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Do you know of any older games that are critical of game design?


Well-known Member
Hey guys, I'm writing an essay on games that are critical/satirize game design. So far, I have Bioshock, Spec-Ops: The Line, and Saints Row IV. However, I'm interested in finding some older games to include. But I can't think of any. :facepalm:

Do you have any suggestions? :D

EDIT: When I say "older" games, I mean anything on the PS2/Xbox/Gamecube or earlier.
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Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
This is a recent game, but Deadpool (2013) might work, but since it's Deadpool, he's just messing with everyone. The Bard's Tale (2004) apparently does some of this as well - now I kind of wished I actually played more than a minute when I rented it a while ago. The Stanley Parable (2011 as a mod; 2013 as an actual release) is a recent game that makes fun of linearity and freedom of choices. Kid Icarus: Uprising (2012) tends to do this from time to time with Pit commenting on HUDs, traps, and clichés. Also, Disgaea (first released in 2003) might work even though it's still a relatively newer series.

I can't really think of any older games (without using TV Tropes) that are satirical from a game design perspective. Maybe it's just a recent idea. Hell, just add Superman 64 and it'll just be the "intentionally made bad so it'll be good" sort of thing like Tommy Wiseau's The Room. Oh wait, we can't do that now can we since the developers even said it was kind of FUBAR'd after some development choices.


Well-known Member
Oh I know

Max Payne, or wait, Screw it, THE ENTIRE MAX PAYNE SERIES !!!!!!!!!!!!


another Game would be Spider-Man 2. for its innovative Web-Swinging Mechanics and for making us truly feel stepping into the shoes of Spider-Man
Speaking of Spider-Man, include Web of Shadows too.....for having TRULY BREATHTAKING scenarios which fully utilize the Game's INNOVATIVE Combat System upto it's fullest potential

And the include Devil May Cry Series too ! For providing Slick and Smokin' Stylish Fast-Paced Hack n' Slashing and for introducing gamers a sick and INSTANTLY likeable,Confidant, and Stylish Hero called Dante :)
And DMC3 in particular, for simply giving us one of the BEST rivalries between characters in a Gaming.
Dante and Vergil

Batman Arkham Asylum by Rocksteady for proving that Super-Heroes can have their own kick ass Games too

Duke Nukem ! for Having Witty Humour and making the Gamers have a fun time, and for not taking itself too goddamn seriously

Same I would say for Saints Row 3 and 4

Hmmmmm.....thats all I can think of at the moment :)


Well-known Member
That's not what I'm asking. I don't care about innovative games for this essay. I'm looking for games that criticize, either seriously or through satire, video game design, the messages games have, etc. Innovation and criticism are two different things.

The three games I have so far all are united by how they handle player choice. Spec Ops completely lambasts the overly patriotic FPS that tries to make the player feel like a hero by putting the player in a more realistic war scenario where their is no clear right choice. Bioshock turns player choice on its head by revealing that the main character (and in extension the player) was being controlled by another character the whole time. Saints Row IV was basically a video game within a video game. Sure, the main character had all this freedom and power, but only within the simulation.

I'm looking for older games that also critique video game design. It doesn't have to deal exactly with freedom and choice in games, but I would prefer if it did.

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
If by anything on PS2, Xbox, and Gamecube era and before, then definitely The Bard's Tale. Apparently, the game makes fun of stuff like how monsters like wolves are carrying money, characters talking about the "action button", and "chosen ones" who end up dying all the time. Also, since you're playing as the Bard, you're technically playing as a support or not important character compared to the warrior, ranger, rogue, and other classes in RPGs that do damage or take damage rather then sit and heal or buff and debuff. In reality though, the Bard is the most competent "hero" of the game.

This is also a sort of wild card, but Final Fantasy VII could function as an "older" Bioshock since Cloud and Jack are basically being manipulated the whole entire time. Cloud's an amnesiac who mixes his memories with Zack's and Jack's life is an entire lie. Both the main villains use that to their advantage to get them to do something; Cloud hands the Black Materia over which allows Sephiroth to cleanse the world and Jack helps Atlas take over Rapture and kill Andrew Ryan.


