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Devil May Cry: Echoes of the Unknown


Supreme Ruler
It's been quite some time since I've been here. But I've been yearning to write again and I need feedback. So, I've come up with this. It serves as a........somewhat episode that happens between DMC4 and what would be DMC5. It stars Nero with supporting characters Dante, Kyrie, and a new character, Abel, along with an appearance by Vergil.

"It has been a couple years after the events in Fortuna have occured. We see Nero, broken and depressed, as he is having a hard time starting a new life from his old home. Kyrie and he have moved to a metropolis now, hoping things would come by easy. But, for this young devil hunter, life has become far from easy."

Chapter 1

The rain beated down hard on Nero's coat as he walked down the sidewalk of the city streets. The noise of beeping cars and people yelling had always annoyed Nero, but the sound of the rain pouring down seemed to make things better today. It made him at peace, somewhat. He approached an dark alley, where there was an entrance to a bar. As he walked in, and the rain dripped down from his coat, the bartender looked at him and screamed, "Watch it buddy I just mopped that floor up!"
"My apologies, sir," Nero replied, giving the man a sarcastic stare. Everyone was staring at him as he pulled his hood down, revealing his silver, silky hair. Nero heard whispers of "What's wrong with him," and "He looks strange," coming from the many customers inside. He ignored them though, as he could care less what "they" thought. Taking a seat, the bartender began talking to Nero, saying "Haha, we don't get many people like you around here."
"Well, there aren't many people like me out there. I guess you could say I'm one of a kind."
"One of a kind, huh?" The bartender began to laugh to himself. Nero gave him a dark stare.
"Just get me a glass of scotch," he ordered.
"Whatever you say, freak." Nero sighed, and turned his chair around to look at the other people. They stopped staring at him, finally. He heard a voice in his head, telling him something
"Humans. Pathetic waste. So weak, no power. They must all be......"
"Shut up!" Nero yelled out loud. Everyone began staring at him again, as if though he really were crazy.
"I was just trying to get your drink, now no yelling at me buddy!" the bartender screamed at Nero. This voice, it's always been echoing in his head. It had been going on ever since the events of Fortuna. It had been driving him insane ever since.
"Something has to give soon," Nero thought to himself. He put his hood back up and bolted out of the bar. The bartender yelled at him, "Don't ya want your drink?"
Nero could care less for that stuff right now though. He had it with the constant public humiliation. The time has come where enough has been enough. There was this burning desire inside of Nero that had wanted to get to the bottom of all of this. As the rain beat down on him and it dripped off his coat, he looked at his right arm and remembered those words that Sanctus had said to him in Fortuna, "Indeed, you have inherited Sparda's power."

to be continued.....

As said before, I would appreciate feedback from you guys =]


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
This is good... I know I truly like this, because Nero is a character I despise, and yet... Having read this, I actually like how he is portrayed... Very dark, and gripping :)

Continue it soon... Please... It would be good to read more.


Supreme Ruler
Chapter 2

"He's ran off again. Something must be really troubling him lately. Everyday I grow more concerned for Nero's well being, I just don't know what to do," Kyrie wrote in her diary. The door to the apartment creeked open.
"Oh, your back," Kyrie softly said to Nero. He just glared back at her and turned his head. "Is there something wrong?" she quietly asked him. Nero walked into the kitchen and pounded his fist on the table. Slowly turning his head he replied, "No." Kyrie didn' want to go further than that, knowing how hot-tempered Nero could get. She just wanted to help him so badly.
"I just want to help," Kyrie muttered. She grabbed her diary and went into her bedroom, closing her door. Nero let out a sigh, walked into the living room, and took a seat. He put his hands over his face, thinking about what happened tonight. Nero started to think about how Kyrie was dealing with him, but then...
"Why have such love for someone? It is nothing more......than an inferior emotion that tangles in the way of what really matters. Love is just.....," Nero let out another scream to get the voice away from talking. He punched his fist through the wall to relieve the frustration. The door to Kyrie's room slightly opened as she peeked out to see what was the matter. Nero didn't want to look back at her as he felt ashamed. As the door closed Nero walked over to the window. He looked outside, into the night. And then........he noticed somebody watching him. It was a man, an odd looking man, staring at him from an alley-way. He made a waving motion with two of his fingers at Nero, as if though he were telling him to come over there. Nero became curious of the man, and couldn't help but adhere to his calling. He walked outside and looked into the alleyway. But the man was now gone?
"This way," a voice said. Nero ran into the dim alleyway and saw a hunched figure with a bald head walk out from the shadows.
"Who are you?" Nero questioned the man.
"Allow me to introduce myself. I am none other than the simple Abel. It is an honor to stand in the presence of one such as you."
"Ha, that's funny, I don't get many fans. Why be so "honored" around me anyway?"
"Ahhhhh, but I know all about you, Nero. I know all about who.....you.....are." Nero gave a sharp glare back at Abel. Abel just stared in amazement at him though. "And I especially know about that.....arm of yours." Abel started chuckling to himself.
"Ok then. Well, this is getting creepy so let's wrap this up quickly."
"But is it not answers you seek," Abel asked Nero. He just turned his back to Abel though. "Because I am the key to all of your questions, my dear boy." Nero stood for a while, pondering to himself who this man could really be. Could he trust him, or would it be a mistake? He couldn't take the constant stress from these voices anymore though. Nero had no other choice but to listen to what Abel had to say.
"So your true to your word then?"
"As true......as can be my dear boy. Now, please, follow me......this way...master."
"What did you just call me!?!"
"Nothing my son.....nothing at all." Despite what he may have just heard, Nero ignored what Abel just said as the two walked off into the shadows.

to be continued..........
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