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Dead Space 2 Review (PS3, Xbox 360)

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
One of the most anticipated games in 2011. I loved the first game, and this sequel is no exception. Not to mention, this is a very scary game to play...



Isaac returns in this game. This time, he must escape from a huge space station called the Sprawl as the Necromorph infestation begins in that station.

Without giving some critical spoilers, this game takes place 3 years after the first Dead Space events. Or more specifically, right after Dead Space: Ignition, as the latter game takes directly before Dead Space 2. Isaac was detained in the Sprawl, and starts having dementia, and having hallucinations of Nicole that wants to kill Isaac. Isaac broke free from his confinement thanks to Franco, the protagonist from Dead Space: Ignition, and must find a way to escape the station while fighting the Necromorphs.

Unlike the first game, Isaac has a voice actor, who gives him full emotional display and act through Isaac. I liked his voice acting, and I wonder why Visceral Games never hired him in the first place for the first game.

As in the first game, most characters will end up dead, except a few important characters. Isaac, by far, is my most favourite character in the game, given the challenges he faces needed to overcome problems while escaping, Nicole's hallucination, and everything else. All characters fit their roles in the game well, and Isaac is the star of this game.

The audio logs as well as text logs found while playing can give you some backstory explaining of important things in Dead Space 2. Some logs though, are irrelevant to the main story.

The story is extremely well done by Visceral Games. Many suspense, great character building, and awesome story. In my personal opinion, Isaac steals the show in the game, with major thanks to his voice actor, Gunner Wright.



Don't shoot the body. Dismember their limbs to kill them faster.

The gameplay largely the same as the first game. You have Stasis, Kinesis, all recurring weapons from the first game, and many more. However, there are some minor changes.

The way to kill the Necromorphs is the same as previous Dead Space game. Headshots or body shots won't work well. Instead, dismember their limbs to kill them permanently. Most weaker Necromorphs will die after have their arms cut off, so it would be wise to shoot their arms to conserve ammo. However, in certain situations, shooting their legs off to slow down is a much better way.

The game still have some puzzles that you need to solve in order to proceed. This time, Isaac uses his engineering abilities in order to gain access to different places. There are some places you need to hack in order to proceed, etc. Either way, these are good challenges.


Stasis is incredibly important in this game. Use it to have higher chances to dismember the Necromorphs, and to escape.​

In this game, your Stasis meter will refill over time, albeit slowly. However, this is a good change as in case you don't have any Stasis Pack or Stasis Station around, you can just run while wait for your Stasis to refill and use it on the Necromorph. However, do not rely your Stasis to refill quickly, unless you have the Advanced Suit.

For those who does not play the first game, Stasis is a move that allows you to slow down your enemies in a short period of time. So slow that you can just run away while the Necromorph finishes it's attack. This is a crucial move that can save your life many times in life and death situations in the game.

Also, there is a new addition technique called TK Impalement. This feature allows you to fire sharp objects like sharp pipes, etc and impale the targeted Necromorph. TO do so, you need to use Kinesis on the particular object, and fire it on the Necromorph. With any luck, it can kill the weaker Necromorphs with one shot. This is a useful feature that allows you save ammo in order to fight other more difficult battles in the game.


Isaac can now use melee attacks faster. He can stomp and punch faster than the first game.
Now, Isaac can use melee attacks faster than the first game. This means that the melee attacks are more useful compared to the first game. You can punch and stomp repeatedly to kill a Necromorph. One thing shoudl be noted that, not all Necromorphs will drop items upon death. Stomp on the dead Necromorphs to spawn an item like ammo, Health Pack, and Credits.

The Zero Gravity feature is tweaked. Instead of jumping from different ceilings in order to complete your Objectives, you can now hover and fly around Zero Gravity areas.

There are many event sequences that takes place in the game, such as the Tram sequence, Tormenter sequence, etc. You need to have good reflexes on those sequences as most of them can result to Isaac's death if you are unable to do so.

This game also features the same QTE events from the first game, such as mashing a button to escape a Necromorph's grab attack and during sequences. Failure to do so will result to Isaac's death.


