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Well-known Member
Yo guys, I just want to talk about your combat style (got some of you guys fooled didn't I?), and I don't mean what style you use in the games, but just how play the game overall.

Its really a series of questions:
1) What kind of combat do you prefer in a game?
2) Which of the combat styles from DMC Franchise did you like the most?
3) More specifically (Naturally, I have to ask this), what style do you use most with Dante? (Dark Slayer included)
4) Describe a combat style from any other game and, if DMC were to implement that Style, how would you like to see it implemented?
5) From what we know of DmC, what would be your playing style in the game?

And remember to give tips that'll help beginning players.

Now, for me, (1) I like simplistic but versatile combat where I have a set amount of moves, yet I can do basically anything with those moves and the more limits I have, the better. That's why (2), I liked DMC1 and DMC2 the combat was simplistic, though DMC3 had enough freedom for me to attain my own original style. DMC4 was actually quite promising with Nero's gameplay because his DB took away my worst enemy, distance, and allowed me to create openings with his Buster move, the combination of the two gave me as much freedom as DMC3. Speaking of which (3), I liked GunSlinger the best because I gave versatility with guns. Distance, like I said, is my worst enemy so I depended alot on Stinger and Ebony & Ivory to cover that when needed.

Now I would like to see (4) gameplay elements from Bayonetta and God of War implemented into DMC. Bayonetta's gameplay focused alot on fluency and transitioning easily between moves by combining gunwork with hand-to-hand combat. So instead of moves being charged when you hold either the punch or kick button, the guns on Bayonetta's hands and feet would fire off, allowing you to do extra damage after each hit and stun the enemy to provide an opening for another move. God of War wasn't all that fluent but rather strategic by it revolving around button- press events and it broke barriers by giving its grab command more versatility. Naturally, DMC has some of these elements (since it was the one that pioneered the genre in the first place) but to a lesser extent. For example, Bayonetta took its guns from DMC, however it surpassed DMC by having more versatile uses for the guns (such as firing a round while dodging). Considering that Dante has two customized pistols and can a swing a sword with one hand, I'm sure he can be just as, if not more, versatile than Bayonetta in terms of weapon use. In God of War, kills were quite brutal and the grabs played a key role in combat since they allowed you to do extra damage. Bayonetta had special kills herself. I would like to see Dante follow the trend too and have some special finishers of his own, especially since he's such a flashy character. Nero can have some upgrades too. In God of War 3, the grab mechanic had a major boost up by having four different uses. The DB, being a unique part of Nero, could be used in possibly more ways than that. I would sure love it if I can grab an enemy then throw him around, slam him into surrounding enemies, and pound him into the ground as many times as I want.

(Wow... that was long.)

Now, if I played DmC (5), I would probably use the grapple mechanic alot to keep my combat sword- based. In fact, I don't think I would use guns considering that distance won't be an issue, and I don't think I would use any of the modes that much either, I'd probably end up sticking with one if it proves useful (so far, human mode looks decent enough that I wouldn't need the others).
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