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Darkness and Friendship (Original Short Story)


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Darkness and Friendship
Storm Silves

The time is 1124. The sun has just risen in the rural town of Karrudia, and a plea has been sent out to the far reaches of the known world. Only two men answered that call. They call themselves demon slayers... Are they truly up to the task?


"You must go to this region and defeat this demon." A man in knight armor said, showing a sketch of a very strange looking demon. "Is that understood, or must I repeat myself?"

"No, I think I got it." A hooded, cloaked man said. A large sword was in his hand, held backwards. He looked over to his friend, a very muscular, blue scaled lizard man. "Did you get it?"

"I understood every word, Daniel." The lizard man said.

"Good, Alex." Daniel said, smirking behind the shadows of his hood.

"I told you I don't like being called by a nickname." The lizard growled. "Alexander. Al-ex-and-er. Get it right."

"Sorry." Daniel said. He looked up at the knight in front of him. "You may leave." He said. "You are no longer needed."

"Um... Right." The knight said, walking away.

Alexander looked up at the sky, which was slowly lightening. "We should go now. The location we are meant to go to is not far, but it will take a day's worth of travel." He explained.

"Then we go now." Daniel said, turning around, his cloak billowing, and began walking. Alexander was not far behind, and soon they reached a trail that led outside the village and into a forest.

"That looks foreboding." Daniel muttered, looking into the tall forest, filled with almost nothing but darkness and whispers.

"Yes, but we must go through." Alexander said, his blue-green eyes narrowing. "I sense evil here."

"You and me both." Daniel said, walking cautiously into the forest, Alexander not far behind. A couple steps in, Daniel stepped on a vine which entwined around his leg, suspending him in mid air. "Dammit!" He yelled.

"Daniel!" Alexander shouted, rushing forward and having the same thing happen to him, though the vine was obviously strained from Alexander's amount of muscle.

"Well... I can safely say that was unexpected." Daniel said, trying to lighten the mood. He smirked, but it faded when he heard a faint screech. Creatures made into a humanoid shape out of vines came from the shadows, moving towards the duo of slayers with thick, thrashing sounds.

"This can't be good..." Alexander said, trying to reach for the sword on his back.
"No, it's not." Daniel said, using the sword that was already in his hand to cut the vine and get down. "Bring it on!" He said, dashing at the demons.

The demons attempted to swarm him, but he swung hard to the left and cut a pair in half. He dodged a vine whip from his right, then cut off the vine, making the creature scream in pain. While it was distracted, Daniel ran over to it and diced it up, then jumped back as another attempted to whip him. He cut off this one's "legs", then slashed off it's "head", letting it fall to the ground.

Alexander grunted, still trying to get at the vine around his ankle, when he felt more wrap around his limbs. He felt himself being lifted away. "Daniel!!!!" He screamed, trying to break free, but the vines had a solid grip on him.

Daniel jumped up and tried to cut the vines around Alexander, but the other demons wrapped their tendrils around him and dragged him back to the ground. "Let go, you vile beasts!" Daniel yelled, struggling against their grip. He spun his sword, slicing their vines, but that was all the time it took for the demons to drag Alexander away, leaving Daniel alone.

Daniel fell to his knees, the other demons surrounding him. As they drew closer, he screamed to the sky and began slashing at them with mad fury, like a wild beast. Slash, there goes a head. Slice, an arm. Swish swish swoosh, broken in three. After a good ten minutes of destruction, there was nothing left but mulch of the demons.

"I will avenge you..." Daniel growled to himself. "Alexander, if you can still hear me... Your death will not... Shall not be in vain!"


Alexander awoke in immense pain, tied to a table with his arms behind him, his tail and left hand missing. He struggled against the bindings, snarling in both pain and fury.

"Struggle more." A voice that sounded like many voices at once said. "It only amuses us."

"You'll die for this, demon!" Alexander yelled, his anger reaching it's peak.
A demon that looked like a burned corpse with no head and a mouth where it's stomach should be walked out of the shadows of the circular room, smiling. "We enjoy angry heroes." It said darkly. "They are much easier to convert."
"Convert?" Alexander spat. "Not likely."

The demon extended a finger from it's three taloned hand and touched it to Alexander's forehead. Immediately Alexander's expression went blank and his eyes seemed to dim. "I told you they are easy." The demon said in a calm voice.
"N... No..." Alexander struggled out, then spoke no more. The echo of the demon laughing frightened the birds off the tower they were in, sending a warning to Daniel...


