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Diabolus X (Game Ideas in General)


Supporter 2014
I'm just going to make a few bullet points before I go on ahead with this thread:

- New IP

- 60 FPS

- Lock-on

- Taunts range from: playful, laconic, and cruel. The taunts themselves depend on the player taking on either the benign, neutral, or evil path.

- Nonviolent taunts don't exist because the nonviolent players never engage with the enemy to begin with. They avoid the enemy through stealth mechanics.

- Shifting "Soul Reaver" Semi-Shifting World (because apparently "Limbo" can't run on "60" FPS on this generations current consoles) whenever enemies appear the area around you changes slightly and closes off all exits until you emerge victorious. The game will only have slightly-shifting worlds as opposed to complete shifts to avoid game performance slowdown.

- Starcaraft Social Hub where you upgrade your moves, health, and magic meter whenever you spend time with various select people within the area.

- "Style Souls" Different colored orbs used as "currency" to buy different moves that are categorized by their respective styles

- Metroidvania exploration mechanics. The Metroidvania world itself will be separate from the hubs. IT will be modeled after "Arkham Asylum" since that's the best 3D Metroidvania to date.

- At least 5 melee weapons and all weapons must have a full range of moves.

- Detective puzzles similar to the "Arkham" series.

- Stealth

- Darksiders platforming and puzzles that are different from the detective puzzles but no less challenging.

- RPG system that doesn't feel contrived and carries some actual weight to your actions

- Dialogue options.

- "Dishonored" aspect of gameplay, giving the player the option to to complete the mission and dialogue portions of the game through benign, evil, neutral, or nonviolent means.

- Neutral path is unlocked when the player attacks both good and evil opponents.

- Main protagonist (and playable antagonist) will have their own respective personalities, but will still be able to decide on which path to take. As we've seen in "Catherine", this sort of "conflicting" narrative is still possible to have in a role-playing game.

- Dishonored-style bosses allow the player to take them out non-violently.

- "Status" inflictions (poison, electrocution, confusion, rage, exhaustion, etc.)



These brief moments we share ...
Thanks Han SoLoGaMer. We'll just keep adding them as we go along. :3

That we will do x3

ugh, I have some serious headache today, so I will be taking a break for now.
I might be back later today, so I wish ya the best till next time


Supporter 2014
Don't worry about that. There's no rush.

Anyway, this can also apply to other genres as well. I'm not too crazy about other types of games (racing, shooters, etc.), but I'm sure at least someone here will want to post their thoughts as well. :lol:


Really great ideas you got there, but from a programming perspective it's nearly impossible to sum it all to one single game. But if you apply some ideas to different games, it could play out very well. I will try to explain why giving such a "complete" game is kinda difficult, if not impossible. I will use some examples too, i hope people doesn't get upset at me for this:

When you're thinking about implementing mechanics in a game, they have to match a series of things to become real, practical and acessible button mapping, for example. They start as ideas and through programming they make their way to the real world, to the concept world for the playable one (talking about games). A good example of a game who tries to deliver a "complete package" of things is TES: Skyrim, as talking about mechanics it really lacks in a bunch of terms, when i played it i made different "builds" to test some things on the game's combat, and barely found two ways to play the game: direct assaulting the monsters (with that simple combat) or using stealth, both of them don't have great diversity, mainly the stealth one and i will explain why: the purpose of TES is for you to merge in some roleplay of your character, so, the way they've found for the player to experience this is to make them nearly live a "real life" in the world the game is setted; you can have a house, a wife/husband, talk to people in a lot of ways (chosing what to say in the conversation screen), just hunt things, join into guilds and dive in their plots and stories, and bla bla bla. You can do all that things, but to make this affordable to the engine itself, you have to sacrifice some functionalities, let's take a look at TES stealth mechanics:
It's a very simple mechanic, it most relys on your interpretation of your character being sneaky as a shadow than actually making it clear in the gameplay (different from Tenchu or Metal Gear Solid, for example, who are games focused on the stealth gameplay), you just crouch and imagine things happening while attacking monsters with arrows or a dagger. It's really simplistic and offer no diversity in a mechanical way, you just crouch with a button, aims with the mouse/analog and shoot/attack with another button.
The "direct assault" combat itself is very simple, you just attack, run a little, get your shield up, got attacked and then attack again until someone dies, it has a little strategy but it's shallow anyway.
The game was developed in a way not to offer a mechanical and playable pleasure, but a pleasure from the stories you're "living" and seeing, for you to become your character in different ways.

