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Erasing a line of separation.


Fake Geek Girl.
When I think about what I'm about to do it really is rather strange because I was the person who never particularly stood up to defend people from Capcom and their choices because of how many times I have been let down by them. Being a Resident Evil and MegaMan fan as well you see how I have every right not to.

Although with the fanboy rage and complaints still running high to ridiculous extents (see the infamous and stupid petition) I believe the initial outlook on the decision of a rebooted Devil May Cry can be shifted even amongst the most die hard of fans if a little reasonable context can be established without being amongst the fanatical flame wars. I'd like the chance to shed some light on to the subject and I believe I am one of you, a Devil May Cry fan. I've been with this series since its inception so I think I know my Devil May Cry. More so than others so let's dive in and shall we hope to erase this line of separation this fanbase has established in the fandom.

That was the trailer that started it all. At first glance it's hard to say that is Devil May Cry and it kind of draws similar comparison to the reaction and manner Resident Evil 4's reveal went through. It's a well constructed teaser that is set to grab the attention of the viewer and I'm pretty sure it succeeds when we find ourselves looking at a young guy chained up in the asylum undergoing a brutal psych evaluation only to shift fighting monsters. Then we hear, "My name is Dante" followed by DmC sealing the deal that this is indeed the next Devil May Cry and the fans made clear very early on they were upset. (Rather nice way to put it though)

My reaction was more so like this because I saw it was Devil May Cry.
(I wanted an excuse to use this scene for a while now.)

Skip ahead bing bam boom to what DmC is today and let's now talk about how this still has the Devil May Cry heart beating inside. First and foremost we're going to analyze Dante.

What was the first thing that clicked with the fanboys to suddenly make them hate him? It's obviously just the lack of white anime hair. Place that haircut on to Dante and I can believe that it's the same Dante at first glance. His overall appearance isn't bad. He's just dressed a little well, normal. The coat for DmC is my personal favorite now. Just because his appearance is a little different it is not enough to condemn it. Because when we look at the way Dante is today to his previous incarnation they are really not drastically different at all. Let's compare Dante to DmC Dante into where it really counts so I can hopefully show how much Dante hasn't changed much at all and it has to be his appearance more than anything else that stems this ongoing debate.


Why does this guy get so much love in the first place? When Dante is actually broken down he doesn't come off as anything too special to even begin with. He's always used some of the most generic anime trends to the most cliche action movie themes out there. Now I can buy characters that do this intentionally but here's the thing with Dante in that context. He isn't the first one to do this. He isn't the last one to do this. He isn't the best one to do this. Mainly because it's the way Devil May Cry has always presented itself which was about being in a way it was never aware of its inconsistency of tones to overall gaming experience to an extent.

When Devil May Cry wants to actually settle for a more serious moment to tell its story it is suddenly killed by a generic cliche trend that ultimately chalks it up as a game that thinks it knows what its doing but doesn't have a full understanding of it. Examples that pull off the good kind of intentional cliche is something like Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness which set out knowing right out of the gate how absurd it can get and embraces it in a death grip that doesn't let go. Devil May Cry can sometimes feel like there were a few people who wanted to stay silly while others wanted to show a little seriousness and in the end had to meet each other halfway.

Don't get me wrong, it's not like this is deal breaker but it kind of shows that maybe Capcom never knew what to do with Devil May Cry if such a shift is made like Devil May Cry to Devil May Cry 2 to then 3. You see a series that doesn't know what to hold on to as it's juggling these concepts it feels the need to try out at least once. Which is why I feel DmC does a better job in establishing the true heart of Devil May Cry with also a distinctive and solid identity more so than its predecessors.

We expect Dante to be cocky. We expect him to be full of himself. We expect him to be over the top and talk smack to demons that are 20 times his size. Dante in DmC does all this. He is pretty much exactly what you expect from Dante but this is a more modernized take on a character that has done his cliches to death and Dante in DmC is actually a more believable character that acts more of like a real person instead of a cartoon stereotype. More people will relate to Dante in DmC like it or not. The goal of the reboot was to breath fresh new life into something that was going stale and it does just what it set out to do.

This is meant to be a reboot and it does exactly what reboots should do. The comparison of DMC to DmC is actually pretty similar to things like The Amazing Spider-Man to Ultimate Spider-Man. Ultimate Spider-Man is meant to be a more modern take on the Spider-Man story that shows the fact that entertainment media evolves and changes with the world. It's true when we hear what works back then doesn't work so much now and this sometimes can yank on our nostalgic heartstrings but it's something we need to learn to accept.

