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English Summary of Devil May Cry Audio Drama Vol. 1


When the going gets tough, the tough get going
For the ones who could be interested on this, I found this little" pearl":( https://www.reddit.com/r/DevilMayCry/comments/9ebek9 )

(28000+ words. A relatively short but still pretty long TL;DR is at the bottom of this post. It spoils the whole story of Drama CD vol.1 so read at your own risk)
Since DMC5 seems to consider the DMC anime canon to an extent (with Morrison being in the trailer), I figured now might be a good time to write a summary / translation of the Devil May Cry audio drama. For those unaware, the audio drama is a short story told by the VAs of the DMC anime.There are vol. 1 and 2 of audio drama and I will be covering vol. 1 in this post (might do vol. 2 if this post gets popular, but who knows). Unfortunately, they were never released outside of Japan and there is no English translation as far as I'm aware. I'm not sure if DMC5 will consider these stories canon, but the audio drama is written by Bingo Morihashi himself (writer for DMC3&4 as well as the Deadly Fortune novels). I wrote dialogue and important bits in bold for easier understanding but as I've never written something like this before, and English isn't my primary language, I apologize if this is hard to read. I will gladly (try to) elaborate if there are parts you didn't understand.
  • The story begins with Patty visiting Dante's office and asking him to take her somewhere nice. Dante refuses, saying he's broke. She asks him about the paycheck for a job he did recently, but he says he hasn't received the money yet but already decided to spend them to repay his debts. Patty, frustrated by how broke Dante is, asks Dante when he is going to clear off his debts. Dante answers, "Probably never."
  • Morrison arrives with the paycheck. Morrison says he's going to get 30% while Dante gets 70% as promised. Dante, however, does not collect his share of paycheck. Morrison jokingly tells him he's going to take the money if Dante doesn't want it. Dante simply responds by saying "Do you remember what date it is today, Morrison?" Morrison understands what Dante implied and apologizes, saying he was too excited in the wake of the job Dante did recently. Dante asks Morrison to bring his share of the money to "him". Morrison refuses but Dante ignores his refusal and leaves the office, saying "I'll be there after hanging out for a bit.", leaving Patty and Morrison in the office.
  • Lady arrives at Devil May Cry. She heard about the job Dante did and came to collect Dante's debt, but Morrison says she can't do that, as the money is already booked for an old friend of Dante's. Lady says she's known Dante for quite some time. Morrison agrees, but says that this guy Enzo has known Dante for even longer. Patty shakes her head at how hopeless Dante is, owing money to such an old friend. Morrison laughs and asks her to forgive Dante because there is a reason for his debts that is very unlike him. Curious about the reason, Lady and Patty ask to hear more about it. Morrison starts telling the story of a time when the name of the shop they are currently in was slightly different.
CHAPTER 1 (Shortly after DMC1, but before the Anime)
  • "Dante! How long do you intend to sleep?! It's almost sunset. Don't you feel like you wanna work already?"Enzo arrives at Dante's office and shouts at Dante who is still lying in bed. Dante, annoyed by Enzo's loud voice, refuses to work. Enzo tries to convince Dante by saying how they could be rich if they try, but Dante is not interested, saying "Strawberry sundaes and pizzas are all I need." Enzo then asks Trish to help him persuade Dante. Trish doesn't like care much for money but agrees with Enzo, saying eating just strawberry sundaes and pizzas is definitely not good for him.
  • The scene cuts back to Morrison, as he recalls and explains Enzo's character to Lady and Patty. Enzo was a short, noisy, stubborn, and above all, greedy man. He always tried to get Dante to work and profit from it but it didn't work out well for him since Dante is lazy.
  • "Dante, I brought this work just for you. All we have to do is investigate some ruins and we'll be rich! Of course you're in, right? You always accept jobs related to strange stuff like that even if they don't pay much."Enzo is still pushing Dante to accept the job, but this time, Dante seems to be slightly interested in Enzo's offer, asking him if there will be demons and such. "Demons don't exist, what are you talking about? Just accept the job, please!"
