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DmC Dante: DMC Gauntlet Match

How Far Can DmC Dante Go?

  • F Rank

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • D Rank

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • C Rank

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • B Rank

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • A Rank

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • S Rank

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • SS Rank

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • SSS Rank

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
A gauntlet match for those who are not aware is when one guy (or girl) (or more) take on a series of opponents. Gauntlet matches in OBF or fiction usually includes the entire universe or all the characters (bosses, etc) of a series and ranks the characters by weakest to strongest and they assess how far a particular character can make up said roster of that series. If they can make it to the end or not.

The challenger is:





The entire DMC universe.

Okay now the rules.

This discussion excludes non-game materials such as the novels and mangas with the exception of Baal, Modeus, and Sid/Abigail. DmC Dante faces each opponent after being fully rested so he is in top prime condition with each fight. This list also excludes characters who can't fight such as Kyrie and Enzo. Though non-game materials aren't included characters who are in the games and non-game materials will have feats from both materials counted if it makes sense so alternate universe Trish (DMC2 novel) doesn't count as regular Trish, same goes for alternate universe Nelo Angelo....you know what just exclude DMC2 novel period if you want to. Also even enemies as silly as it may sounds counts.

I'll list the tier of the DMC universe based on MY own perceptions and how I see it. Feel free to disagree with this list if you feel so. Its listed by tier and the characters aren't in any particular order but the top will....also all Dantes are counted as different characters.

Low Tier (Fodder punching bags)
-Any enemies except for the exceptional few that will be listed above

Low Mid Tier (F rank)
-Goat Clan (DMC2)
-Frost (sure they were punching bags in DMC4 but were quite a threat in DMC1)
-Hell Vanguard (DMC3)
-The Fallen (DMC3)
-Plasma (DMC and on this list due to their ability to copy their opponent)

Low High Tier (D Rank)
-Shadow (DMC)
-Nobody (DMC)
-Every DMC2 Boss except Arius, Argosax, Trismagia, and Bolverk

Mid Low Tier (C Rank)
-Arius Secretaries (due to Lucia being one of them they get higher up on the list compared to most enemies)
-Agni & Rudra

Mid Tier (B Rank)
-Bael & Dagon (not at all at once though)
-DMC3 Dante (before awakening)

Mid High Tier (A Rank)
-Nero (Possible High Low Tier/S Rank by the end of DMC4)
-DM3 Dante (w/ his awakened power)
-DMC3 Vergil (not sure to count Gilver)
-Angelo Credo
-Angelo Agnus
-Angelo Sanctus

High Low Tier (S Rank)
-Lucia (yeah shocking she is above Nero, Trish, and the DMC3 twins)
-Arkham (w/ Sparda's power)
-Possessed Vergil/Gilver (yeah I'm counting this)
-Nelo Angelo
-DMC1 Dante (w/o Sparda + anime Dante as well)
-Sanctus Diabolica (w/ Sparda)
-Sid/Abigail (or Sid with Abigail's powers)
-Possessed Arius and Arius-Argosax

High Mid Tier (SS Rank)
-DMC4 Dante
-Savior (being powered up by Sparda and Nero)
-DMC1 Dante with Sparda
-Argosax/Despair Embodied

High Tier (SSS Rank)
-DMC2 Dante
-Sparda (w/o the sword of Sparda)

God Tier (Special Rank)
-Full Powered Sparda
-SMT Dante (though not fully canon but hey why not)

If their is anyone I missed tell me.

Now going based on that list. How far can DmC Dante go?


I Saw the Devil
I'm going with B rank.

The list of characters from C and up are where the DT becomes less all powerful but with the skills and weapons C is not undoable and nether is B. A is where I draw the line. That's where I get the feeling of 'this is it.'

Dusk Stalker

" Everybody gets a bullet!" -Axton
I say he stops at C rank.

Most of the guys can just appear in front of him before he could activate his DT, and even with the DT, it won't stop Lady or Doppleganger.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
I'm going with B rank.

The list of characters from C and up are where the DT becomes less all powerful but with the skills and weapons C is not undoable and nether is B. A is where I draw the line. That's where I get the feeling of 'this is it.'

Sounds fair originally I was A-S Rank but now I'm leaning towards B Rank.

Also, got the image in DMC1 when you beat it on Normal Mode you get an art or image of all the enemies and bosses in DMC with Dante discoing in the middle? I can't seem to find it.


