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DMC fan image posting?

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Mistress in charge!

OK I had a cute lil image that I put together and tried to add it to the graphics gallery but...well...no spot to add.

Anyone want to take on the task of making Verg???




BTW. I tried to add a red jacket but the dern thing didn't have the option...soooo...no comments from the peanut gallery! >_<



Mistress in charge!
You...uhh...didn't read down far enough there dude...the site author doesn't have a red jacket to choose from. Go look...I'll wait...:::crossing arms and leaning against the wall:::

Nelo Assholo

King of the Universe
I have one of Dante DMC1 style... but I can't post it becuase it's "forbidden"! So I can't post it unless DMC permits it or someone can host it for me! <_<


Fearfully and wonderfully made
That's a pretty good Dante clone you created there, Ladydeathbird. Nice work! ;)


Mistress in charge!
Nelo Assholo;15838 said:
I have one of Dante DMC1 style... but I can't post it becuase it's "forbidden"! So I can't post it unless DMC permits it or someone can host it for me! <_<

You have a SP version of Dante??? Forbidden??? Uh don't we normally just use the tag (owned by Capcom...you steal you die..bla bla bla BURN YOU COPYRIGHT THIEVES!!!...uh stuff like that yanno?)


Mistress in charge!
Nelo Assholo;15847 said:

Dante, DMC1 style. (*Clears throat* Ahem, you must excuse my shi-tty MSPaint talent) :p

...well your use of polaroids is imaginative...

Would it be brash for me to say, "Pick a number between 1 and 3 and guess which finger I'm holding up"? >_<

Just wondering...it's for ahhhhh....Math test! Yeah that's it an Math test!!!


Fearfully and wonderfully made
Wow! Your Dante's looking pretty awesome, Nelo. Great work! ;)


Mistress in charge!
...not HELPING!!! Where's the reciprocation??? Where's my fine young buck of a man??? Oh yeah...he's on my wall...hmmm Dante...nevermind!

Hey...have they made mention of who will play Dante on the Capcom movie? Can we get some pics of the young buck who is going to play him on the 40 minute "professional" fan film being sent out by what's his face who I only don't remember because I have perversion on the brain and can't be bothered by remember those not directly associated?

And Nelo...NO MORE POLAROIDS!!! It's almost naughty. Hehehe.
Wait...and no more chicks wearin them!!!...wait...no dude's wearin the polaroid dresses!!!...hmm this is really just going so down hill it's getting ...well yanno...

Nelo Assholo

King of the Universe
EDIT: Wait... WHAT THE HELL?!? o_O Who the f-uck replaced my image?!? :verymad:

And FTW just STFU about it.

Oh I get it. With Imagevenue, after your image is up for 2 or 3 days, it's replaced by some horrid disgusting porn pics... paedophiles these days....


Mistress in charge!
...so the dancing with the stars horror image wasn't your idea of a ...was that dancing with the stars??? I heard so many horror stories it just looked like it would be...anyway...was it Lyle Lovett??? ...makes ya wanna go buhhh...anyway...

Couldn't have at least made them naughty pics of a couple of studs could ya...typical!

OMG I hit refresh on the image and it was LINDSEY LOHAN!!! I'M BLIND I'M BLIND!!!

Hey yanno its kinda almost fun to see what kind of horrible picture the thing will auto post next. Last click was some wacky chick sporting nothing but bananas. Woohoo!! This click is The Rock...dancing with some chick..hmm...

Nelo Assholo

King of the Universe
Hmm, at school both my pics (Of Vergil and Dante) show up as them nasty thingies but at home, they show the normal pic.



Mistress in charge!
Nelo Assholo;15986 said:
Hmm, at school both my pics (Of Vergil and Dante) show up as them nasty thingies but at home, they show the normal pic.


Holey crap...what the hell is your school using for a filter??? Apparently your home pc needs to get equipped??? LOL!

Hey btw someone needs to have Dante kick Prince's *** for showing his face on the superbowl and trying to think he is all hot. There were REAL men out on that field most of the night and someone thought it would be a hoot to have an efeminite troll get up there lookin and be aggrivating. I did NOT watch the half-time show let me just tell ya. Little troll. Grrr...:mad:


Apprentice of Doom
i dont like princes style of music, but you have to admit, the guy's a fu<kin amazing guitar player
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