  • Despite experiencing incidents related to demons a few times, Enzo was a man who didn't believe in demons. He was not happy with how Dante was accepting Morrison's jobs all the time and not his. Trish suggests Dante consider accepting the job. She points out that he's been too lazy recently. Enzo, happy with Trish's words, compliments her, saying Dante found a wonderful woman, which seems to have pleased her. Dante tells Trish to bring cards to him, saying if he wins he won't take the job. Trish suggests him not do that, since he's super bad at gambling, but Dante ignores and proceeds to play cards with Enzo, and of course, Dante loses horribly.
CHAPTER 2 (Arriving at the ruins)
  • Dante, Trish and Enzo arrive at the ruins. It's located beneath a construction site and was discovered only recently. Upon entering the ruins, Dante notices the stench of demons. Trish notes that the ruins was likely built for some kind of ritual very long ago. On the way to the deepest portion of the ruins, Enzo tells Dante to hurry up. Dante makes fun of how Enzo doesn't believe demons but is still too scared to do the job alone. Enzo is embarrassed and claims he's just giving jobs to those who need it and follows Dante because he's looking out for an old friend.
  • The three reach the deepest and largest portion of the ruins. Dante senses that this place is the jackpot. Enzo, wanting to prove that he is not scared, goes off to search a room nearby. Suddenly, demons emerge out of thin air and surround Dante and Trish. Before they start, they make an obvious reference to the ending of DMC1.
Dante: "There's no telling Enzo is safe. Let's get it over with in 5 minutes."
Trish: "2 minutes."
Dante: "Hah, more than enough!"
  • After Dante and Trish defeated the demons, Enzo returns. Dante asks him if he found something. Enzo nervously responds he found nothing. Dante, noticing Enzo is lying, asks him what he's hiding in his coat. Enzo tries to keep lying, but Dante threatens him by saying that he won't take anymore of Enzo's jobs if he won't tell the truth. Enzo reveals he brought some kind of artifact from the nearby room, thinking it would sell for a good amount of cash. Trish notices that the artifact resembles a gun, but Enzo laughs at that comment, saying there's no way a gun is in a ruins from long ago. Dante realizes that this is the reason why Enzo followed him and Trish to the ruins, but allows Enzo to keep the relic since he promised to give them their share of the profit once he sold it.
  • Back in current day, Morrison suggests that they continue with the story in his car since the story is getting a bit long and he has to go to Enzo's place. Lady and Patty agree to tag along with him. Patty asks Morrison if his place is fun, to which Morrison responds, "It's not a fancy place. You'll see what I mean when we get there." The three depart for Enzo's shop.
CHAPTER 3 (Aftermath of the ruins investigation)
  • Arriving home from the ruins, Trish seems to be concerned with something. Dante asks her what's wrong. She thinks that the gun-like object Enzo discovered might be crafted by Machiavelli, a legendary demon gunsmith known in the demon world. According to Trish, if Sparda was known for his prowess with swords, Machiavelli was known as the best gunslinger in the demon world before his death. The guns crafted by Machiavelli were very popular among demons who could use guns, as they gave their users immense power. Having seen a catalog of his guns during her time in the demon world, Trish points out that Dante has some of his guns as well (likely referring to weapons such as Artemis). Trish is worried because if the relic was indeed a gun crafted by Machiavelli, Enzo could get in huge trouble since there are many demons looking to obtain it. Dante sighs but decides to look for Enzo nonetheless.
  • Enzo is seen negotiating the reward of the job with his client. The client is reluctant to give Enzo hazard pay which Enzo demanded. The agreement was to pay him extra if there were dangers involved, but Enzo claimed that there were no dangers only because his team was skilled so he still has the right to receive it. Seeing the client's reluctance, Enzo asks him to raise the reward in exchange for the relic he found in the ruins. The client is offended by Enzo's offer and refuses. However, at that moment, a demon break in through a window and kills the client, as well as his subordinates. The demon threatens Enzo to give him the gun, but he is panicked and thinks he's just having a nightmare. Enzo tries to hand off the gun, but then realizes that the gun is stuck to his hand for some reason. After expressing his disgust for mankind, the demon goes on to kill Enzo. Enzo, still not understanding what's going on, screams in fear and anger before a firing sound is heard.
  • Dante and Trish arrive on the scene, finding many people and the demon dead, but Enzo is mysteriously missing. Confused, Dante asks Trish if the gun could be used by humans, to which Trish responds she doesn't know since there are many variations. The only thing clear to them was that they needed to find Enzo as soon as possible.