In Ultimate Spider-Man Peter Parker has always been a high school nerd. Thing is what is considered nerdy back when Spider-Man was created in the 60s isn't relatively nerdy today. For a series to have survived so long it has to grow with our everchanging world as well. Which is what Ultimate Spider-Man does. It shows a more modern take on Spidey while still keeping what makes Spider-Man Spider-Man. The future determines the survival of a franchise. Spider-Man appealing to a newer generation which exist is the smart move because in the future if Spider-Man stayed exactly the same then he would be forgotten. I love Ultimate Spider-Man just as much as I love the original series as it still is Spider-Man. The heart of Spider-Man still beats inside this body that may be a little different on the cover. If anyone says any different then they just don't know Spider-Man and will have to answer to this guy.

Enough about Spider-Man though because this is about Devil May Cry. I hope you can see that this "new" Dante actually isn't so new at all and overall this reboot takes the rather unorganized and inconsistent Devil May Cry canon to a more self aware but similar feel. The absurd social satire to such an extent still pays homage to Devil May Cry being over the top and not really taking itself all too seriously while the better voice acting and manner the more serious parts get carry the better weight and when something doesn't give me too much of a particular reason to say right off the bat "don't even try it" I think the obvious winner in the narrative department goes to DmC hands down.

Sure DmC isn't perfect and has missed potential in what it could do with the story but otherwise while the originals can come off as just stupid, nothing more nothing less, we have DmC that seems to know exactly the vision it set out to create. A more modernized version of Dante's tale that still pays homage to the original while introducing a newer generation of audiences to Dante with a game that overall shows to have grown with the world like comic books do. Sure it also has crude moments but it's a M rated game that shouldn't have to apologize for I don't know, having M rated features. I've finished the game to know the content is not done to a ridiculous extent something like the borderline porn Bayonetta does.

It's all in context to the tale being told in DmC. When you look at the originals, they weren't so high class. The girls wore very slutty outfits and were there more so for the purpose of just being eye candy. I facepalmed my head into a wall when someone said DMC had class when it came to any sexual themes in the game. This scene from 4 proves my point and it's utter bullshit how people will want to complain about DmC for that stuff but somehow not want to talk about stuff like this.
The camera angles to her manner of movements are there for one purpose. Eye candy. The guy who I showed this for the counter claim said it was "showing how powerful, flexible, and athletic she is"
Because obviously the only way for us to see that was to get a demonstration that there's probably a martial arts style that's based on the Kamasutra.

I don't have any problem with this kind of stuff because I'm an adult and I've been exposed to this stuff all my life and even of my own free will. It doesn't phase me and I know what I bought. You can't put DMC on the holy platform and can never be touched when we're talking about a series that has never been golden to begin with.

The girl we get in DmC is Kat and she still is very similar to a DMC girl's role but also quite frankly less silly. She plays "straight man" to Dante's absurdity. She's cute and her clothes make her not too bad on the eyes. Only thing is that her clothes are not just there for appealing to some preference or fetish like the other girls had. Trish looked like she was a hooker. Lady was an otaku wet dream. Gloria was Lady Gaga and her strange outfit in its construction was meant to be nothing but sexy in a more fetish sense.

I personally like Kat the best because she's just a normal girl that isn't really strong but has more will and heart in what she does making up for her lack of strength with courage. The human in the middle of this supernatural world she doesn't even add up to. Just suffering through torture by Mundus goes to show that you don't have to be a badass demonslayer to be strong. She's is arguably one of my favorites in the series all together and I'd just wish she was explored more.

Vergil is relatively the same to an extent but also in context to the tale. He's calm and collected but he also has that lust for power and sees humans beneath him. I never liked Vergil to begin with because he was so one dimensional and I don't see Vergil's original motives fully justifying what he does and he's a very boring villain to me. I'm not trying to rustle any jimmies but Vergil was there for the sake of being a boss battle.

So the overall substance which makes the Devil May Cry's identity is still virtually the same here. Do the people against it just refuse to acknowledge that? Also the game is still fun as hell. Action game fans will get their fill just as much as Devil May Cry fans will. It's still fast and furious. You still feel like Dante. It still feels like Devil May Cry and nothing else. The level design and visual art direction and graphics are fantastic. That you can't deny. Limbo really feels like a demonic Salvador Dali came in and started designing the levels. It plays on a surreal identity that it knows it is. Throwing in quite the technical feat. It looks more interesting that the typical fire and brimstone gothic castles that seem to rip on Castlevania to make something actually unique with colors that really pop and sport a flare that you can't take your eyes off of. Limbo is one thing I'm sure everyone can agree, looks really cool.