Each weapons, RIG and Stasis modules have their own stats. Upgrade wisely as Power Nodes are quite expensive.​

The Upgrade system of the game is as the same as the first Dead Space game. There is one new addition called the Respec system, which allows you to recover any Power Nodes used on a weapon, RIG or Stasis modules back to your stock. However, it costs you a few thousands Credits. Choose which stats you want to increase wisely as Credits are scarce to find in the game.

Here are some example of weapon stats, RIG stats, and Stasis stats.
Plasma Cutter - Damage (attack power), Capacity (maximum ammo the weapon can hold), etc.

RIG - Hit Points (Isaac's health), Air (Isaac's Oxygen level), etc.

Stasis - Duration (duration Stasis's effect), etc.

As you can see from the above image, there are some empty nodes that are need to be bypassed in order to increase a stat. So plan accordingly.


Use the Store to buy, sell, or store ammo, weapons, Health Packs, etc.​

The Store functions similarly as the first game. You need to get Schematics in order to buy new weapons or items, so try and search thoroughly before leaving an area.

Isaac can now change his Suits freely in this game. Each Suit has their bonus effects, such as 15% bonus damage of Pulse Rifle, etc. Purchasing new Suits allows Isaac to keep more items, as well as have higher defense against Necromorph attacks. It is highly recommended you purchase new Suit every time, as Necromorphs will get much tougher in late chapters in the game.


The new Necromorphs included in the game are highly dangerous. Beware of Stalkers especially.​

The Necromorphs in this game are dangerous, especially the new ones, like Stalkers. Conserve your ammo by hitting their limbs, as well as make good use of Kinesis and Stasis. Learn your weapons well as they have their own alternate firing modes that are useful to kill the Necromorphs.

Here are some analysis of several types of Necromorphs:
Slasher - Most basic form of Necromorphs. Use melee attacks, can sneak behind you, ambush you through vents. Human sized.

Leaper - Scorpion like Necromorphs, but can jump to great distance and can stick on the walls.

Exploder - Human sized Necromorphs, with an explosive blob on it's left hand. Acts like a suicide bomber. It's explosion have extreme damage.

Infector - Bat and stingray like Necromorph. Infects corpses in order to transform it to Necromorphs. Kill them before it infects corpses.

Pregnant - Large sized Necromorph that acts as suicide bombers as well. Shooting it's stomach will unleashes many Swarmers.

Pack - Children like Necromorphs. Highly dangerous in groups, but fairly weak against many types of weapons.

Puker - Human sized Necromorphs that can spit dangerous vomit attacks. High endurance and dangerous in both close and long ranges.

Stalkers - Velociraptor like Necromorphs. Highly intelligent, work in groups, and will try to ambush you in different places. Their charging attack is highly damaging, and will always use 'hit and run' tactic on Isaac.

NOTE: Several of the Necromorphs that I listed have Enhanced versions. The Enhanced versions are more dangerous, can withstand more damage, and more faster. To differentiate normal Necromorphs with the Enhanced versions, the Enhanced versions have blacker and darker colours compared with the normal ones.


There are several boss fights. Frankly, they are dangerous, scary, and well done.​

There are some boss fights in the game that are dangerous and epic. Some requires careful planning as their weak points are hard to pinpoint and attack. Learn their patterns and use your Stasis and weapons effectively.

All weapons from the first game returns in this game, as well as several new weapons in the game, such as Javelin Gun, Detonator, etc. Javelin Gun allows you to impale a Necromorph to a wall. If upgraded fully, it will be a one hit kill attack on weaker Necromorphs. Detonator acts as both grenade and mine launcher. By setting the mines on the floors or walls, there will be lasers that will detect any movements and will explode upon contact. This is an incredibly useful weapons to set traps to Necromorphs, especially Stalkers.

This game also has a more refined Locator feature. Now, your Locator not only can shows the path of your Objective is, but it can reveal also Save Stations, Benches, as well as Stores. Use it to find any place you need to go. Just be careful that some Necromorphs can reappear in places that you are backtracking.