I Saw the Devil
i think its called king of hell. then again, that might've been for dmc2.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Im going with B. But on a more simple answer Id say all the enemies of DMC3. Considering DmC Dante is on the same level as DMC3 Dante I'd say he can take them on. However because new Dante is in a contemmperate series, is this fight taking place in DMC universe where gravity and power can increase new Dante's power?


Active Member
Considering the fact that DMC Dante was unfazed by four sycthes impaling his body and DmC Dante struggled to dig a bullet out of himself, there's no way he could make it to C. He wouldn't even be able to hit Jester, and even if he made it to B, Beowulf would crush him to bits. I'd rather not think of what would happen if he faced any stronger opponents..


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Considering the fact that DMC Dante was unfazed by four sycthes impaling his body and DmC Dante struggled to dig a bullet out of himself, there's no way he could make it to C. He wouldn't even be able to hit Jester, and even if he made it to B, Beowulf would crush him to bits. I'd rather not think of what would happen if he faced any stronger opponents..
But that's my question; DmC Dante is at the same level as DMC3 Dante so he should be able to handle all of DMC3 enemies. plus DmC Dante isn't stupid enough to actually let him get stabbed by scythes. Obviously he'll get out of the way.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Im going with B. But on a more simple answer Id say all the enemies of DMC3. Considering DmC Dante is on the same level as DMC3 Dante I'd say he can take them on. However because new Dante is in a contemmperate series, is this fight taking place in DMC universe where gravity and power can increase new Dante's power?



Active Member
But that's my question; DmC Dante is at the same level as DMC3 Dante so he should be able to handle all of DMC3 enemies. plus DmC Dante isn't stupid enough to actually let him get stabbed by scythes. Obviously he'll get out of the way.

Considering DmC Dante's "I don't give a ****" attitude, I doubt he would bother getting out of the way if he was impervious to the blows. I personally don't think DmC Dante was intended to be as powerful as classic Dante - but was supposed to be more believable. Let's not forget how Mundus would have wasted him if God-complex Kingpin of Steel Vergil hadn't been there to save him.

Kaim Argonar

Well-known Member
I'm leaning towards C or D. I normally wouldn't hesitate to rank him at a C but the fact that you have nearly DMC2 boss ranked at D rank kind of makes me rethink it a bit. It's a bit hard to imagine Nefasturris spawning from a sky scraper and vomiting up city block busters, is apparently weaker than Phantom... Then again he did fight against both DMC1 numerous times and 2 Dante... so I digress. So yeah I'm at a toss up on this one. Great list btw. Where would you rank Abigail from the anime?


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
But wait a second. Is this strictly from a cut scene stand point as to DmC Dante's abilities or all the abilities of player? Because say id Sam D (Opressivewriter) or say a master DmC player is controlling Dante would that change the outcome of the fight in general? Plus With tha tin mind, Dante will have all the moves, attacks, techniques, and power from the gameplay perspective and thus with that in mind, he could actually make it through most of the enemies of DMC3, but by the point of DMC1, I'd say he'd only be able to get up to Nelo Angelo but lost to Mundus. As for DMC4, the bosses will be no sweat since him and Nero are at the same peek of power. The smaller demons of DMC2 will be easy, and DmC Dante has already delt with giant heads before when it comes to demons, so that won't be too big a problem. Plus the DMC2 enemies were pretty pathetic already so DmC Dante actually wouldn't have that big of a problem with them. The only ones that could be a problem would be the final boss where all the bosses are combined into one and the fire boss at the very end. But hey, that's what Devil Trigger is for.

Not only that, but you still haven't answered if this battle Royal is taking place in DMC's universe or DmC's universe.


“Must not sleep... must warn others."
No higher than C rank I say. He doesn't have enough feats or hax to even put him at DMC3 Dante's level. The guys pretty tame actually. While I liked DmC, all the bosses in that game were serious jokes and don't have much going for them to say Dante could do the same with the ones from the DMCverse. He'd get torn in half by a lottttt of things on this list :meh:

Kaim Argonar

Well-known Member
I'm leaning towards C or D. I normally wouldn't hesitate to rank him at a C but the fact that you have nearly DMC2 boss ranked at D rank kind of makes me rethink it a bit. It's a bit hard to imagine Nefasturris spawning from a sky scraper and vomiting up city block busters, is apparently weaker than Phantom... Then again he did fight against both DMC1 numerous times and 2 Dante... so I digress. So yeah I'm at a toss up on this one. Great list btw. Where would you rank Abigail from the anime?
Oops I didn't even realize you had Abigail on this list already. Never mind my question... just ignore it then >_<
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