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Elon Musk Donates 10M To Stop Robopocalypse -- Really


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Supporter 2014
... So, is my rampant paranoia justified now?


No? Alright Musk, you can give me the ten million now. :/

Ah, the crazy things rich people do with their money... why can't that be me???


Everyone's favorite inventor/investor has donated $10 million to the Future of Life Institute, an organization currently focused on "...potential risks from the development of human-level artificial intelligence."

AI research and development is on an ever-upwards trajectory, and organizations like the all-volunteer FLI want to ensure that artificial intelligence stays human-friendly. "That AI systems should be beneficial in their effect on human society is a given", said AI expert and author Stuart Russell. "The research that will be funded under this program will make sure that happens. It's an intrinsic and essential part of doing AI research."

Remember folks:

"One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man."

-- Elbert Hubbard --
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Devil hunter in training
This idea of robots one day turning on their creators is so far just specualtion. Nothing is proven yet, and AI technology is not advanced to a level where it has that kind of thinking, reasoning or movement ability that it would need to start killing people.

If people think that one day robots will be made that have the ability to think and make choices that could result in attacking humans, then the obvious thing to do would be not making robots with that kind of reasoning or decision making ability in the first place.

We only want to make robots that are intelligent and mobile for our own convenience anyway. People are becoming lazy, and companies would save money by employing robots who do not need to be paid wages. That would also mean a lot more humans out of jobs with no money. The only people with jobs would be ones who maintained and programed the robots, but even then they could be useless if robots were made to fix themselves and constantly learn and update their programing.

Maybe it would serve us right if we created our own problem and robots decided that they would no longer serve us because we are greedy and lazy.

And if robots were made to attack humans, then that would violate the first law of robotics which says that robots cannot kill or hurt people.

But so far, this is all a lot of speculation and might never happen. I think instead of preparing for a robot apocalypse, maybe we should prepare for a zombie apocalypse or an alien one:laugh:
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Supporter 2014
We'll see, Loopy. Right now, I'll take Musk's word over yours, if you don't mind.

Zombie apocalypses though... I can actually see that happening. Yes, in a realistic sense, I think that actually could happen. And I don't even like zombie games and shows.

That would also mean a lot more humans out of jobs with no money. The only people with jobs would be ones who maintained and programed the robots, but even then they could be useless if robots were made to fix themselves and constantly learn and update their programing.
This is why the powers that be are actually focusing on decreasing the population. At the very most, it'll top out at nine billion before falling sharply.

In Japan, there's actually a lot more old people than young ones due to the fact that the birth rate is so low and the death rate is moderately high. So, it's already happening, really.

It's a good thing they have all those robots to pick up the slack though, right?
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i like turtles
Supporter 2014

just saying...
these might just be comics and movies but science fiction almost always becomes science fact


Devil hunter in training
We'll see, Loopy. Right now, I'll take Musk's word over yours, if you don't mind.
What actual credible evidence does this person have to say that a robot apocalypse would happen? Is he aware of something others are not?

This is why the powers that be are actually focusing on decreasing the population. At the very most, it'll top out at nine billion before falling sharply.

In Japan, there's actually a lot more old people than young ones due to the fact that the birth rate is so low and the death rate is moderately high. So, it's already happening, really.

It's a good thing they have all those robots to pick up the slack though, right?
If governments were focused on making a smaller population, then why are places like Australia giving money to support each new child? The same for the UK where benefits are given for each child, along with child tax credit. And look at places like India where they have such a huge number of people VS space available. There is no sign of a lowered birth rate there.
If people really wanted a smaller population, then I would think they would introduce a one child only policy like China.

In Japan, a lot of social and economic factors play in to the lowered birth rate. People are in education more, they want a stable job before starting a family, and women in Japan want to have a job and be financially independent instead of being at home to raise children. All of those factors decrease the number of children a couple has.

If it does come to the point that robots replace a lot of working class jobs, or indeed middle class jobs, then I can see it from a few points of view. If robots did things for us, then it would free humanity to have more time to pursue creative arts or hobbies instead of work. However, how would humans be paid to buy food if they do not work? And would it be how some have envisioned where it is only the rich who will live in this robot-served world?|

Maybe society will end up with a smaller population being served by robots. But right now, it's not going to happen. Technology isn't at that kind of advanced level. All we can do is speculate.
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Supporter 2014
The Australian government pays for children because they want people to be reliant on the system. It's not out of the goodness of their hearts.

The more people who are dependent on them, the less government dissent they'll end up having to worry about.



And yes, I'd say that Elon Musk is aware of quite a few things that Joe Schlub Public isn't... and probably never will be due the lies propagated by the globalist mainstream media.