  • Enzo, wandering around the city, still thinks this is a bad dream. He still refuses to believe that thing he saw was a demon. One of Enzo's friend sees him and talks to him, suggesting him drink at his place since he seems very unhappy about something. Enzo refuses, saying he's in no mood, but his friend kept trying to cheer him up. Enzo angrily shouts "Shut up!" and aims the gun at his friend. He threatens the confused friend, but his friend thought it was some kind of a toy and mockingly told him to try killing him with it. Enzo, not in right mind, tries to shoots at his friend. "Enzo!" Dante, upon seeing the scene, immediately fires at the gun Enzo is holding. To everyone's surprise, the bullet Dante shot was neutralized by Enzo for some reason. Trish speculates that since the gun considers Enzo to be his user, it is automatically reacting to protect his safety. He is surprised by the sudden gunshot but relieved to see Dante and Trish. They tell him to drop the gun, but he starts laughing sarcastically and then says it's stuck to his hand. Dante and Trish gasp as they realize his arm is beginning to be consumed by the demon gun. Trish recalls that one of the guns Machiavelli crafted had the ability to transform its user to a huge weapon. Considering Dante a threat, Machiavelli's demon gun starts firing at him. The bullets shot from the gun has a homing ability and actually wounds Dante. Enzo still does not understand what's going on but insists it wasn't him who shot Dante. Dante calls him an idiot and tells him that it was a doing of demons he never believes. Enzo, still refusing to believe demons exist, starts laughing hysterically and decides that this is a bad dream caused by drinking too much last night. "No hard feelings, Enzo." Believing it's now impossible to save Enzo unharmed, Dante slashes his sword. A painful sound is heard and the scene ends with Enzo's scream.
  • After what happened to Enzo, Trish decides to leave Dante's office because she wanted to travel around the world personally and find items from the underworld to prevent people from falling victim to devil arms. Dante does not stop Trish and agrees to let her go.Trish teases Dante by saying maybe she wants him to stop her. Dante snorts and says "I'm not the kind of guy who understands feelings of others." Trish then asks Dante a favor. "While I'm gone, can you change the name of the shop to what it was before?" She wanted him to change it because the name Devil Never Cry meant that they owned the shop together. Dante agrees, and Trish leaves.
CHAPTER 4 (At Enzo's place)
  • Arriving at Enzo's shop, Morrison ends the story. Morrison asks Lady and Patty to keep the story a secret between them, as Dante would probably not want them to hear about it. Patty asks him why Dante owes money to Enzo, to which he responds, "Because Dante feels responsible for what happened to Enzo. It's his way of atoning for what he did to Enzo."
  • Patty remarks how Enzo's place looks more like a horror house than a shop. Thinking Enzo was killed by Dante, she confusingly asks Morrison if he's still alive. Morrison apologizes for the confusion and tries to explain, when Enzo now without an arm appears from inside the shop. After a bit of friendly banter, Morrison tells him he brought the money.Enzo is actually disappointed that Dante remembered about the debt because he wanted to sell the devil arms he collected from Dante as pawns if he didn't repay his debts. The group then decides to wait for Dante inside.
  • Patty asks Morrison about the money he gave to Enzo. He explains how Enzo is now owning a sort of pawnshop that specializes in devil arms. Dante owes money from Enzo by putting the devil arms he obtained as collateral, which means he has to pay interest every year. Lady wonders why Dante didn't tell her about the shop since it deals in devil arms, Morrison jokingly says maybe Dante didn't want to tell her because she might take the devil arms for his debts to her. Lady says she's no thief and she would never do something like that.
  • Upon seeing the display of devil arms, Lady and Patty are surprised by the amount of devil arms in the shop. Enzo, proud of the collection, talks about how recently there aren't a lot of devil arms on the market for some reason. He then complains about how Dante is reluctant to sell his devil arms and asks Lady and Patty to convince him since it would make him so much more money. Patty shakes her head again. She thought Enzo was a poor person who suffered from the incident, not some greedy person who always thinks about money. Morrison laughs, saying his tenaciousness is one of his charm.