So, i think that the first necessary step to make a good game is defining: what experience do you want the player to have with that game? How much different experiences you can sum up in that main experience without sacrificing important aspects of it?

I mean, just look at the first Darksiders too, i'm playing it, i've just killed Griever. The first game looks clearly like an experience to find what kind of game it will become in the future, it has a lot of features from another different games like: Zelda (puzzles and dungeons, a lot of them), God of War (exploring, vaults with health/power, parrys), Devil May Cry (command moves and some primitive aerial combat), etc. And the first game is clearly lacking in some aspects, looks like it can't decide if it wants to be a "dungeon-crawler" with puzzles and some combat, or a game focused on combat. Because of some combat mechanics, the puzzles seems like lacking a little of creativity, and the combat looks like being pushed back because of the game inclination to give you some puzzle solving mechanics and exploring features. Don't get me wrong, i'm enjoying the game, but it clearly doesn't know what it want to be as a game. In the end of the day the game stands on a middle-ground between all the awesomeness of the games it ripped out some ideas. It's a good game, but it's not magnificient in his own terms like the great Zelda games are, or the great DMCs are.

I think all my gigantic explaination can be abridged in one way: focus, things need to be specific to become good, enjoyable and deep. I don't like too much cinematic games, but enjoyed Heavy Rain when played it, it focus on that cinematic experience and does a really good job at it, i've liked all the development, the investigation thing, even not taking pleasure from "pressing buttons" and enjoying some mechanics at the time it was a good experience, because the game focused on be what he wanted to be.

EDIT: I forget to conclude all the TES thing. Basically: TES is a good game with his very own purpose of roleplaying a character in that fashion, although i prefer immersion like MGS or Dark Souls do, i know a lot of people who really can dive in that TES experience. But as a game itself, talking about mechanics, it does not intend to be deep, his purpose as a game doesn't need to have a deep mechanic in combat or any other thing.


Supporter 2014
Well, I think Kingdoms of Amalur performed just fine (simple, but fine) in the stealth department. And while the combat in Zelda SS isn't as extreme as Darksiders II, it can hold it's own and has decent dialogue options and puzzles that will make the player stop and think at least once.

So yes, while Darksiders II didn't have the best puzzles or dialogue options, it was decent at the very least. If this game doesn't improve on those aspects at least slightly, sooner or later another game will come along that will not only improve those aspects, but also the combat as well.

It's just a matter of waiting these things out. It could take as long as a decade and it will still happen anyway. Count on it.


These brief moments we share ...
So like, this is a just a thread dedicated to ideas I may have about my dream games? It can be anything right?

yeah, preferably ideas in terms of gameplay and even more preferably ideas that could be implemented in a DMC game,
though that is not a requirement.


Fake Geek Girl.
-Why no one already thought of this is beyond me. Thing is, I don't play MMOs. I don't even care much for Pokemon anymore. I only distinctly remember the original 151. I do however still like Pokemon and the world it created. A world that would be perfect for a MMO experience.

A game that would embody the fantasy all the kids had when they first saw Ash Ketchum leave his home and embarked on a journey to explore a world rich with amazing creatures to become a Pokemon master. Next to being a Power Ranger this was like the dream job.

You'd be able to create your own Pokemon trainer. Choose the region you are from to then grab a starter and embark on that quest. You catch wild Pokemon. Train them and level up. You can battle with other random trainers around the world. Maybe bargaining for XP bonuses or even items. The world of Pokemon would be recreated with many special events to also attend to connect with your fellow trainers and friends.