Source Of Wealth
Tesla Motors, Self Made

I'm actually surprised. I just thought of him as another globalist oligarch before he went out of his way to stop this problem.

You think robots aren't a potential threat?



Alright Loopy. Whatever.


just saying...
these might just be comics and movies but science fiction almost always becomes science fact
Don't tell the masses that.
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Supporter 2014
I think they actually have a Reaper drone...

You could write up an anime about it. Call it "Death Drone" where a the protagonist has "technopathy" and can control them with his mind while an eccentric detective tries to stop him by using magical wizard logic because he's so amazing.


Devil hunter in training
The Australian government pays for children because they want people to be reliant on the system. It's not out of the goodness of their hearts.

The more people who are dependent on them, the less government dissent they'll end up having to worry about.
Are you worried about the potential for humans being replaced by robots and having no jobs, or are you worried about robots suddenly breaking free of their programming and going on a killing spree; or the fact that robots are being built to kill in the first place?

The government would not need humans to be dependent on them if they have no use for them. Better to just kill them off or force sterilization. Why pay for children to be born if they want humanity to decrease the population to make way for robot workers?

In parts of India, people are kept poor and uneducated and have way too many children. For now, that is seen as fine because more children = more cheap labour for companies. But if robots were to replace humans then the population would be decreased through even more poverty, food shortages, illness and neglect.

Governments do not need people dependent on them if they can be replaced by machines.

And yes, I'd say that Elon Musk is aware of quite a few things that Joe Schlub Public isn't... and probably never will be due the lies propagated by the globalist mainstream media.
If the media lies, then why believe these articles about robots turning on people? Either they are lies created to scare us and cause panic, or they are the truth. One news site says one thing, another site says the opposite. Who knows what the truth is. These days, we whould make our own truths after looking at every side of an argument.


Musk also says there that he believes that "AI has the potential to greatly improve the condition of mankind, both by eliminating humans from having to perform work he describes as "drudgery" or by enabling breakthroughs in scientific areas that are currently beyond human intelligence."

In that sense, he is correct. If everything could be run by robots who were only programmed to complete their designated task or function, then humanity would be free to pursue a life dedicated to self exploration and expression without worrying about doing anything else.

The problem is when humans think that they can create machines to kill. It is not the machines themselves that we should worry about, but the people who make and programme these machines.
A robot is only as intelligent as its programmer. Teachnology is not at a level where it can break free of its programming and do as it pleases. For now, the risk posed by robotic drones would be the person building the drone, programming it, and flying the drone.
Killing in such a remote way makes it so easy and impersonal and seems to me to absolve the person piloting the drone of any kind of moral responsibility for taking a life.

Humans should not be making these kind of things in the first place. But, if there is a profit to be made, then there are people who will want to make it, even if it involves making drones and weapons to kill.

Maybe we are creating our own downfall and eventual extinction? If we are, it serves us right. As a species, we enjoy killing way too much. If it's not drones, it's nuclear bombs, biological warfare, shooting or stoning people to death. If we don't kill someone one way, we do it another.

*puts on Mass Effect sweatshirt* *runs around screaming* The Reapers are coming! The Reapers are coming!!!!

Where's comander Shepard when you need him/her? I much prefer female Shepard, so I'll go with her. :wink: I'd join her crew any day.

And while we're at it, can we get some of that other Mass Efect techonology over here too? Those flying cars look so cool, but I bet they are hard to drive...pilot?
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The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
@Loopy: Flying cars are already in the pipeworks. I'd just hate to see them run out of fuel. What are they go to have, Sky Stations? Petrol stations floating in the sky where you can fill up? Yeesh, what next? Sky Donalds? SkyMart? Sky TV?...

Anyhow, robots would be manmade, right? So why would we program them to be smarter, greater, stronger or whatever?


Devil hunter in training
@Loopy: Flying cars are already in the pipeworks. I'd just hate to see them run out of fuel. What are they go to have, Sky Stations? Petrol stations floating in the sky where you can fill up? Yeesh, what next? Sky Donalds? SkyMart? Sky TV?...

I think the idea is cool, but the reality, I think that would be like a nightmare. Not only planning that kind of thing, but also traning people to use them safely, traffic control, police car chases in the sky, what would happen if they ran out of fuel midflight, or if someone used them to crash into a building on purpose...there would be a lot to consider.

At the moment, we don't even have real infrastructure in place to accommodate cars powered by electricity, let alone flying ones.

As for sky McDonald's, now I am imagining fries and burgers falling from the sky.:laugh:

Anyhow, robots would be manmade, right? So why would we program them to be smarter, greater, stronger or whatever?
I'm assuming we would still make them, like we do now. I don't know why humanity is looking to make machines like that. Some people, it's because they think it will help humans to lead easier lives, other people want to use them to kill, other people want to make a profit for both reasons stated. Other people do it to test the limits and see what can be done. I guess there are many reasons, and I don't know all of them.

