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DMC Theory Time: Sparda's Actions in DMC2 & DMC4 connects & the Origins of Yamato

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Okay this is just a theory of mine that I felt makes sense.

We all know how DMC1 and DMC4 are connected due to how DMC1 states that Sparda ruled over mankind as a guardian for 2000 years before retirement and DMC4 states he ruled in Fortuna City as their lord and his role as guardian extends in DMC2 when he defeated Argosax and his retainers as well as sealed him away.

What if DMC2 and DMC4 events also connects and this could explain how Yamato came to be and as well as give insight to Dante's possible fate after DMC2.

In DMC2, Matier wanted to tell the tale of Sparda to Dante in return of defeating Arius (meaning only Matier knows the secret or some juicy info on Sparda that no one else knows and Dante was interested) and going by the sealing process used to Argosax and when Dante responded to Lucia's comment of "Don't you want to hear the tale of Sparda?" and he said something along the lines of he would've done it too or he done it too implying Matier's tale of Sparda either dived down into why Sparda turned on his own kind for the sake of humans or how Sparda went to hell sealing Argosax and escaped but then Lucia after the events of DMC2 stated that "Sparda did it too" meaning if Sparda got out of hell so can his own son, Dante, can too....meaning Sparda went to hell prior to sealing it away from the human world via Temen-ni-Gru. So how did Sparda escape or get out?



Its a possible conclusion but since Sparda's main sword before his defection was Sparda and after using his powers to seal away the Demon World thus sealing away the Force Edge and losing Sparda he may have switched to Yamato as his main sword and possibly Rebellion as a minor sword (Sorry Dante I guess Sparda liked Vergil more) but what about Yamato.

What if Sparda created Yamato either in the demon world after sealing Argosax or before it, planning ahead most likely. Yamato is considered a sword of his like Sparda. Thus using Sparda and end up in Fortuna and ruled there as their leader after escaping from the demon world......

BUT NO!!!!

What if Sparda created the Hell Gate and Yamato as its key of activation so only he could use it just in case he needed to make a trip to the Demon World and used it to get out of hell after sealing away Argosax. He hid it in Fortuna City because that is where he rules and whenever a situation arises whenever a portal to hell is opened up like the one Argosax made he leaves his post and would pop up their in Fortuna.

He however didn't destroy the Hell Gate after retirement because he passed it down to his son or one of his sons so they can use it when the situation arises. I guess Sparda was planning on having an offspring to inherit his legacy and chose Eva.

Now the matter of Matier.

Some may think this theory is false since the Argosax incident may have been recent considering Matier who knew Sparda is still alive but the game never confirmed her age or has an exact timeline of how things went down in the past prior to Dante and Vergil's birth. The events of Argosax and Sparda may have happened 1000 years ago or 50-80 years ago making Matier 1000 years old or 100.

I say she is 1000 and the events of Argosax happened 1000 years ago or something of that close because she is of the Vie De Marli clan being a clan of humans with demonic blood making them proxy Cambions (demon human hybrids) meaning they could share some traits that Cambions like Dante and Vergil have such as supernatural feats, stronger grasp of magical energy, superhuman feats (speed, strength, durability), healing factor, and most of all a long life span. I recall hearing somewhere that despite Dante having a human like body and ages like a human he can live for a long time like Sparda and other demons or beyond human limits (sort of like Laharl in the Disgaea series who is half human half demon and is like 1313 years old although he doesn't age like a human) meaning Matier is older than we may think.

But 1000 years old or 100 my theory still stands out and seems plausible either way.

I learned 3 things when accessing this theory and those are

A. Matier is the only living person who knows the secrets about Sparda.

B. Their are other half breeds out there like Dante (not sure if they're limited to the Vie De Marli clan who I think for the most part were wiped out by Arius and his goons)

C. Dante most likely destroyed his only way out of hell when he destroyed the Hell Gate in DMC4.......
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