The mission objectives in the game are nearly similar as the first game, but with slightly more variety, as Isaac can hack modules in order to gain access certain areas.

This game has more Chapters than the first game, but some chapter can be long or short depending on your skills.

In short, the gameplay is as brilliant as ever with several awesome changes and addition. However, this game plays largely the same as the first game, and lacks any real new features that can differentiate this game from the first game enough. Several people also said that this game it is more fast paced, more action oriented and less scarier than the first game. I disagree with them, as I love more action in survival horror games without dampening the survival horror experience, and this game is much more scarier than the first game. Regardless, this game has an excellent gameplay.

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer


Extremely awesome graphics that makes this game much more scarier than the first game.

This game sports awesome and nice graphics. Well detailed characters, detailed environments and eerie atmosphere, scary looking Necromorphs designs, etc.

Personally, this game is much more scarier than the first game, due to how realistic the Necromorphs's design, scary and eerie environments, as well as hallucination of Nicole.



Excellent voice acting, especially Gunner Wright as Isaac, as well as great music by Jason Graves.​

Greater voice acting than the first game. What makes this game has much better voice acting is because Isaac has a voice actor. His voice actor, Gunner Wright, did a spectacular job in voicing him, giving him full range of emotions that shows Isaac's humanity. Other voice actors did great job as well, and they should be commended.

This game's music is scored by Jason Graves again. As the first game, the music are eerie, scary, epic, and befitting with the game.

Replay Value


The replay value is quite high. With great multiplayer mode, extremely challenging difficulties, as well as an extra content for the PS3 users.​

This game has several harder difficulties, but the most notable one is Hard Core difficulty. In this difficulty, items are scarce, Necromorphs can kill you faster, and they can withstand a lot of damage. But the most important thing to note in this difficulty is that you have ONLY 3 chances of saving. If you are dead without saving once, you will restart the game from the very beginning of the game. Undoubtedly, this mode is for the veteran and hardcore survival horror gamers, which I am not.

The PS3 version has an exclusive content compared with the Xbox 360 and PC version. That content is Dead Space: Extraction, a port from the previously Wii exclusive game. This adds a considerable amount of replay value. Dead Space: Extraction is a rail shooter game, similar to Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles. For those who have played rail shooter games should have no problems with that game.


The multiplayer mode is intense. Play as both Human and Necromorph in the two rounds of a match.

This game features an online multiplayer mode. There will be two teams, and two rounds. Each teams will switch sides as the Human Team and Necromorph Team after the first round. The objectives are different for each maps, and both teams have their own jobs to do. The Human Team is tasked to activate something, etc in order to win the round. The Necromorph team however, must kill them in order to prevent the Human Team from completing their jobs. After dying, you will respawn quickly so you can get back into the action. This game allows friendly fire, where you can accidentally kill your own teammates while playing. This is no exception to both teams. You must work together with them in order to complete your objectives.


Playing as the Necromorph needs a different strategy to take out the Human team, by ganging up on them.​

As part of the Human Team, your character functions similarly as Isaac, with limited equipment, such as Plasma Cutter, Pulse Rifle, Stasis, and Kinesis. As part of the Necromorph Team, you can choose between Puker, Lurker, Pack and Spitter. Each Necromorph have their own specialties, so try to use them to see which one works best. The best part about Necromorphs is that you can switch to a different one at the vents and spawn from any other vents. The Human Team should be beware as the Necromorph can easily kill you if they gang you up. For the Necromorph Team, they should be beware of Stasis as usually if you are in Stasis, chances are that you will be dead before you know it.

There is also a Level system in this game. In order to to gain levels, you need to gain experience points by killing your opponents, and completing your objective. If you win both rounds as both Human and Necromorph, you will gain extra experience points. This leveling system is similar to Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood's online multiplayer mode's leveling system.

In my opinion, the multiplayer mode of this game is kind of similar with Left 4 Dead's games multiplayer modes, except that Dead Space 2 is third person shooter, while Left 4 Dead games are first person shooter.

In short, this game have great replay value. However, the PS3 owners have more replay value as it has Dead Space: Extraction as the exclusive content.