DmC is another good game in the Devil May Cry series which you will have fun with regardless. That's what I play games for anyway, to have fun. It is better than 2 and 4 and I wouldn't tell you any different if its become your favorite because it really does show a step in the right direction for an aging franchise. My personal favorite is still the original but DmC pushed up to the number 2 spot for me. To say this game is bad makes me think you don't know what bad games are. I can go on about why 4 is such a bad game but I think this guy covers it quite nicely and hilariously, enjoy.

Overall, DmC doesn't really deserve the ridiculous amount of hate it gets and is a nice addition to the Devil May Cry library that sets out and does exactly what it was trying to do. Give a nice fresh take on a old franchise that was going stale whether you want to admit it or not. It should please new and old fans alike and I see where it does as the devil may cry blood is pumping through its veins. I can't make you play it or like it. But at least maybe you can see where I'm coming from when this division shouldn't exist. This reboot kicks just as much demon ass as its predecessors and has more potential than any 5th entry in series pushing 12 years old has any right to.


Well-known Member
ya know the petition was a joke right , and capcom is the worst company in the world and every decision they make is bad (even worse then EA ;O)


Keyser Söze
"it's obviously just the lack of white anime hair. Place that haircut on to Dante and I can believe that it's the same Dante at first glance"


I Hate this silly single-minded mockery of the fans !

What if i tell you're just angry because you just found some silly jokes on DmC and overreacting to it ?

I HATE HATE wherever anyone brings up this "White hair" card bullshit.. its not just about the hair


Well-known Member
"it's obviously just the lack of white anime hair. Place that haircut on to Dante and I can believe that it's the same Dante at first glance"


I Hate this silly single-minded mockery of the fans !

What if i tell you're just angry because you just found some silly jokes on DmC and overreacting to it ?

I HATE HATE wherever anyone brings up this "White hair" card bullshit.. its not just about the hair

i disliked new dante and vergil because their faces were ugly as sin


Keyser Söze
i disliked new dante and vergil because their faces were ugly as sin

Its not just about the cosmetics either.... i can like this dante only if he would shut his filthy mouth for once

The first trailer was a shock but then they just completely made him like a dirtier more sh!t-slurring version of DMC4 dante..

I would've preferred a cloud-emo version of Dante who keeps quiet like DMC 2 Dante


Well-known Member
Its not just about the cosmetics either.... i can like this dante only if he would shut his filthy mouth for once

The first trailer was a shock but then they just completely made him like a dirtier more sh!t-slurring version of DMC4 dante..

I would've preferred a cloud-emo version of Dante who keeps quiet like DMC 2 Dante
some people say he was meant to be obnoxious and unlikable in the first place , in my opinion that was ninja theorys definition of a cool and likable character that went completely wrong

Chibi Dante

Keepin' it Stylish!

"Why does this guy get so much love in the first place? When broken down, Dante isn't that special."

Dante gets love because he's an ICON TO THE GAMING INDUSTRY. Fans flipped shyit because Ninja Theory and Capcom were fu cking with an icon. They have EVERY reason to flip. No, not just the hair. What Dante does, he does it better than anyone else. We love the Devil May Cry games, yes? Guess who makes a DMC experience feel complete? DANTE. DMC was revolutionary. When people think of a hack n' slash champion, Dante immediately comes to mind. It's his cocky, fearless, and over-the-top attitude that sunk into the hearts of gamers everywhere. It's his personality that helped us feel right at home in our demon slaying journeys.

Here you are, praising New Dante like everything about his character is completely original, yet a lot of his character traits have been borrowed from the OLD DANTE. So, what are you trying to say? New Dante isn't all that special too? Don't be hypocritical.

Also, since DMC has gotten stale, that justifies a reboot? The series wasn't even finished FFS. So, if an ESTABLISHED series with a very large fan base has plot holes, the logical thing to do would be to abandon it, and start fresh? LOL! Great thinking, chief. Rebooting DMC may have earned Capcom more fans, but they've lost some in the process. Don't just sit there and pretend that DMC needed a reboot from the very beginning just because DmC turned out to be a good game.

Hell, a creative writer, or someone who enjoys writing fan fictions, could easily explain DMC's potholes while bringing in fresh new ideas/concepts/themes/characters in the process. What makes you think Capcom can't? Everyone who thinks they can't is being either pessimistic or biased simply because they don't like Nero/don't want another game with him/think DMC is dead/think there's no hope left for the series/have a "Out with the old, in with the new" mindset/favor the reboot over the originals. Face it. That's goddamn facts.
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