So, I was messing around with some console commands, and there is one called playersonly that lets you pause everything mid action, and still rotate the camera. It looks really sweet and could be potentially used for taking some sweet DmC Screenshots. Anyway, the effect is better understood in the video. Best part is that the background graphics and effects still keep moving.
1. Go to C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\MyGames\UnrealEngine3\DevilGame\Config\
2. Open DevilInput.ini
3. Add the following under the other bindings line (its past all the regular controls).
Bindings=(Name="F8", Command="playersonly", Alt=False)
You can change the F8 to F1 or whatever F button you like and also turn on requiring Alt to be pressed down. In the case above, you just need to press F8 to pause everything.
4. Save, make the file read only, and you're set. Have fun.
Clear Instructions
*Edit* Administrator is my username, yours will be, well, whatever your user name is.1. Go to C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\MyGames\UnrealEngine3\DevilGame\Config\
2. Open DevilInput.ini
3. Add the following under the other bindings line (its past all the regular controls).
Bindings=(Name="F8", Command="playersonly", Alt=False)
You can change the F8 to F1 or whatever F button you like and also turn on requiring Alt to be pressed down. In the case above, you just need to press F8 to pause everything.
4. Save, make the file read only, and you're set. Have fun.