Pokemon Leagues would be special tournaments that would show up every now and then. The time spent leveling up your Pokemon will all come in to play as you have to meet certain requirements to even participate. Competing against hundreds of trainers from around the world you can solely win this tournament for that ultimate bragging right. And it's not just the regular Pokemon League. There will also be the Orange Islands and even Johto tournaments. You can also just simply watch the tournament unfold if you can't compete or don't want to.

Crazy community events such as the PokeFashion show and Team Rocket encounters can also become a staple.

As you see, it's to bring the exact fantasy you'd imagine the world of Pokemon to be to life. The gameplay could still play out like Pokemon games with turn based battle systems taking more influence from Pokemon Stadium. For a MMO though, this seems like a no brainer and I'd love to bring it to life.

PREDATOR:THE GAME (a good one)
-This game would take a bit of influence from video games like Arkham Asylum and City. A combat system would be centered around being this trained warrior capable of taking on multiple enemies alone. Also stealth would be a core gaming mechanic as well. Using the Predator's technology to take out enemies discreetly is what the Predator is also pretty much all about. Embrace the hunter heritage.

I can imagine the core story take place on the Predator planet itself to really get that sense you will go up against enemies that are capable of killing you. I would like the story to somehow lead you in to a similar encounter with humans like the first Predator movie though. And just for variety and good measure, let's get in some Xenomorphs.

I always dug the character and he's an awesome idea for a great video game.

-There's no denying, Silent Hill is a mess. I'm a horror fan and Silent Hill is a series I hold near and dear to my heart. The series has not had a good one since 3 though. Or an amazing one like 2. I still stand by claiming Silent Hill 2 is one of the greatest survival horror games ever made. It hurts my horror heart to see it fall so much.

Re-inventing Silent Hill properly is to really adapt the idea that surrounds the title "survival horror." You must survive the horror any way you can.

Give the player freedom to tackle the situations the way they see fit. You are NOT a superhero. The biggest problem with so many horror games nowadays is that the protagonist is usually someone who isn't technically vulnerable here. If you can kill everything in sight, why be afraid of it? Vulnerability is key.

There will be some enemies you can take on. The enemy you'll be able to bash in with a pipe. Others are creatures from out of this world and you will learn the best option is to run and hide. You will have that open area to pick your own paths. You'll have to play it smart. You don't want to hide in a room where there is no exit if the monster finds you. The game will not hold your hand. You will have to put forth common sense and access your best options for survival.

You are trying to survive the horror. The emphasis on YOU is very strong. Survival horror in every sense of the title.

I can't really think of the specifics of the story but, it's Silent Hill. You know what kind of guidelines you'll have to follow. Your own personal hell awaits.

A 3rd person perspective can definitely be an effective one. Fixed camera angles can sometimes become more of an annoyance more than anything. As long as you establish an atmosphere that has the player freaking out even when nothing is happening on screen, you've got an effective horror game.

A mechanic would also be how you manage your limited resources in an unpredictable world that will change and react to your choices. An open world that would enable real time scares randomly generated could also make for multiple play-throughs if you decide to take a different route etc. etc.

I have more ideas but, here's just a few.


Supporter 2014
So like, this is a just a thread dedicated to ideas I may have about my dream games? It can be anything right?

Yeah, it can be anything. Even Wario-like ADD mini-games.

Also, I really think you had some good ideas in that last post.

There's a Shin Megami Tensei MMO (and SMT is sort of similar to Pokemon) but, it never found that much success. :(

I like Predator, but I can't get past the face. Still, it sounds very appealing.

Silent Hill just needs an overhaul altogether. Agree with this.


I also want to add that a good story should be a requisite to the games on this list.

I mean, you don't have to have one (you can even have a purposely bad story) but, I just want to make sure the game mechanics and the story go well together.

And for the purposely bad stories, I guess just keep the player entertained, since that's all anyone is asking for.
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