You want a great sequel of a survival horror game? Play this game as it is a great sequel.​

In conclusion, this is one of the best survival horror combined with third person shooter game that I have ever played. I personally prefer this game than the first game, with several reasons. Nicer graphics. Isaac has a great voice. More epic action sequences. More horror.Has a good multiplayer mode. For those who have played the first game should not miss the chance to play this game.

I have played the PS3 version and the Xbox 360 version, and I dare say that the PS3 version is the better choice. First of all, the PS3 version has Dead Space: Extraction, while the Xbox 360 version does not. Secondly, the PS3 version has only one disc, while the second games has two discs. Regardless, that is my own opinion, as different people have different opinions.

One thing I would like to complain is that the game itself does not differentiate much than the first game to make it a more refreshing game. Some people likes it that way, some does not.

However, this game is an awesome game to play. With great characters, great story, great gameplay, and awesome survival horror experience, makes this game much better than the first one.


Story - 10/10
Gameplay - 9/10
Graphics - 10/10
Sound - 9/10

Final Score: 38/40 or 9.5/10.0.

Pros and Cons


- Great and awesome storyline.
- Great characters.
- More refined gameplay than the first game.
- Provides rather greater survival horror experience than the first game.
- Eerie, scary and great music.
- Extremely awesome graphics.
- Faster melee attacks.
- Isaac has a great voice actor.
- Good replay value.
- Good multiplayer mode.


- Not much differences than the first game, other than a few changes.
- Game might be too scary for some people.
- Several mission objectives are rather repetitive.



This game can be hard for those who are not used to third person shooter and survival horror games.

Tip 1: Don't waste your ammo on shooting containers to get items. Instead, stomp it or use Kinesis and break it to get it.

Tip 2: Shooting Slasher's arms off will kill them instantly.

Tip 3: Infectors will always try to transform any nearby Corpses to Necromorphs like Slashers. Kill them first to avoid danger.

Tip 4: When traveling in dark lit areas, aim your weapon as your weapons have built in flashlights.

Tip 5: Make good use of Stasis, as it allows you to slow down Necromorphs, giving you time to kill them or run.

Tip 5: If the situation looks bad, such as having low ammo, health, etc, run and escape.

Tip 6: If you see a lone, dead Necromorph on the ground, try using Kinesis on it. If you can grab a body part of the Necromorph, then it is dead. If not, that means the Necromorph is faking their death, and will ambush you if you come near them. Kill them before getting yourself ambushed.

Tip 7: Using Kinesis on sharp objects like steel pipes and use it to impale Necromorphs is a good way to conserve ammo.

Tip 8: Stalkers are dangerous and smart Necromorphs. One will try to peek on you and while another will try to ram you from a different direction. One of the best way to fight them is to create traps using Detonator mines.

Tip 9: Enhanced versions of Necromorphs are dangerous. Exercise caution when fighting them. To differentiate the normal ones and the Enhanced ones, Enhanced versions are the darker and blacker versions.

Tip 10: Grab as much as many items you can, as items and Credits in this game are scarce.

Tip 10: Always purchase a new Suit in order to maximise your Armor and Inventory Slots. All Suits will carry the same Armor and Inventory Slots as long as you buy them. The only difference is that each Suit have it's own special bonus, such as the Vintage Suit grants you 10% discount in Stores.

Tip 11: Upgrade your weapons, RIG, and Stasis evenly. It is wise to not spend all of your Credits to buy Power Nodes for upgrading, as you may need the money to buy extra Ammo or Health Packs.

Tip 12: Each weapons have their own pros and cons. For example, Plasma Cutter is a good weapon when fighting one or two Slashers, but is not useful when fighting large groups of the Pack. Instead, Line Gun and Pulse Rifle are much better in crowd control. Also, each weapon's alternate firing modes allows you to find new strategies on taking out Necromorphs.

Tip 13: Make sure that each rooms that have Save Stations, Benches, and Stores are clear of Necromorphs before using. Some rooms that have Save Stations have Necromorphs that will ambush you, like the Store in Chapter 1.
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