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The Da3dra

Master Of War
So a couple days ago I found myself bored out of my mind and needing something to do. Having no new games I decided I would download a whole mess of demos. Dead space, F.E.A.R.2, and RE5 being the big ones I really wanted to try and I downloaded legendary and Lord of the rings conquest just for sh*ts and giggles

Re5 doesn't really need much explaing and I'm sure it wouldn't surprise any of you if I said I thought it was a great demo and will most definitely be an amazing game.

The demo for the game LEGENDARY didn't do well in explaing the story but I feel it made up for it with the actual gameplay. The game has something to do with pandoras box and it gives you powers...or something...I didn't pay attention. Well you soon find yourself fighting werevolves and minitaurs and listening to some good hard rock/metal music whilst you chop sh*t up with your axe. I thought the game was going to be a waste of my time but turns out it is actually pretty good. and the video afterwards of gryphons and what appears to be a kraken...or however you spell that were more than enough to convince me to go and get the game. Or at least rent it.

F.E.A.R.2 was pretty scary but not in the way I wanted it to be. They did very well setting the atmosphere and I found myself jumping every couple of seconds, but that is why I didn't like it so much. The music and sometimes lack of music did a good job scaring me but I really could have done without athe ghosts jumping out at every corner just to scare me. And sometimes the game seemed to try to scare when I was doing some of the most trivial things I.E. opening a bathroom stall door...aaah...scary.

Dead Space....There is not much to say about the demo other than the fact I hope and pray it is nothing like the game. The game didn't seem to want to teach me any instructions other than how to make a blue line appear on the floor. That or I just skipped through everything but that is not the point. It took me 4 tries before I figured out how to switch weapons and after that all I got to do was murder liek 4 guys then screw around in a room because the demo wouldn't let mw advance. It's not like It blacked out and said "buy this game" It actuallly prevented me from continuing and just let me wonder around the room aimlessly. Honestly if I had timed myself the demo was maybe 3 minutes long as best, not enough to sway me.

Well the last demo I downloaded was Lord of the rings conquest it is a game made by Pandemic, the creaters of Star Wars Battlefront1&2. To be honest I Didn't think I was going to enjoy the game, but now I can't stop coming back to it. I feel it is actually really really fun. The classes are pretty balanced and even a novice can get into the game pretty easily. I foun dmyself enjoying using the mage and being able to take out 5 or 6 guys before I even got hurt. That game was crazy fun and if you liked SWB you might enjoy this game too.

How about you guys have you tried any of these demos? Or have you tried any other demos or games you wish to speak of?
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