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Dedicated forum for DMC video submissions? (Let's Plays, combos, montages, music videos, etc.)

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Fearfully and wonderfully made
Just thinking out loud here.

People like watching DMC videos (one would imagine), people like making DMC videos (one would still imagine). I know this because Internet.

Still with me?

People are already posting video submissions (aforementioned montages, Let's Plays, music videos, etc.), so I propose that we perhaps have a forum (visible on the forum index) for the sole purpose of housing them, and the ones we find especially spiffy we can feature on the front page and junk.

Perhaps some kind of Twitch.tv integration... somehow.

Drawing a blank now.

Help me out here, gang.
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Supporter 2014



I dunno, Steve. People have only posted a few vids or so recently. If we're going to do this, it will... *sigh* have to be with any and all the games we can think of.

... Like Darksiders, for instance.

To me, if we're going to give an entire forum legs, we'll have to include every single "combo-action" series.



Ninja Gaiden

God of War



Will we have to put up fighting games as well? It may be something to consider; just a thought, you know.

I'm sorry, I know this is your idea and all, but you did ask for a different perspective, and that's exactly what I'm trying to deliver on here.

Too bad my only idea is: "Yeah, throw that in there, too."




Um... I actually only skimmed through your post the first time I read through it, so I thought this was for DMC games only.

So, instead of deleting my previous part of my post, I figured why not just leave it up there?

It could be a tutorial on how not to post on a Steve thread... or any other thread, for that matter.



Ok, you could have separate sections that are organized accordingly:

Glitch and Tool-Assisted Speedruns

Non-glitch and non tool-assisted Speedruns


Combo Exhibitions

Boss Strategies

Enemy Strategies

How To (miscellaneous how-to vids regarding anything non-enemy related)

Puzzles (for puzzles like the ones in FEZ, etc.)


There's something else:

I'm not exactly sure what sort of ideas you're looking for from the rest of us.

If some sort of "Streamer" functionality and "Stream Invite Meetings" could be organized, then that would be great too... if it's at all possible, I mean.


Blip.tv just cut off a bunch of channels (like the Game Overthinker), so you may be able to take advantage of that by inviting some of the people who got cut off.


"Many of you have probably heard the news over the last few days that Blip has been culling series from the network. A lot of shows, some long-running and fairly popular, have been getting the hammer for a variety of reasons, and I just a few hours ago learned that unfortunately ADVENTURES OF THE GAME OVERTHINKER will be one of them as of July."


I guess it doesn't have to be gameplay/related videos only, it could also be various up-and-coming gaming shows.

How about other various pop-culture shows?

Maybe a Gaming News Section? [E3, GDC, TGS, "Top Controversies Column" etc.]

A "Cracked" Section? ["6 Things EA Needs to Stop Doing" or "6 Franchises Capcom Needs to Ressurect" etc.]

Game Music Remixes?

Joke Reviews?


Actual Reviews?


Looks like I'm getting too far off track. I'm just posting any and all ideas I can think of. Oh well.
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Well-known Member
I like this idea. There's some really talented players on this site, it would be cool to have a sub forum with all their stuff in one handy dandy spot. :smile:

Could this forum also be for critique or lesson videos? Like, could people make a video analyzing DmC level design and post that? What about How To videos? I know I would benefit from watching videos that explained some of the more complex parts of DMC's combat system. :eek:

Would it just be for DMC games? Or would other games be allowed? What about Let's Plays? o_O :eek:

Overall, I give this idea a :thumbsup:

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
I agree with Meg because God knows I need to brush up on my Nero gameplay. But a little sub forum where we share our various DBZ videos would be great. Sort of like a "DMC.org shows the world how DMC is meant to be played!"


Well-known Member
I say we make this a forum wide project where professional players make tutorials and walkthroughs while another group critiques the plot, dialogue, characters, etc..


I Saw the Devil


Ninja Gaiden

God of War

Now we are stepping into /Cuhrayzee/ territory.

Would it just be for DMC games? Or would other games be allowed? What about Let's Plays? o_O :eek:
Well, we could divide it like the forum is already divided. DMC games, DMC everything else, and General (manning anything non DMC related).

Let me tell you this, though. I am starting a YouTube channel and in my research I've learned a great deal about fair use, let's plays, by extension, and game companies who aren't particularly fond of letting people use their games for anything of this nature.

Check this:

I couldn't find Capcom here but in their site they have a statement regarding the usage of their games. Basicly you can use screenshots to make a review as long as you are not receiving monetary compensation for it. I still haven't found anything regarding let's plays, since I wasn't planning on doing anything like that, but I'll go on a limb and assume that their position on them is the same.
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I Saw the Devil
You know, we could make the quintessential game guides for all DMC titles. Techniques, trophies, advanced combat tutorials, etc.

I have professional experience in compositing, typesetting, and video editing and I'm sure I'm not the only one.


Well-known Member
Considering the amount of DMC gameplay videos there are, I doubt Capcom really cares. It's probably one of those rules that never gets reinforced. And honestly, since Let's Plays are all about showing people how to get through a game, it can be argued that Let's Plays are a form of teaching and therefore they fall under fair use.

Basically, I really don't think Capcom is going to care if DMC videos are posted on this site considering how many are on YouTube.


I Saw the Devil
Considering the amount of DMC gameplay videos there are, I doubt Capcom really cares. It's probably one of those rules that never gets reinforced. And honestly, since Let's Plays are all about showing people how to get through a game, it can be argued that Let's Plays are a form of teaching and therefore they fall under fair use.

Basically, I really don't think Capcom is going to care if DMC videos are posted on this site considering how many are on YouTube.
They won't care as long as we are not monetizing the videos. It's not as simple as 'just look at all the videos there are,' mi chava. You do this at your own risk and maybe they'll take action against it and maybe they won't, hard to tell how they pick which videos they don't like from the hat.

We could always just ask, too.

Fair use is no longer applicable to YouTube. Do to the pressure they received from companies they now have a policy that states their rules or the highway. Not their fault, really, it's a compromise they had to install in order to not shut down after been pressured by all the companies that wanted their head. Now you must follow certain guidelines or you could argue your case in court, but who has time for that.

For what we are talking about here it shouldn't be an issue but like I said, if we ask Capcom head on it'll save us possible headaches in the future.
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Well-known Member
They won't care as long as we are not monotizing the videos. It's not as simple as 'just look at all the videos there are,' mi chava. You do this at your own risk and maybe they'll take action against it and maybe they won't, hard to tell how they pick which videos they don't like from the hat.
We could always just ask, too.
If they've never cared so long as the videos aren't monetized then I can't imagine why they would care now. I think we're way overthinking this. And besides, "it's easier to ask for forgiveness than it is for permission." :wink:


I Saw the Devil
If they've never cared so long as the videos aren't monetized then I can't imagine why they would care now. I think we're way overthinking this. And besides, "it's easier to ask for forgiveness than it is for permission." :wink:
That is kinda true. Sometimes the only way to get a hold of publishers is after the fact.

I still think that contacting Capcom, even if just for courtesy's sake, might be more prudent, but:

Publisher: Capcom
Restriction: "Fan projects and artwork are all welcomed! As long as there is no money changing hands or personal financial gain, you should be fine."
Source: http://www.capcom-unity.com/ask_cap...-ip-statuses-events-more&post_num=2#519974985
Game(s): http://www.capcom-unity.com/#
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