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Devil May Cry: 4th and 1st game similarities?


I noticed some similarities between the first and fourth games, maybe it's just me but I really don't think so, I mentioned this slightly in another thread but I believe I should make my own thread about this to see if anyone else sees it.

topic 1: Music
Dante's theme in 4 ('Blackened Angel' form the OST) sounds like a remixed version of Dante's theme from the first game but with a little bit of 3's metal headded-ness added to it and maybe even 2's technoness.

topic 2: Costume
Dante's costume doesn't look exactly like the 1st game's costume but there are similarities, such as the buckles, in 4 Dante has 3 buckles across his torso and then his pants buckle. In 1 he has the vest which also has 3 buckles and then his belt. The coats in both games are rolled up just above the elbow and even have the split cuff. both undershirts are long sleved more or less and 4's could be zipped up to make a turtle neck like in 1. Coinsidence?

topic 3: Enemies (the big kicker for me)
Half of the enemies in 4 are either almost exactly the same or extremely similar to the ones in 1. examples;

Assaults and Frosts from 4 = Blades from 1
Scarecrows from 4 = Marrionettes from 1
Manifestos and Fausts from 4 = the sicssor wraith things from 1

and so on... anyone else see the revisitation of the refrences? Heck even Sanctus (the fight with the statue anyway) was similar to the Mundus fight! and the first DMC game was the best selling one untill 4 came along. any one else see this pattern?

Crimson Devil

Yes, there is a lot of similar things in both games and capcom made that on purpose. I think the reason is that the first game was a success (like u said), just like the third game, and thats why they tried mixing the styles of both games.
And I think the reason they made DMC4 closer to DMC1 than to DMC3 is because in terms of timeline, DMC4 happens after DMC1, thats why dante wears the same style of clothes and fights the same oponents (marionettes/scarecrows, assaults, frosts, and others were still released in the human world after the end of DMC1).

Everytime I play DMC4, i feel so much I'm playing a mix of DMC1 and DMC3, I mean, the game is so much a mix of DMC1's dark style with DMC3's techno-heavy metal style. IMO, stages got a HUGE influence of that, like:
•Fortuna castle with a bridge leading to a forest filled with assaults and a place that looks like a colosseum = DMC1's Mallet Island castle with that forest filled with assault like creatures and a huge colosseum.

•The Order of the Sword HQ tower = DMC3's Temen-Ni-Gru (at least, it reminded me of that)


yeah I know what you're saying, i just wanted to make sure i wasn't the only person who noticed, even though it's kind of a cool that they did that, it brought old originality to the game with brand new gameplay.
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