Well-known Member
Hmmmm......I think FFVII could work. It does deal with the whole idea that the character is being controlled by some other power in the game. That would fit well with Bioshock.

Thanks for the suggestions. Keep them coming if you have any more. :D


Crimson Sentinel
Well, this is a very... specific question.

I think such games are really hard to come by, but I'm guessing Borderlands 1 and 2 must've critiqued certain things. Other than that... no, games are mostly serious and developers are usually not bright enough to see the clichés in game design or any other field.


Well-known Member
Would you guys mind explaining WHY the games you are suggesting fit what I'm asking for? :frown: :blush:


Keyser Söze
Hmm... you mean games like this?

lol just kidding ;D

I only remember games like Eternal Darkness: which really pulled up devious tricks which would seem like genuine glitches but it was just the game screwing with you.

and who could forget the classic "Do you want to delete all your saved games" with "Yes" or "Continue without saving" as the only option.

also in a much recent game blood dragon it spoofs the spoonfed tutorials.
lol that tutorial still cracks me up "Press enter to demonstrate your ability to read" XD
Would you guys mind explaining WHY the games you are suggesting fit what I'm asking for? :frown: :blush:

"joyful Executions" is what you are looking for.
The game plays around the thought of how games manipulate gamers: by luring you into all sorts of active participation in tasteless and immoral stuff on purpose - through "cutsified " and gamey mechanics.

Bioshock (the first one from 2007) is great too. GTA5 (the torture scene especially) will serve as well,

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
What system(s) is it on?
It's on the iOS, but was taken off for reasons.

You can probably guess why it was removed.
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Would you guys mind explaining WHY the games you are suggesting fit what I'm asking for? :frown: :blush:
well i choose metal gear solid 2 as it seemed to fit with ff7/bioshock in the aspect of a character being controlled by an outside force and also known for having meta commentary on the nature of sequels and fandoms.


Well-known Member
well i choose metal gear solid 2 as it seemed to fit with ff7/bioshock in the aspect of a character being controlled by an outside force and also known for having meta commentary on the nature of sequels and fandoms.
I never played metal gear, so I didn't know that. But thank you for your suggestion and explanation. ^^!

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
Huh... I wonder how this slipped my mind: The Operative: No One Live Forever games.


Basically, it's about an incredibly competent and badass spy named Cate Archer surrounded by an incredibly sexist team who think she fabricates all her reports, is not capable of anything, and is nothing more than eye candy; the only person who respects her is the main villain. So, the games are attacking the whole "men can only be heroes" thing or something or the other. It's James Bond if Bond was a Jamesina Bond or Jamie Bond. Or if they starred the Bond girls rather than the Bond man.

For age, the first game was released on the PS2, PC, and Mac OS X in 2000 while the second game was released in 2002 for the PC and Mac OS X. There was a third game called Contract J.A.C.K that is set between the first and second game, but it stars a dude named John Jack - hmm, I wonder if he's related to Big Boss? -, so we'll just ignore it since it has little to do with the themes of Cate's story and was considered not as good Cate's games.

The main issue is that the games never made it to Steam or any digital format. Seriously, they should be available to everyone. Hell, there should be a remake along with sequels! Meanwhile, we get stuff like Call of Duty, Battlefield, Medal of Honor, Crysis, and Assassin's Creed. I should also mention that of the 5 mentioned, only three features playable female characters with two having them relegated to multiplayer or one scripted level. Only Assassin's Creed has an actual playable female Assassin and she's technically a side-story character!

Samus Aran showed that women can be badasses in video games. Cate Archer, Violette Summers (Velvet Assassin), Aveline de Grandpré, Nilin Cartier-Wells (Remember Me), Faith Connors (Mirror's Edge), Terra (Final Fantasy XI), Lightning Farron (FFXIII), and Lara Croft are there to support, but we still need more who are a varied cast of unique and amazing characters rather than bland eye candy or bland stoic badass.

Hell, even Princess Peach is a freaking cool character who is capable of kicking ass. Eh, maybe she really is the lazy, needy noblewoman. Maybe we'll get a Super Rosalina Galaxy or something. Or maybe Daisy can be more than an athlete and Luigi's pity girlfriend.
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