But I would say that the people making these machines have a moral and ethical responsibility in the deployment and use of these machines. In fact, I think ethically, the very creation of drones for killing is wrong.
I don't think it's right to make drones that can be sent to kill so easily. It reduces killing to a human sitting watching a screen while directing a drone with a joystick. It is too removed from reality.

I think if we do get to the technological level where we can work out exactly what makes intelligence and how we can synthesise it, then who knows what would happen when it comes to warfare. It all hinges on the idea that robots would become self aware with a moral code and independent thought....at least in the sense that humans can understand it.

For now, we only have computer chips. They don't 'think', not in the way that we do. Chips react to pre programmed instructions and direction. It is told what to do when it encounters external stimulus based on the choices it is programmed with. Chips do not have intuition like we do, they cannot invent like we do, only replicate; and they have no conscience or self awareness either. All they can do is follow pre programmed actions, not make independent choices like we would.

However, if we did somehow create intelligence as we understand it, then would we create a machine with morality to go with the intelligence needed to make choices independent of human programming.
And who would decide what kind of morality was the right one to programme a robot with? People have different ideas of morality, so, hypothetically, there could be the potential for robots with vastily opposing morality too.
With morality, would machines also gain something like our emotions too? Would they need emotions to make moral choices?
This is all very hypothetical, but it's not like science fiction hasn't talked about it before; robots that have emotions and have moral choice.

For now, computers and machines are only as intelligent as people can make them. I'd be more worried about the programmers than the machines themselves.
There are limits to cognitive science, and barring a huge leap or discovery, I doubt we would see truly intelligent robots within our lifetimes.


Supporter 2014
Alright, you guys are just gonna make fun of me for this, but I might as well post this here:

I'm just gonna say it again. Robots will replace human labor. They will.


And they will kill anyone that their AI perceives as a threat to their elite banker masters.


What is the point of all this, you ask? It's to lower the population by killing them through the poverty of recession, the hyper-poverty in the depression to come, and then moving in militarized police and drones to kill off any remaining resistance.

Their goal is to lower the human population down to 500 million. A more "manageable" underclass.

Now, you're thinking, "That's impossible, why can't the 'rule of law' protect us?"

Well, that's because the Department of Injustice will never go after them. Ever. They're in the government's pocket.



Armed resistance is already happening. They're tired of living like this. The bills that come in are more than they make. They're also tired of cops literally getting away with murder.



Not to mention, that homelessness in America is at an all time high. Even a liberal rag like the Huffington Post admits this.


I thought that the unemployment rate was at an all-time low? Nope. They just count people who happen to be living off of unemployment benefits. No one else is counted.

Now, you could write this off as "only the criminals" are doing this, but guess what? If that were the case, public opinion would be for the enforcers, and not the people who finished them off.


This is just the beginning. I told you all that the second revolutionary war was coming. This is only going to escalate. There won't be any "fading away" here. This conflict is here to stay.

You can sneer and spit upon vigilantism, but right now, they're our only response to us getting murdered by cops and them getting away with it.

We've crossed the Rubicon. Now all we can do is hope that the other side doesn't win.

If the bankers and the government wins, we're all headed to FEMA camps to work in hard labor for the rest of our lives. Either that, or we get killed off if we protest.

This whole setup is stacked against us; corrupted from the inside out.



The only choice we have... is to take it all down.

Don't think that the civil war is going to stay "over there," either.

People kept telling me that there wouldn't be any armed resistance; they were wrong about that, and they're wrong if they think the government will save them, or that this war won't reach them.

It'll be everywhere.

The worst part of this is that, preferably, I'd rather just mind my own business and play videogames all day...

But when cops ask for my ID like we're still in Nazi Germany... and harass me because they think that I look "suspicious"... that's going too far.

You could say that it's all for the sake of security, but with cops killing us (a lot) more than the criminals are -- we're not safe. At all.


Every single big government supporter here will see that. Eventually.


Before Edward Snowden, the masses said that government were only spying on "people of interest."

... Guess that's all of us, isn't it?

Before the masses noticed that cops were on a killing spree, they said that anyone who did try to warn them was a conspiracy theorist.

... Until it got so bad that even the mainstream media (see that's the difference between mainstream and alternative... alternative media isn't controlled by special interests) were forced to admit that cops were out of control.



Before people started fighting back, authoritarian control-freak leftists and right-wing corporatists said that the problem will "handle itself" through the "Justice" System.

... Now, there's the Uprising.

Like I said, public opinion is now against cops. That's not going away any time soon... if ever.


But you know what? Don't listen to me. It's fine. I'm done here.

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