
the monsters health bars are only shown for the bosses, and royalguard is a style theat is difflicult to master...i never use it.


TimeLord Detective
And DTE = Devil Trigger Explosion. If you have more than 3 DT bars hold the DT button without releasing it and you'll start seeing the DT bar getting consumed. When you release and Dante/Vergil transform, the aura of the transformation will damage the enemies. Use more DT bars for more damage;)

Demons Destiny

Silenced Vampire
He he, I do that all the time :p
I was gonna say that DMC2 has always got health bars for all the demons and bosses you face, apart from that flam bat, nothing comes up on mine and its weird, but I guess you don't need one if they are dead by one shot :D


Lost Soul
I don't remeber DMC2 health bars that good. Haven't played it for a long time. For DMC3 and DMC you can only see the health bars for the bosses.
Actualy did Mundas have a health bar I can't remember?


If you have the lock–on ‘cursor’ active, it shows you in quarters the health of the enemy.


Well-known Member
Not a lot of people seem to remember all of the games had health bars for bosses. Health bars for bosses in the first game were always on top of the player's health bar but are at the bottom center since DMC2.

Royalguard's attack Release is at it's strongest when the bar on the style gauge is lit up completely.

DTE or Devil Trigger Explosion is only executable if you have more than three DT orbs. While holding down the DT button, the extra orbs will glow red. When all maximum orbs are red, release to unleash a devastating explosion of demonic energy as you you transform. To get extra DT orbs, buy the Devil Orbs at the Time Goddess Statues
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