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Dante and Bayonetta


Well-known Member
I would prefer, the claire (resident evil) , lightning or tifa (ff), or lara croft of tomb raider

bayonetta have a bizarre style,Besides, clothes that ,is glued

same so it would be interesting,I'm thinking in dante's, the reaction to seeing that outfit pasted ,certainly would invent a joke


Enma Katana no Kami
Bayonetta said that she doesn't like talkative guys and Dante is really talkative in most of the things he has appeared in so unless we are talking about DMC2 Dante she probably wouldn't be interested in him but he would probably be interested in her.


Well-known Member
Bayonetta said that she doesn't like talkative guys and Dante is really talkative in most of the things he has appeared in so unless we are talking about DMC2 Dante she probably wouldn't be interested in him but he would probably be interested in her.
if they were the same it wouldnt be that fun and intersting :D and they both have some lines that are the same :)


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Bayonetta said that she doesn't like talkative guys and Dante is really talkative in most of the things he has appeared in so unless we are talking about DMC2 Dante she probably wouldn't be interested in him but he would probably be interested in her.

That's Kamiya's way of making sure Bayonetta and Dante don't be a couple. His personal revenge on Capcom has striked again! Smooth move Kamiya~:shifty:


I Saw the Devil
I think those two would be more like siblings than anything.

While on the subject... I can't belive how dumb I was for not notising before:

God, I'm thick some times!


Well-known Member
I think Dante (from whichever game) and Bayonetta could form a nice couple. ;) They're both strong and independent in the right way. Plus, both of them want to have good time --- and if all else fails, then they'll have each other as sparring partners. .... though, if what Kamiya said is true, then Dante would be consumed by never-ending loss-cycle. xD But hey, if Bayo bears with Luka, why not also Dante. :shifty:

By the way, berto; I hadn't realized that resemblance either...! Shees! >_<

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Kamiya even stated that Bayonetta would defeat Dante easily in a fight! Nice trolling by Kamiya
OHHHHH!!!! That irks me.....I hate Bayonetta with a PASSION...not the game....I love the game...its her character.

That troll Kamiya had to make a game that is 100% like DMC(minus the styles) but with an more advance movement of Dante's combos(AERIAL STINGER!!!!) & a large array of weapons that seem rather similar to a lot of Dante's weapons that he has through out his series. Then makes the main character just like Dante but with boobs & black hair(BLACK HAIR!!!!). Oh the worst part is to make his new series parallel DMC he makes her kills Angels instead of Demons....so it can appear hip & NEW enough to replace DMC.

Then to be a pure troll attempts in many ways to make her much stronger than Dante like resorting to DBZ levels power scaling...for if he can't make a better game than DMC at least he can make a much stronger character & tries to say she is stronger despite the fact he only worked on one game(the first game of DMC). His Dante is not the same as the current Dante Capcom made him. Kamiya wasn't around for ideas like the Dread Naught form, the 4 styles, QuickSilver Style, Doppleganger Style, his new weapons, & the Majin Form....sure he made DMC & Dante but he is only the CREATOR he doesn't know how his product is now. I mean Keiji Inufune revolutionized the MegaMan franchise & made it the legend it is now but he didn't create it. I mean if Hideki Kamiya was still running DMC it would've been changed to Devils Never Cry(probably wouldn't be as long as a running series it is now), we wouldn't have gotten Nero, DMC4, DMC3, & you get it. Plus Bingo Morishita's story telling still beats any form of writing Kamiya can come up with. DMC as we know it would probably end up like Bayonetta(minus the sexiness....unless if playing as Trish) or Viewtiful Joe(minus the goofiness)...heck I think VJ is Kamiya's attempt to make another DMC clone or what Devil's Never Cry would've been like(yet again minus the goofiness & fourth wall breaking).

Sure with Itsuno we got DMC2 but we got gems like DMC3 & DMC4 & for that I salute you Hideki Istuno.

Even if Kamiya looks like a badass pimp & you'rrrreeeee......................YOU BROUGHT US DRAGON DOGMA'S DAMMIT!!!>_<


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
OHHHHH!!!! That irks me.....I hate Bayonetta with a PASSION...not the game....I love the game...its her character.

That troll Kamiya had to make a game that is 100% like DMC(minus the styles) but with an more advance movement of Dante's combos(AERIAL STINGER!!!!) & a large array of weapons that seem rather similar to a lot of Dante's weapons that he has through out his series. Then makes the main character just like Dante but with boobs & black hair(BLACK HAIR!!!!). Oh the worst part is to make his new series parallel DMC he makes her kills Angels instead of Demons....so it can appear hip & NEW enough to replace DMC.