  • While Enzo goes to greet another customer, Morrison tells Patty not to touch the items around her. When he said they might be dangerous, a set of swords near Patty suddenly start talking.
Agni: "Do not lie to her like that."
Rudra: "That's right. Do not lie."
Agni: "He has left us in a place like this. Do you not think he is treating us poorly, brother?"
Rudra: "Indeed, he underestimates our strength."
Agni: "It is time we showed Dante what we are capable of."
Rudra: "It is."
  • Patty asks Morrison if these talking swords are also part of the collateral. Morrison disagrees, saying Dante sold the twin swords Agni and Rudra a while ago because they were making too much noise and annoyed Dante.Them still being in the shop means nobody bought them yet. The swords lament over their cruel fate. Patty expresses her sympathies to the swords.
CHAPTER 5 (Dante vs. Lady)
  • Enzo returns from his trade with a customer. He bought some kind of a puzzle from a mysterious young woman.He doesn't think it's a devil arm but it still looks very old. Lady shows her interest in the puzzle, so he lets her fiddle with it. While Morrison asks Enzo about how his business is doing, Patty starts getting bored and invites Lady to go somewhere else. Strangely, Lady does not respond to Patty. Enzo asks her to return the puzzle, but instead Lady keeps on tampering with it.
  • After a malicious laughter by Lady, the puzzle changes its form. Enzo, having recently obtained a catalog of Machiavelli's guns, immediately realizes that it is one of Machiavelli's creations, Titania. Enzo explains how Titania is able to take over its user's mind, but it's too late. Lady, now possessed by a demonic force inside the puzzle, says the seal has been broken and she's now free. She shows her intent to destroy the human world, and starts firing Titania at her surroundings. Seeing his place getting destroyed, Enzo screams but is convinced by Morrison to run from her.
  • Dante arrives just in time. Enzo begs him to save his place from getting destroyed. However, Dante did not bring any weapons with him and says he has no weapon to use so he can't fight. Enzo angrily tells Dante to use one of the pawns, but Dante casually refuses, saying he doesn't feel like using a weapon that doesn't belong to him at the moment. Lady laughs and continues to destroy Enzo's place. Dante suggests to Enzo that if he erased the debts Dante has to him, the devil arms will once again belong to Dante and then he will be able to help. Patty scolds Dante for not taking the situation seriously, but Enzo ultimately accepts Dante's offer and erases all debts albeit reluctantly. Dante, happy with Enzo's decision, finally decides to help.
  • The possessed Lady shows her annoyance at the group and starts shooting Titania at them. Patty screams in fear, but realizes she's not hurt. An ice wall is protecting them from harm. Enzo explains to her that Dante used a devil arm called Cerberus, a tripartite nunchaku that has the ability to create ice.
  • Dante sees many devil arms around him and wonders what he should use next. Agni and Rudra beg Dante to use them but he refuses, leaving the swords bitterly disappointed. Lady, annoyed by the almost comedic dialogue, interrupts them by attacking him. Suddenly, with the sound of lightning sparks, a sword flies before Dante and protects him from harm. "You sure are a great sword, partner." Dante compliments the sword that just protected him, while implying that the twin loud swords aren't much useful to him. "It's been a while... Shall we dance a bit, Alastor?"
  • "You think you can defeat a gun with a sword?" Lady scoffs. "You don't think so? Come on, you'll find out soon enough." Dante starts fighting Lady and deflects her bullets with Alastor. Patty begs him not to hurt Lady, since she is being controlled by Titania. In a manner similar to the round-trip move, Dante throws his sword at Titania, destroying it without harming Lady.
CHAPTER 6 (vs. the devil arms collector)
  • Lady recovers her sanity after the gun is destroyed. Dante tells Enzo that he's retrieving all the devil arms as that was the deal. Morrison, Patty, and Lady help Dante bring the devil arms back to his office. Patty complains that she has to carry something so heavy, and throws a pair of guantlets to Morrison's car. "Be careful with that thing. That's Ifrit. You might burn your hands if you're not careful." Trish appears. Patty recognizes Trish from the portrait of Eva in Dante's office.
Trish: "Long time no see, Morrison. How was Enzo?"
Morrison: "Eh? How do you know that we met him?"
Lady: "Because that was the plan."
