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Well-known Member
Unless I'm going blind, I dont see any instructions for Dark Slayer as Dante? I just wondered if theres any particular move set for it. Bare in mind i never played 3, so im unsure of the original move set.

And also, mission.. 17 18 or 19.. one of those anyway, when your taking on Saviour as Dante, is there any damn way to get an A/S overall ranking.. i just cant get higher than a B! I use gunslinger to get saviour to the point where you attack his back, then gun slinger to get him to his weakned body core and jump in with swordmaster when you have chance. What am i doing wrong?


Well-known Member
in DMC3, Dark Slayer was Vergil's style, which was just 3 teleporting moves, one which teleported towards an enemy, one which teleported backwards, and one which teleported into the air.

So, "Dark Slayer" in DMC4, isn't really the same thing. Instead it's just 3 of Vergil's sword attacks, which are not really anything to do with Dark Slayer, they're just normal attacks with Yamato. Yamato had more moves than that in DMC3, but they've got rid of a lot of them, for no reason :(

Dante Redgrave

Son of Sparda
Dark Slayer was a Vergilized version of Trickster, so since Dante has that already, it would have been redundant to give him two sets of teleport tricks. But making it the Vergil moves set for Yamato, it personalizes it as "Vergil's combat style".


Well-known Member
Ah I see. Does it actually serve a purpose in DMC4? I have it, but on the mission I have it, I dont seem to use it..


Well-known Member
it just gives you three more attacks. They are fairly powerful. You don't ever HAVE to use them, they're just an option. After getting Lucifer, I barely used it for example. Dante's stuff just allows you to choose how to get through the game
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