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Devil May Cry- "If it were real" ~A Fanfiction idea

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"Waiting for one's arrival."
I was recently inspired to try my hand at some DMC fanfiction after coming across the "DMC in real life thread." And no, I do not plan on stealing or using any of the fabulous ideas found within that thread. After reading that thread and doing some serious thinking, I wanted to figure out just how I could manage to set the universe of classic DMC within the real world that me and you live in today. But then it struck me, and I instantly became inspired to do something with this idea. I wanted to voice out my idea here in hopes of getting some helpful insight and advice before I devote my time to this. After reading some outstanding and just plain magnificent works of FF, I realized that I wanted to contribute to this already wonderful and devoted community of writers. I want to bring an emotional side to Devil May Cry that was never there, to paint a better picture of who Dante really is. But I will be keeping the characters as close their game counterparts as I possibly can. But I will be making them just a tad bit more realistic. So bare with me as you read through this fanfiction idea. And please don't hesitate to give your advice or voice certain complaints that you may have with them. Since I only have just a few days of school left, I can devote a good majority of my time to perfecting and better working with this idea. I'll have three glorious months of freedom. The story takes place around the time of DMC 4, and will better explore his past life through a series of key-events.This is the (prototype) title of the story:

"The Legend of Sparda"​
Sparda 'Redgrave' was a man of many words and actions, a man who once sat beside "Mundus." Sparda was the shadow that moved when Mundus did, the one who sat on the other side of the velvet curtain. A curtain that few would dare to look behind, for fear of their life. Sparda served as a trusted 'cleaner' of Mundus, a man who would dispose of all and any of any who even batted a lash at Mundus. For many, many years...Sparda dirtied his hands with whatever blood Mundus had a feud with. But the real monster was never Sparda, it was Mundus. He was a man who owned everything, who had earned it through bullets and split blood. But Sparda one day destroyed the empire of crime that Mundus had perfected, sent the ivory towers he had carved tumbling down to the ground with just a simple phone call...and a bullet. Having shot Mundus and delivering key-evidence to the authorities, Sparda Redgrave vanished. Mundus was seemingly forever locked away within the filthiest prison they could find, Mallet Island. But Mundus's anger knew no bounds, the man that he had given a home and life to had betrayed him. He would take his revenge, he still owned the street-dogs.
Sparda couldn't live with the overwhelming guilt of what he had done to others, what pain he had inflicted and just how much of the empire he had built. When he stood on the railings of a bridge near the sea to kill himself from his guilt, a lovely woman stopped him. During one of his only weaknesses of his life, Eva helped him and saved him from himself. Together they made a new life for Sparda, and eventually brought two new lives into life. They used the money that Sparda had accumulated and bought a home near the ocean on the coast of Maine. They raised their sons there for four wonderful years. But Sparda knew that Mundus would come for him, it was only a matter of time. If he were to stay with his family, they would be punished for his crimes against Mundus. Within the dead of the night, Sparda left leaving only a note: "Take good care of them, I will never forget them or you."
Sparda left that night, leaving everything he fought to protect behind. When you love something, sometimes you must let it go to truly protect it. Eva was left with her two sons, two swords and an amulet left for them for when they grew older. Four more years would pass, the twins given halves of an amulet for their birthday. It was on that same day when Eva was killed, a goon sent by Mundus to destroy what was left of Sparda...

