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DMC's Story Time


Devil May Cry
hello cookie buddies.... i posted a fan based story..... it seemed to fail but this time i will not make a fan based story... ill create stories with my own characters... please enjoy these stories

The Bed Time Story​
I it was a nice night.... skies was black, the stars twinkled. A camp fire burned bright and hot, in the middle of the father and son.... " Dad? ", the father looked over to his son... waiting for him to continue his sentence.
" Can you tell me a bed time story?.." ask the son. The father scratched his chin and replied, " I dont know any bed time stories..". The son looked him and then looked down. The father sighed and asked, " Do you want me to tell you the story about me and you mother?". The boy nodded and then hopped into his sleeping bag.. the father sat down on a log that was sitting two feet away from the sons feet. The father cleared his throat. " Are you ready?" the father asked. The son nodded his happily. The father took a deep breathe and then begined the story. " It was a nice summer day," the father began. " I was walking on the beach sitting on my life guard post.. enjoying that nice cool ocean breeze and the warmth of the sun beatting down onto my skin, watching the people swiming in the ocean, surfing, and those smiles....it made everything feel so good.." the father looked over to his son and said , " and thats when i saw her..". the son asked, " mommy?"." Yes, son, your mother... " the father replied. " She was the most beautiful woman I ever layed eye's on. Her bright brown hair, and her sky blue eyes. i never knew what was going on my mind.. all i knew was i wanted to be with your mother." The father saw the fire was low.. and started to put more wood in the campfire, the son asked, " how did mommy die? ". The father stopped putting the wood in, and turned to his son showing a little saddness." we dont want to spoil the ending now dont we?" the father replied trying to hide the pain. he finished putting the wood in the fire and sat back down on the log. " where were we?" the father asked. the son replied happily, " you wanted to be with mommy!". The father remmebered and continued the story, " ah, yes, i wanted to be with your mother badly.. so.. i went down to talk to her.. which i shouldnt have done, it costed my job of bieng a life guard. But, it was well worth it. I may have lost my job, but i have gained some one to love." the father started to get into deep thought. " the next day, me and your mother went out for dinner, it was a nice time, we could see the stars above us. but i was still worried about finding a job, but your mother helped me find one." the father chuckled." we were finding a job for me on our date. It's was an odd date.." the father didnt notice the boy was asleep and was continuing the story. " Five years later it was time to tie our lives together.. we had the best wedding that ever done... well thats my oppinion, old man John, thought it was too colorful and too noisy, but old man john was... well, an old man." The father adjusted his seatting, and continued, " the wine was so delicous, all the foods too. Your mother was as beautiful as ever.. she looked really.. nice in that wedding dress." the father pulled out a picture out of his right pant pocket. The picture was their wedding. The father continued as he stared at the picture. " Your grandma thought we were a beautiful couple. I had to admit.. it made me a little blushy." He put the picture back into his pocket and looked up in the skies. " I wasnt aware of anything until certained day.. they day when you where born." he looked down at his feet. " after your mother gave birth to you, she started to go in tears.. i thought they were tears of happiness but she calmed down abit.. she told me that she wasnt going to live to see you grow up. I didnt know what she ment but when she told me the story... it made more sense." The father started to tear up. " i remeber every moment of her after that.. i spent more time with her.. tried to take as much of days off of work for her. I didnt want to miss anything..". The father wipe the tears off of his face and continued. " one day.. we were looking at you sleeping in your crib.. your mother started to cry.. she was worried for you.. she didnt want you to be born with AIDS like she was.. and worst of all.. the doctor has said she had only had about seven weeks left to live.. I told her that you will be fine.. and enjoy life will it is left.... she looked at me, she seemed more comforted... we did things to enjoy that day." The fire was low agian and he tossed the last of the fire wood. He conitued the story. " But... that night.. was the last night ill ever see her.." He tried to keep the tears in.. his mind clouded with good memories and bad memories. " She started to have bad chest pain.. her breathing started to raise in pace. I drived her to the emergency room.. and luckily they werent busy.. but it wouldnt matter either way... as they helped her to the wheel chair.. she collapse in the emergency room.. the nurses and doctors rushed to her.. there was so much talking.. that i didnt understand. I tried to get to her but the nurses told me that they can handle this. I told them that they cant keep me away from of my wife. The doctors told me I would get in the way and will lessen the chance of your mother surviving.. i got my sense back and just nodded.. i waited and waited. Finally a doctor came out, with a grim face. I was expecting good news but, instead i got bad news. Apperantly, we spent too much time eatting out, it took a toll over your mothers heart.. the doctor told me she was in a coma but she wouldnt be alive for long. That made me cry so hard. I asked if i could see her, they said it would be ok.
I remeber walking the room that your mother was in. There was alot of life support trying to keep her alive. she looked really pale, looked barely alive. I sat right nexted to her and began to talk to her... telling her about good memories , the first time we met.. i talked and talked.. . The beeping of the heart rate start to slow down an hour later. it started to get slower and slower.. . I knew that it was her time. i called the doctor and told him we needed to pull the plug. The doctor asked if i was sure, and i simpley told him that i didnt not want your mother to suffer anymore. I was teared eyed. The doctor asked if she had any family members that should know about this. I told him she was an orphan.. the doctor felt my pain.. that your mother would died with out know who her parents was or any thing about her family. It took another two more hours to pull the plug, becuase i wanted her to be blessed before she is gone. The doctors ask if i was ready. I just nodded. they turned off all the machines. and there was silence. I started to cry.. the doctors wanted me to stay so i could calm down.. but i didnt i had to leave.. i got back into my car and started to head for the exit i was crying so much i couldnt see where was i going. all i knew drove a little bit to far.. and drove off a steep cliff..." the father looked at his hand and could see the ground right through it. " apperantly i shouldnt have drove.. i should waitted." A couple came out of a tent to look at their boy laying their foster son sleeping gentlely right nice to the campfire.. the father looked at his son's foster parent's and looked back at his son... " You dont have worry any more son... they have taken care of you well...". he got up and walked to his son forehead. and kissed it. " Good night son. " then the father disappeared.. The son woke up and turned to his foster parents. " Did see that?!" , the son asked. the foster parents looked at eachother and asked, " Saw what?". " My dad.. did u see him? he was sitting on that log." he points at the log that was two feet away from his feet. The foster dad replied, " It was probaly a dream Jake.. good night." the Foster parents went back into their tent. The son slipped back into his sleeping bag and looked up into the skies. " I wish i can know you more dad... good night." the boy went back to a nice, comfortable, sleep...


Devil May Cry
there are two of these threads.. the internet screwed me over so if you read this plz reply here
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