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Demons And What They Are (Read Only If Interested In The Demon World)

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Lost Soul
I'm not sure how appropriate this is on here. It is about demons which Dante rids his world of.

I might as well go from the start. Yes the very boring bit before it gets interesting.
About 4 years ago I met a man who worship demons and got involved with the occult. Mostly research for them in different demons and information on different rituals. So my knowledge of the demon world and summoning techniques are quite good and mostly sought after by the demon worshiping coven. Though I have to say that some demon worshipers have a higher knowledge then I do. OK here's the good part. Though most demons are quite into doing there own thing some have an interest in our world and humanity itself. You might be surprised but Lucifer has very little interest in us or our world. After all he has servant's to do his bidding. There are those who are like Ardad - demon that leads travelers astray who's main reason of being is to have a presence in this world.

Here's a list off a few of the demons that have been written about and there purpose. I must add this is not to currupt any one. This is me and who I am. I'm a pagan and have been for 9 years. I have seen many things in the occults as I have studied more then just demonology. I understand if people take this the wrong way. I'm only trying to give info for those who have an interest in the demon world though people think what they think and I can't stop that.

Species of Demons

* Fates, who alter destiny
* Poltergeists, who cause mischief
* Incubi and Succubi, who stimulate lust and perversion
* Marching Hordes, who bring about war
* Familiars, who assist witches
* Nightmares, who disturb sleep through bad dreams
* Demons formed from Humans
* Disguised Demons
* Demons who Assail the Saintly
* Demons who Instigate Witchcraft

Correspondence of Demons to the Seven Deadly Sins

Lucifer Pride

Mammon Avarice

Asmodeus Lust

Satan Anger

Beelzebub Gluttony

Leviathan Envy

Belphegor Vanity and Sloth

List of Demons

Acham - the demon of Thursday.

Alrinach - demon of shipwrecks.

Alocer - demon in astrology.

Any - the presiding demon of Hell.

Anamalech - the demon of bad news.

Andras - the demon of discord.

Aquiel - the demon of Sunday.

Arachula - evil spirit in the air.

Ardad - demon that leads travelers astray.

Ascaroth - demon of spies and informers.

Asmodeus - mentioned in the Book of Tobias;

Asmodeus (aka Abaddon) is "The Destroyer."

Astaroth - one of the Chief Devils, sometimes spelled as Ashtaroth. Astarte is its female.

Baal - one of the Great Demons. Also given as Baalim.

Bechard - the demon of tempests.

Bechet - the demon of Friday.

Behemoth - the demon of animal strength.

Belial - demon of the Sidonians.

Beelzebub - one of the Princes of Hell. Also given as Beelzeboul.


Braathwaate - demon of Ignorance.

Bucon - the demon of Hatred.

Byleth - one of the Kings of Hell.

Cheitan - demon born of Smoke.


Lanithro - demon of the air.

Legassa - demon of Hypocrisy.


Lucifer - "Light-bearer."


Mastiphal - one of the Princes of Darkness.


Saalah - demon that entices into the woods.


Tenebrion - Spirit of Darkness.

Verdelet - demon who carries witches to Sabbath.

Itachi Uchiha

forget myself..
pagan????ummmm ok am relgusly cunfused i have been for some time and i have found my self studying meany relgens but i most not have came across that one yet what is a pagan(excuse my stupidy)


Lost Soul
You'll probably know it as Wicca. Pagan is an old word which only a few use. It's short for paganism. As I said I know a lot about the occults so if you have a question PM me. :D


You'll probably know it as Wicca. Pagan is an old word which only a few use. It's short for paganism.
pagan is not wicca, they are both different branches of the same area....
i would say pagan is more someone who is spiritual. imo, you can be a wiccan and pagan, but i am pagan and not wiccan.
its like saying all witches are wiccans otherwise

......you missed out alot of the enochian demons :p
i stand by Raum and Botis ^_^

i have aquired a dictionary of demons by fred gettings recently, although sadly not for keeps :(
i like dictonary and heavy factual books :p


Nova;145788 said:
urm, im wiccan
i hope noone goes against me for that

lol omg your wiccan wthell??!

im joking
i guess i would call myself pagan, but i dont really go far in the pagan area myself.
I do alot of energywork and read alot :p
i used to consider myself wiccan, but this was when i was young and thought all witches were wiccans, and didnt realise it had a structure and things like that. i dont go for structure, and nor do i go completely for karma, but all to themselves no?

Darcy Willows

Substitute Soul reaper :D
nah theres a lot of differences wiccans believe that there power comes from things like the earth or the oceans


Nova;145801 said:
nah theres a lot of differences wiccans believe that there power comes from things like the earth or the oceans

This is starting to go a little off topic but hey.
I did imply that there were differences between wiccans and pagans
but this was when i was young and thought all witches were wiccans, and didnt realise it had a structure and things like that
as this was what i thought when i was younger, say 11, lol

i am somewhat new to the pagan thing and still learning, as with everyone else, but as far as i am aware, pagans beleive their powers come from nature as well, do they not? (practiced when i was younger, stopped for about five years due to moving and not knowing anyone, back with more knowlege and power over my own energy han i used to be)
off topic... thats a thing - why is there no group for witches? :p
on topic - Diabolus perpetua

Nether Realm

L in all ways but 1!
What are Wiccans? I have always been interested in these sorts of things but thought myself weird because I didnt know anyone else was into them. I really would like to know more.


as far as i am aware, Wicca is an established religion for users of magic (a wide variety of practices, inculding alchemy,herbology, spellcasting, rituals and astrology)
a majority follow the 'wiccan law' of "if it/ye harm none, thy will be done" and a karma type theory of what you do will come back multiplied by three, seven, or twenty one.
however it is possible to practice magic without being wicca. that is what being a pagan is.
i myself am pagan, and although pagans also follow some kind of karma method, i do not.
that is how i would describe it anyway. religion and different veiws on religion is always grey in my eyes. can be seen differently by everyone.
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