  • Lady reveals that the young woman who brought Machiavelli's gun was actually Trish in disguise. She then explains how she was actually in her right mind all along. Thinking the plan was to wipe out Dante's debts, Morrison expresses his disapproval to the plan. Trish explains that their goal was to retrieve the devil arms and that they didn't care about the debts. Morrison asks for further clarification, but she says she'll answer later, and asks where Dante is. Morrison says he's in his office ever since he returned, leaving all the devil arms outside. To Morrison's confusion, Trish says the devil arms are best kept outside. "You don't want to see the office destroyed, do you?"
  • "Morrison, sorry for what happened back there. Just leave those things on the ground, will you?" Dante returns, apologizing to confused Morrison. Lady then explains why they did what they did.They did it to protect Enzo because there is a demon who reportedly hunts devil arms. The demon was the reason why there are few devil arms on the market. Morrison understands, as Enzo was unlikely to give up his devil arms even if they tried to talk sense to him.
  • Speaking of the devil, the devil arms collector shows up. He is a demon that possesses many stolen devil arms. Trish explains how they could have waited for him at Enzo's, but she and Dante didn't want to involve Enzo in another demon attack, even if he dealt in devil arms. Dante stops Trish from talking too much and tells Lady to do what he paid her to do. The demon realizes that this is a trap, but threatens to attack the group with all his devil arms. Dante responds by saying he probably doesn't even need to use one to defeat him.
  • The trio quickly and easily defeats the demon."You've got many devil arms, but it would be a waste if the user was so weak. Next time, get yourself some fitness equipment instead of devil arms." Dante then finished the demon off.
  • After the demon has been defeated, Patty is strangely silent. Dante asks her what's wrong, and she asks if Trish is the woman from the portrait. Dante answers that she isn't, and clarifies that the woman in the portrait is his mother. Patty questions him if he has a case of Oedipus complex. Everyone except Dante laughs, and Dante tells them to stop laughing. Morrison laughs too, but changes the topic by asking him when he should return the devil arms to Enzo. Dante, slightly surprised that Morrison knows what he wants to do, tells him he can return them right after this since Enzo is pretty dense.
  • After telling Dante to repay his debts soon, Lady leaves. Morrison goes off to return the devil arms, with Patty following her. She asks him if why he's returning the devil arms, since that means Dante is once again owing money to Enzo. He explains to her that it's a gesture of friendship for them. She doesn't understand, but he says she'll understand when she grows up, saying Dante may look lazy but he's much more than that. Hoping she can learn more about Dante, Patty asks Morrison to take her with him to Enzo. Morrison agrees, and the two departs for Enzo's.
  • In Devil May Cry, Trish tells Dante that maybe it's time he stopped atoning for what he did to Enzo. Dante is surprised to see her because he thought she had already left, and asks her if she wants to get paid like Lady did.Trish says she's not as "clumsy" as Lady. Dante asks her what she means, but Trish sighs and says maybe Dante is just as dense as Enzo. He says he doesn't understand and tells her he's going to bed and she can stay in the shop for the night if she wants to. Trish thanks her.
  • In the aftermath of what happened to his shop, Enzo is heard complaining about Dante, saying he's not human (translator note: "not human" is a common expression in Japanese to describe someone who doesn't have a heart.) Agni and Rudra, who were left by Dante there, agree literally. Enzo calls them idiots, which confuses them.
Rudra: "What does "idiot" mean?"
Agni: "I don't know, I have never heard of it before."
Rudra: "Perhaps it is a compliment?"
Agni: "Perhaps. You are a good human."​
  • The twins start laughing. Enzo is seriously annoyed and says he wants to sell them off already if there was anyone that wanted to buy them. The twins are once again depressed. The sound of car parking outside is heard, and someone opens the door. Enzo goes to greet the customers. The end.
Other notes and speculations
Regarding the canonicity of audio drama
As I said in the beginning, this audio drama was written by Bingo Morihashi himself. I don't know if he's back for DMCV, but I strongly suspect he is since it seems to take elements from Deadly Fortune as canon. (Itsuno mentioned that the neon lights on the van were given to Nero by Dante at the end of the novels.) He also retweeted the announcement of DMCV on his very inactive Twitter. My guess is that this story won't be 100% canon (much like how Morrison is still there, but with his skin color changed), but we might see some references to the story.