Daniel marched out of the other end of the woods covered in scratches, blood, and plant matter. He was angry, furious at himself that he couldn't save his friend. He felt as if he let the person he cared about most down, and he couldn't redeem himself. He marched into a huge desert when the woods abruptly ended, and though he sweated torrents, he didn't take off his cloak.

After what seemed like hours, he walked into a large field that bottlenecked into an enclosure with a lake. He sat down on a nearby rock and sighed, splashing his face with water, when he heard a wet "crack" noise. He turned to look at the source of the noise when he saw a long, blue tail and a hand laid on the ground. He walked to them, knowing immediately whose they were. He knelt down, swallowing hard.

He clenched his jaw and got up, once again irate. "Is this some kind of sick game!?" He shouted to the nothingness. "My friend is dead! I realize this! Don't rub it in!!!"

"I'm not dead." A familiar voice said. Daniel turned around, seeing his old friend missing his tail and left hand.

"Alexander!" Daniel shouted, running towards his friend. Before he reached the scaly man, a sword was pointed at his throat. "Wh... Why?" Daniel managed.

"You left me." Alexander growled. It was then that Daniel noticed Alexander's eyes had a thin film of gray over them. "You left me to die!"

"No... I..." Daniel started.

"Don't finish that sentence." Alexander snarled. "I will destroy you for leaving me there."

Daniel shook his head. "No... This can't be happening..." He muttered.

"Believe it." Alexander said. He then smiled wildly as his handless arm seemed to pulsate for a moment, then tore apart into a collection of inky, black, writhing tentacles.

"You're... A demon?" Daniel asked, shocked.

"No. I am neither demon nor angel nor human." Alexander said moving into a fighting stance.

"I can't fight you!" Daniel said, still shocked.

"I can fight you, though." Alexander said, charging at Daniel with dark vigor. He swiped twice with his sword, both attacks being dodged by Daniel, and then thrust forward with his tentacles, grabbing Daniel, lifting him up, and then slamming him into the ground. He grabbed Daniel again after he got up, slamming him into the canyon wall, the ground, then the wall again, and then finally threw Daniel over his shoulder into the lake.

"Weakling!" Alexander shouted. "No wonder you left me behind!"

Daniel slowly dragged himself out of the lake, coughing up water and blood. "Alex..." He muttered, unable to move. "Is this... Really what you want?" He asked.
"Yes." Alexander said, pointing his sword at the base of Daniel's neck.

"D... Do it, then..." Daniel said, looking away from Alexander. "I can't allow myself to live if I can't protect my friends..."

Alexander hesitated, his eyes softening a bit. "You... Do you mean that?"
"Of course..." Daniel said, sounding disappointed.

Alexander moved back and dropped his sword. "I'm so sorry..." He said, the film seeming to disappear from his eyes.

"It's okay..." Daniel said, managing a smirk. "I would've done the same thing." His smirk turned to a smile. "Except I'd have finished me off. Wimp."

Alexander rolled his eyes and offered his friend a hand. Daniel gratefully took it and stood shakily. "So, we still have a demon to kill." Daniel said.

"That would be us." A voice said. A breeze whisked through the air and all of a sudden Daniel and Alexander were taken to a black abyss with a single blank, white platform in the middle. Standing in the middle of said platform was the demon that had taken over Alexander.

"You are Kelbris?" Daniel asked, teeth clenched.

"We are indeed Kelbris." The demon said. "And you have spoiled our plans."

"No, we're just stronger than you." Alexander said, the tentacles spouting from his arm disappearing. It was quickly replaced by a totally new arm, then his tail.
"Looks like you've learned how to use your powers well." Kelbris muttered. "Too bad for you, you won't learn anymore!" It charged forward, teeth gnashing.

Daniel jumped forward, putting his sword forward and letting the demon impale itself. It shrieked and backed off. As it did so, Alexander leapt at it, putting a deep gash into the space above it's mouth. It tried to slash at the pair, so they jumped straight up and both came down, impaling it in the head. It screamed and bucked the pair off, but then stopped moving and fell down, dead. It disappeared, the arena disappearing as well, leaving the two heroes alone.

"So..." Daniel began, unsure of what to say.

"Don't speak." Alexander said, smiling. "Just act."

The slayers looked at each other, nodded, and began the long trek home. As they walked, Alexander's hand slipped into Daniel's...
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