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DMD Tips anyone?


Red Queen and Blue Rose
I've beat all modes on the PC version except HAH and DMD.Please,share your tips from experience of playing DMD!Thank you!


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I have one piece of advice. Don't rely on just Holy Waters to get yourself out of tight spots. You'll go soft when a boss comes around.


Well-known Member
As Nero, chargeshot lvl 3 is your friend! Especially against Blitzs and bosses. Try to evade and instant rev as much as possible if you can.

For Dante...be super stylish? I was found Dante being easy mode on whatever mode I play because of all the choice you have with him. For blitz, use the shotgun then either some Gilgamesh moves or Pin-Up to take him down, as for bosses, you can try doing it the hard way, but Dagon and Berial are cake with Pin-up.

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
If you can't see an enemy it can't attack you. Comes most in handy with Gladius muggings but always handy to keep in mind incase you need a few seconds to recompose yourself.

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
For both characters:

1. Make good use of Side Roll.

2. Do not be ashamed to use items when playing DMD Mode, because it was really tough. This includes DMC1 and DMC3, where sometimes I have to rely on items, like Vital Star.

3. Eliminate your enemies quickly before they start using Devil Trigger, especially bosses, Blitz, Frosts, and Mega Scarecrows. Other enemies can be a threat when they are in Devil Trigger as well.

4. Make good use of Air Hike, as it allows Nero and Dante to jump twice in the air, avoiding any attacks from the ground. Take note that when Dante is in Devil Trigger, he can use two Air Hikes.

5. Use Holy Stars ONLY when you are near death, surrounded by multiple and tough enemies, fighting bosses or if you have a lot of it. But it is advisable to use it sparingly, since it is really expensive.

6. Learn your enemies patterns and moves. Learning on how they attack and moves can prove to be useful, as you can immediately dodge the attacks without any damage if you are good at reading the enemies moves.

7. Use Devil Trigger when your enemies are in Devil Trigger, or when in emergency.


1. Do not rely too much with your Blue Rose normal shots. Instead, use Charge Shots, Level 1, 2 and 3 are good choices, but the higher the level, the longer the charging time is.

2. Practice to use Exceed before you enter a new area. This way, you will get first advantage by attacking your enemies with powerful Exceed attacks.

3. Make good use of Nero's D.T Explosion. It allows you to be knock the enemies to the air, giving you some time to attack or escape.

4. Rely on your Buster moves to kill enemies quickly. Whenever the bosses are vulnerable to Buster, do not hesitate to use it. If you have enough D.T., use Devil Buster.

5. Use Snatch to get close to your enemies and pummel them mercilessly with your Red Queen and Buster.


1. Rely on Rebellion and Dark Slayer to defeat your enemies. However, your playing style is varied, so it is up to you.

2. Dante's D.T. form allows significant boost not only to his strength and endurance, but it allows Dante to have some added bonus in his moves. Dante can use infinite times of Dash, can do double Air Hikes, and other moves.

3. Depending on your playstyle, make sure you use Styles appropriately.

4. Dante's Swordmaster moves can deal high damage, especially the Drive techniques.

5. Dante's Pandora can defeat any weak enemies easily, so make good use of it.


Don't trust people

It's pretty easy as soon as you get a strategy on enemies and know who to priority. Sometimes there'll be many enemies, and you know you can't kill them before they DT. Take down the ones who gives the most trouble since they will give you nothing but more trouble when they are in DT.

With Nero, practice your exceed abilities and Max Act.
Streak with level 3 exceed ain't that good against bosses as they are used against masses. If you want to use a level 3 exceed attack against bosses I reccomend either Shuffle or Calibur due to their more concentrated and accurate damage.

Charge your gun at all times, if you can't charge it that good with the normal setup, change the setup so you can more easily charge the gun. A charge shot level 3 is a savior at times.

Know what you are doing. The enemies attacks hasn't changed, just their groups, health, damage and the included DT. You should have a knack on your tactics for each and everyone of them.

The buster moves often leads you out in the open. I don't rely on it that much since I feel weak to take advantage of something like that. DT + busters on bosses are exceptions though since it's awesome. :cool:

For Dante, learn to use his weapons. To rely on single weapons through the whole difficulty ain't that good.

Use Lucifer for support, letting it's arrows or whatever it is to keep the enemies at bay and use their timed explosions to your advantage to hit in a combo. Pin-up is a great move. It deals gigantic damage and never stops raising your style. Use that to your advantage.

Gilgamesh is slow but it's power is high. Kick13 is a good way to knock enemies in the air as a start up combo. Straight is good to use as a counter move or a move to use directly after Kick13. The main idea with Kick13 is to to knock enemies temporarily. You can use Rising Dragon (down + style button) after a Kick13 with the Devil Trigger trick against Mephisto's, Faust's, Blanco angelos, Alto angelos, Mega Scarecrows to kill them instantly.

The Devil Trigger trick:
Use DT in the middle of the Rising Dragon attack to deal extra damage. If you DT in the start of the attack and then in go out of DT in the end you can deal gigantic damage.

That's just a part of what I can learn you. Too much to write. T_T
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