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DMD Mode


Well-known Member
Well I beat SoS yesterday and completed mission 5 on DMD before I realized something. I was horribly spamming items. I started on mission 1 with 10 M stars and 3 gold orbs along with 5 holy waters. I had used all of those items besides 1 of each item. So, I realized that I might be in over my head on the higher difficulties because I had used on average about 2-3 M stars on each SoS level and up to 5 on levels with bosses. I cant for the life of me beat Berial on BP, although I alwas come so close. I guessed then that maybe I should get good at SoS before doing DMD. The only problem (well, not so much a problem) was that I got an S ranking on 5 different missions in a row. I beat Creedo, Dante(both times), Bael, and Echidna with either no damage or no items. On the Creedo level I got no damage overall. I got the stradegy, and the skil for Sos, but I feel like Im playing the game for the first time all over again on DMD. I get raped by the Devil Triggering bosses, and the Mega Scarecrows. The only thing is I can defeat the level easily on every other level. Berial seems to be my problem for BP, and him along with Agnus rape me on DMD. I have now decided to train until I no longer spam Items, but I just cant get Berail to lay down in BP, and I have almost no room to improve on SoS. Every tactic I use on SoS enemys dosent seem to work on DMD ones.

So, after my rambling first post, any tips? Is there a major leap in difficulty from SoS to DMD, or am I choking very badly for no apparent reason?

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Well, first off I'll say welcome to the forums.

Secondly, don't worry yourself, it takes a while for many people to adapt to the sudden jump in difficulty from SoS to DmD mode, just ease into it until you feel confident enough with your play style, if not, you may have to make some changes to the way you play through the game.

Charge Shot 3 is an absolute god send a lot of the time, also, if you can master Max-Act with Nero, it'll make things a hell of a lot easier in the future, failing that, I'll offer you four words.


I know it's pretty basic to say, but abuse the hell out of the grab/buster attack and you'll breeze past it, use your Devil Trigger whenever you feel the need and just chip away at enemies with a mixture of Buster attacks, Charge Shots and the occasional combo.

Now I know it's not the best advice, but really, you've just got to be careful and ease yourself into it, slowly but surely you'll get it, keep on your toes and always keep moving, avoid the enemy when you can and try not to rely on your items so much, if possible, try and forget that you even have them so you don't instantly let yourself play that little bit worse because you think your items will keep you safe.

Really, knowing you have a huge amount of items can make a huge difference to the way you play, you tend to rely on them more, so push it out of your mind if you can and rely on your own skills and keep mobile, make frequent use of the Devil Bringer and Charge shots along with Devil Trigger too and you should make it through alright.


Well-known Member
Hey thanks for the advice. I really do know about that items thing too. I was on SoS mission 19 and got to agnus with no items left, but still managed it by the very skin of my teeth. Its just such a pain when all the sudden a mega scarecrow jumps out and takes 5 squares or more, then all the sudden its me using a gold orb. Although i think its just a mentality of the difficulty is engraved in my mind. I actually went on a "recap mission" for level 5 on SoS, but only realized that when at the end of the level, enimies were devil triggering, that I was on DmD. Still used a star or two though, but wasnt feeling the pressure. Once again, you have made some things clear that werent so clear before. There IS a jump in difficulty, and that you need to be in the mentality of "survival mode".

Only problem is I can only play this once or twice a week on my friends 360, so I'm also thinking that I could be getting rusty over the course of a week, but that cant be helped by anyone here.
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