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Earthquake/volcano watch

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
There's been a lot of 'predictions' floating around on the internet, a lot of them are 'dreams' or 'visions' with random numbers. The latest I heard is some believers claiming a magnitude 9. something hitting the California coast in....mid-October to early November? I can't remember exactly. Something like that.

I'm not discrediting these people, but I do prefer to take the predictions of someone who has done the research and is constantly monitoring everything from eclipses and planetary alignments to solar flares and the effects these celestial movements have on our wee little planet, over someone who simply 'dreamed' a big quake is going to hit such and such a place at such and such a time.

I dreamed about the first Christchurch earthquake. In a sense, it was a premonition of what was to come, but it only clicked together after it happened. That's what predictions usually are, or the Biblical sort anyway. You think John knew what any of the events mentioned in Revelation meant? Maybe some, but not all. Some things are symbolic, some aren't - it's distinguishing between what is literal and what isn't that can only occur after the event of the prediction has taken place.

Anyway, not here to debate my faith or people who can see into the future, it's just what inspired me to get back into earthquake watch.

He had also forecast for November earthquakes:

Nov 1-2 South Sandwich Islands (magnitude 6.6 - 6.9)
Nov 5-6 Western Montana/Nevada (M6.5 - 6.8)
Nov 15-16 Southeastern Alaska (M6.9 - 7.2)
Nov 22-23 Russia/China/Sumatra (M7.0 - 7.3)
Nov 29-30 Western Honshu, Japan (M6.5 - 7.0)

There's also a lot of talk about comet Ison. As it stands a lot of people are a lot more interested in whether they'll be able to see it or not, but I do wonder if its presence so close to earth, with all the planetary alignments and gravitational pulls happening, if it would spark a quake/reaction that the earthquake monitors have not taken into account.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
LOL you guys are funny. It's not a doomsday theme I'm intending to bring in here. Just want people to be aware and be prepared for what mother nature could and probably will throw at us. I'm not saying a comet is going to hit the earth and wipe out a quarter of humanity.

What I am saying is that there are going to be earthquakes happening, in the timescale that the barcaroller (don't let his username throw you off!) has predicted, probably at the magnitudes he's predicted. The only thing he's ever been off about is the location - he's never been accurate with location, but everything else is usually spot on.

He's also in the same league as some other watchers who have, using the same high-tech he does and a whole bunch of other contributing factors, predicted that a large part of Australia will be lost to the sea, and New Zealand will rise x amount of feet above sea level. Don't remember how many years, and it wasn't stated how and why this would occur, but Welly gained a couple of inches after the last big quake.
Not joking. Not sugar coating any of this stuff either.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall

I always did get frantic and full of anxiety with all this end of the world and possible extinction.:(

It's like "I'm just living on short time now? Will my life really come to an end in a matter of a few years?"
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