Then to be a pure troll attempts in many ways to make her much stronger than Dante like resorting to DBZ levels power scaling...for if he can't make a better game than DMC at least he can make a much stronger character & tries to say she is stronger despite the fact he only worked on one game(the first game of DMC). His Dante is not the same as the current Dante Capcom made him. Kamiya wasn't around for ideas like the Dread Naught form, the 4 styles, QuickSilver Style, Doppleganger Style, his new weapons, & the Majin Form....sure he made DMC & Dante but he is only the CREATOR he doesn't know how his product is now. I mean Keiji Inufune revolutionized the MegaMan franchise & made it the legend it is now but he didn't create it. I mean if Hideki Kamiya was still running DMC it would've been changed to Devils Never Cry(probably wouldn't be as long as a running series it is now), we wouldn't have gotten Nero, DMC4, DMC3, & you get it. Plus Bingo Morishita's story telling still beats any form of writing Kamiya can come up with. DMC as we know it would probably end up like Bayonetta(minus the sexiness....unless if playing as Trish) or Viewtiful Joe(minus the goofiness)...heck I think VJ is Kamiya's attempt to make another DMC clone or what Devil's Never Cry would've been like(yet again minus the goofiness & fourth wall breaking).

Sure with Itsuno we got DMC2 but we got gems like DMC3 & DMC4 & for that I salute you Hideki Istuno.

Even if Kamiya looks like a badass pimp & you'rrrreeeee......................YOU BROUGHT US DRAGON DOGMA'S DAMMIT!!!>_<



I Saw the Devil
OHHHHH!!!! That irks me.....I hate Bayonetta with a PASSION...not the game....I love the game...its her character.

I get that people feel that way but you have to remember that often times the way you feel about Bayonetta is the way a lot of people feel about DMC. They are both products of modern Japanese films and DMC3 4 and Bayonetta were given that Japanese feel by Yuji Shimomura who choreographed the three of them and if you've seen his other works you'd see the parallels.

I rather like Bayonetta but I can see why she gets on people's nerves. Everything that sorta defines DMC is in Bayonetta, only much more so.

That troll Kamiya had to make a game that is 100% like DMC(minus the styles)
The styles were not something from his previous works, plus they aren't as nessesary as people think.

but with an more advance movement of Dante's combos(AERIAL STINGER!!!!)
It should be the natural evolution of the game, that's all. If it played just like DMC with no improvements then we're just dancing backwards. Infact, alot of the elements from Bayonetta were originally for a DMC2 that the staff would've like to make but didn't get to.

Besides, the actual gameplay taken from the DMC series isn't as brought as you think. For the development of the game Kamiya played DMC4, yes, but the gameplay was actually developed from his game, Viewtiful Joe, Okami, and Devil May Cry. Ever played VJ as Dante, that's where the concept of the guns came from; when in mid air the punch botton became the shoot botton but you could do combos and punch with the guns, and that to the feet and there you go.

& a large array of weapons that seem rather similar to a lot of Dante's weapons that he has through out his series
They're all pretty standard weapons, swords, guns, gunlets, bazzookas. Most games have similar arsenals, I don't really see why P* would change it that much.

Then makes the main character just like Dante but with boobs & black hair(BLACK HAIR!!!!).
Ha... Bayonetta isn't the alegory of Dante, Jeanne is. Jeanne is supposed to be Bayonetta's opposite but the same. The black hair didn't come as the opposite of the white, it was because the image of the witch is one with black hair.

Oh the worst part is to make his new series parallel DMC he makes her kills Angels instead of Demons....so it can appear hip & NEW enough to replace DMC.
That's not exactly right. During development they thought about what type of enemies the game should have but they felt that everyone was already doing demons so the question came up 'what's more powerful than demons?' Angels. It fit perfectly with the motif of the character who was a witch and witches were believed to be in league with demons so it only seemed natural.

Also, it was never Platinum's (Or Kamiya's) intention to replace DMC but rather to follow through with what they wanted to make for DMC2 and also make another action game of they same type as DMC but with elements from all the games that followed.

Then to be a pure troll attempts in many ways to make her much stronger than Dante like resorting to DBZ levels power scaling...
That's not the mentality behind the conception of her character, infact it wasn't till asked by a fan that Kamiya had to think about that answer. He didn't make Bayonetta with Dante in mind the same way he made Okami with Dante in mind. They were seperate creations with seperate ideas in their creation.

It wasn't a 'Make her better than him' situation because if he wanted to make her stronger it wouldn't be Dante who he should think about surpassing, it'd be Okami.

for if he can't make a better game than DMC at least he can make a much stronger character & tries to say she is stronger despite the fact he only worked on one game(the first game of DMC).
Well, first of all don't make the fact that he created the franchise seem like less of an acomplishment than it is. Second, Bayonetta is a better game than DMC, 3 or 4, in most every respect. The story might not have the appeal, nor the characters, but it's gameplay outshines them both.