Dante- Dante is a man who grew up to despise crime and other low-lives after seeing his mother die at the hands of a common goon. Having been left with the "Legacy" of his former crime-lord Father, Dante tries his best to distinguish himself from his father. He takes no pride in who his father was nor what could have been. Dante is a very playful and seemingly-silly man at first glance, but it's mostly an act to hide what loneliness he feels. To those who know him, Dante is really a relaxed yet playful man with an interesting sense of humor. His brother is a touchy subject and will often either get him angry or depressed if mentioned. Having grown up and protected his older brother, Dante is still broken after the epic betrayal that took place on his 18th birthday. After sending Mundus back to his Island prison and befriending Trish, Dante sleeps a little better at night knowing that the killer of his mother is once again behind bars. Dante has made it a personal goal to prevent anyone from feeling what he did on his eight birthday.​
Dante works as a bounty hunter and owns his own bar appropriately named: Devil May Cry. Dante uses what little side-profit he generates from the bar to help pay off his massive debt from his long-time friend: Lady. Dante is a handsome and tall man who often wears simple but appropriate clothing for a job, a black thermal over a white shirt and black jeans. He is almost never seen without his signature red-coat, a long red-leather coat that had been gifted to him by his brother: Vergil. Dante keeps the sleves of the coat rolled up to his elbows, the same with the thermal beneath the coat. A pair of fingerless gloves adorn his hands. Dante seems to have inherited an odd genetic disorder that causes the roots of his hair to turn white, something that both him and his brother inherited from their father.​
He carries a rather large sword named, "Rebellion", and a pair of twin guns that he had especially crafted for him somewhere within Europe. This is one of the few things of his fathers that Dante bothers to keep, though only at the request of his mother. Dante is skilled with nearly any type of firearm and is extremely proficient with swords. He is also skilled in a variety of martial-arts and is intelligent and cunning, though not on the level that his brother is.​
Trish- A woman who helped bring Mundus to justice with Dante and who quickly became one of his most trusted allies. Trish was the illegitimate Daughter of Mundus, having been born from a one-night stand with an escort. Raised to be an asset to Mundus, Trish was trained in a variety of weapons and forms of martial arts. When Mundus learned of the existence of Dante, he sent out Trish to charm him and kill him. Only the plan backfired and the two worked together to bring Mundus to justice. She prevented Dante from putting a bullet within his brain after restraining him. But it wasn't to prevent him from killing her father, but to keep Dante from seeping to the level of Mundus. The two have a strong-emotional bond of purely friendship and now work together as partners. Trish is also the co-owner of Devil May Cry.​
Lady- A bail-bondsman who pays Dante to bring her bounties. She was there for Dante when Vergil betrayed him and helped him to open Devil May Cry. Dante also helped her to find her father, who was wanted for the brutal murder of her mother. Though their relationship may be a bit rough and sketchy at times, the two still remain friends.

Vergil- The brother of Dante, the brother who chose to follow within the footsteps of his father. Vergil like his brother, witnessed the murder of their mother and their childhood. With that image came to harsh reality of life for Vergil and the cold-feeling of being alone. Vergil became horribly scared and angered with what had become of their life, what they once held so dearly was now lost. Vergil became angry and immensely determined to protect what he had left; Dante. He ran from the boys home that the two had been placed within to seek out his father, someone that he knew could help him. Unable to find his father, Vergil ran back to the home of their childhood. The only thing Vergil discovered there was a Katana hidden within the floorboards, a dusty thing with a notebook beneath it.

Vergil could only sob as he read the words from his father, the words apologizing for what he had done to them as a family. What he could have been but instead hadn't. A notebook that told Vergil exactly why he had to run, why he couldn't be there. Vergil knew that Sparda was never coming back, he was probably dead by the hand of Mundus. But Vergil had a new purpose in life, a feeling that overwhelmed him. He would protect his father, and he would embrace the legacy of his father. Somewhere within his young mind, the properties of 'fear' and 'respect' became warped. To Vergil, the only way to be respected was to be feared. Vergil no longer felt the desire to stay behind and dwell within the weakness of the failure to protect their mother. Vergil decided he would live on his own, until he was ready to keep Dante safe. He would embrace what empire his father left for him.

Vergil wouldn't be seen by Dante until they were nearly eighteen, nearly ten years from when they last laid eyes on one another. By then Vergil had become ready, ready to take what empire Sparda had left as his own. He had crafted a world of blood and fear around him, something that had earned him the respect and fear of those around him. He could protect Dante now with what he had built, but Dante rejected Vergil. While Dante explained that he still loved Vergil for simply being his brother, he couldn't be a part of the 'darker' world that Vergil had crafted around himself. Vergil became broken and angry from Dante's words, a feeling of betrayal overtaking him. Vergil left that very night, proclaiming to Dante that he would kill him if they were to ever meet again.

But the two did met once more, only under darker circumstances. His smaller empire of crime crushed by Mundus, Vergil could do nothing but submit. Vergil would become a simple doll, brainwashed and indoctrinated with the ideals and desires of Mundus. Mundus thought that if he couldn't kill the traitor Sparda, he would kill his son and his freedom. When Trish and Dante arrived at Mallet Island to capture Mundus, Dante and Vergil clashed once more. When the two fought upon a cliff side, Dante gravely injured Vergil and ripped the bandages that kept his face hidden. Dante could seemingly only hug his brother once more after nearly six years of absence. But Vergil knew that there could be no redemption, and simply sliced Dante across the hand. Vergil seemingly accepted death and allowed for himself to fall into the ocean bellow. It is unclear if Vergil is still alive.

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