Machiavelli's creations
I admit I haven't read any of the novels yet, but I heard that in the DMC4 novels there is a mention of the legendary gunsmith of the demon world. Trish says Dante has several of his weapons in his shed. Could this mean other weapons like Spiral from DMC3 were created by him? I always found it odd that there is a modern-looking sniper rifle in the middle of an ancient tower. Also, she could be referring to Pandora, as it was stated in the DMC4 novels that Dante obtained it at some point before DMC4. (I assume the audio drama and DMC4 is written at around the same time)
DMC Enzo vs. Bayonetta Enzo
Enzo first appeared in the manual for DMC1. A broker of the same name appears in Bayonetta, as an obvious reference to DMC. Since both games are created by the same person and they are very similar in character, some people like to imagine they are the same character so that they can think the two games take place in the same universe. However, Enzo in DMC lost an arm during the event of this story while he still has two in Bayonetta. I know it's pretty obvious to people who follow the lore of these games, but IMO this is another evidence that these universes aren't connected.
Lady's affection towards Dante?
In the ending, Trish calls Lady "clumsy" and Dante "dense" when asked by Dante if she wants to be paid like Lady did. She seems to imply that Lady is bad at telling her feelings (I don't know if the word clumsy has that sort of meaning in English, but in Japanese it does), while calling out Dante for being insensitive to her feelings. Could this mean that Lady actually likes Dante? Of course, this could be just Trish teasing with Dante.
TL;DR: (sorry it's still pretty long lol)
Shortly after DMC1 and before the Anime, back when the shop was still named Devil Never Cry, Dante and Trish helps his old friend Enzo, a broker who doesn't believe in demons, in a job to investigate some ancient ruins. Enzo obtains a relic that resembles a gun. Trish later speculates that the gun might be crafted by Machiavelli, a legendary demon gunsmith who (most likely) crafted weapons such as Artemis. Worried about Enzo, Dante and Trish look for Enzo and find him being consumed by the relic.To save his life, Dante has no option but to cut his arm. This event makes him feel sorry for Enzo. Trish leaves Devil Never Cry to prevent others from falling victim to devil arms like Enzo, and asks Dante to change the name of the shop back to Devil May Cry.
Back in current day (during the events of DMC anime), Dante asks Morrison to bring the money he earned to Enzo. Dante owes money from Enzo, who now owns a pawnshop that deals in devil arms, which means he has to pay interest every year or Enzo will start selling his devil arms for money. Morrison, Lady and Patty meet Enzo, and wait for Dante who said he's going to show up later. During this time, a mysterious young woman arrives and sells some kind of a puzzle to Enzo. Lady touches the puzzle out of interest, which later turns out to be one of Machiavelli's creations, and gets possessed by some evil force within it. Dante arrives just in time to save everyone, but he doesn't have any weapons with him. He saves Enzo's on the condition that Enzo wipes off his debts. Enzo agrees, and Dante starts using devil arms he obtained in DMC1 and 3 (Cerberus and Alastor) to fight Lady. Dante uses Round Trip to destroy the gun possessing Lady, saving her without harming her. Dante brings all the devil arms to his office as promised.
Later, Trish shows up and explains to confused Morrison how Lady wasn't actually possessed and it was all a ruse to retrieve the devil arms so that they can lure out a demon who has been hunting devil arms. Trish also mentions how Dante didn't want to involve Enzo in another incident, but Dante stops her from talking too much. The demon gets lured out and quickly killed by Dante, Trish, and Lady. After that, Dante asks Morrison to return the devil arms to Enzo. On the way there, confused Patty asks Morrison why, since that means him owing money again. Morrison answers it's a gesture of friendship between them. Patty, who initially thought Dante was owing so much money just because he's lazy, now wants to learn more about Dante and follows Morrison to ask Enzo some questions about him.
EDIT: Thanks for the gold! I’m working on vol. 2 right now but it’s not as lore important as vol. 1 so don’t get your hopes up too much lol.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
This sounds better than what we got in the anime. Patty's still the weak link to me but it dealt with a lot of things the anime should have dealt with to me.

So thanks.
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