His Dante is not the same as the current Dante Capcom made him.
Not entirely a good thing. If it were they wouldn't need NT at all.

Kamiya wasn't around for ideas like the Dread Naught form, the 4 styles, QuickSilver Style, Doppleganger Style, his new weapons, & the Majin Form....
Well, I never use the Dread Naught, I find it useless, and some for the Majin form since is kinda cheap, but they are just exptentions of the DT and nether appealed to me personally.

I never thought that the 4 styles were really as nesesary as people make them out to be. That system could've been replaced in a number of ways to give access to those moves.

Doopleganger's fine, but it's pressence isn't a make or brake so I never think about it much.

There really aren't that many new weapons to be missed. Lucifer, Angi & Rudra, Nevan, and Cerberus are the only really unique ones, everything else is just the same with a new name. Besides, even if it were a dozen more it's not exactly impossible to come up with ideas for weapons. Bayonetta's arsenal is more than the entire DMC franchise put together, I'd love a DMC game with that large an arsenal!

sure he made DMC & Dante but he is only the CREATOR he doesn't know how his product is now.
Yeah, he doesn't like the idea that other people already tweeked the story so he doesn't really touch it anymore.

I mean Keiji Inufune revolutionized the MegaMan franchise & made it the legend it is now but he didn't create it. I mean if Hideki Kamiya was still running DMC it would've been changed to Devils Never Cry(probably wouldn't be as long as a running series it is now), we wouldn't have gotten Nero, DMC4, DMC3, & you get it.
Well, I see Nero in the same light as NT's Dante so that's not a good thing, but do you honestly think that in his hands DMC3 and 4 wouldn't have been made? Sorry but they were going to happen one way or another; different, yeah, but still there. Why? because Capcom loves money. And if DMC3 got made dispite the poor quality of 2 then it was going to happen.

Plus Bingo Morishita's story telling still beats any form of writing Kamiya can come up with.
Seriously? He turned the series into an anime. The last 3 villans were all humans who wanted demonic power... Couldn't he come up with something different? Besides, it wasn't just Kamiya's hand in DMC1, it was also Mikami's and if the two of them were making a DMC game it would be writen more like RE4.

DMC as we know it would probably end up like Bayonetta(minus the sexiness....unless if playing as Trish) or Viewtiful Joe(minus the goofiness)...
How is that a bad thing? Bayonetta took the natural evolution of DMC that Capcom refused to make. While Capcom keeps making small improvements and additions Bayonetta took leaps in the gameplay, things that I wondered why they weren't done before.

heck I think VJ is Kamiya's attempt to make another DMC clone or what Devil's Never Cry would've been like(yet again minus the goofiness & fourth wall breaking).
A DMC clone would imply that it played like DMC. When alot of the elements that now define DMC became available VJ was already in the market. Joe took nothing from the DMC sequels.

Sure with Itsuno we got DMC2 but we got gems like DMC3 & DMC4 & for that I salute you Hideki Istuno.
I certainly won't deny him his acomplishments.

Even if Kamiya looks like a badass pimp & you'rrrreeeee......................YOU BROUGHT US DRAGON DOGMA'S DAMMIT!!!>_<
Which is cool.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
I get that people feel that way but you have to remember that often times the way you feel about Bayonetta is the way a lot of people feel about DMC. They are both products of modern Japanese films and DMC3 4 and Bayonetta were given that Japanese feel by Yuji Shimomura who choreographed the three of them and if you've seen his other works you'd see the parallels.

I rather like Bayonetta but I can see why she gets on people's nerves. Everything that sorta defines DMC is in Bayonetta, only much more so.

The styles were not something from his previous works, plus they aren't as nessesary as people think.

It should be the natural evolution of the game, that's all. If it played just like DMC with no improvements then we're just dancing backwards. Infact, alot of the elements from Bayonetta were originally for a DMC2 that the staff would've like to make but didn't get to.

Besides, the actual gameplay taken from the DMC series isn't as brought as you think. For the development of the game Kamiya played DMC4, yes, but the gameplay was actually developed from his game, Viewtiful Joe, Okami, and Devil May Cry. Ever played VJ as Dante, that's where the concept of the guns came from; when in mid air the punch botton became the shoot botton but you could do combos and punch with the guns, and that to the feet and there you go.

They're all pretty standard weapons, swords, guns, gunlets, bazzookas. Most games have similar arsenals, I don't really see why P* would change it that much.

Ha... Bayonetta isn't the alegory of Dante, Jeanne is. Jeanne is supposed to be Bayonetta's opposite but the same. The black hair didn't come as the opposite of the white, it was because the image of the witch is one with black hair.

That's not exactly right. During development they thought about what type of enemies the game should have but they felt that everyone was already doing demons so the question came up 'what's more powerful than demons?' Angels. It fit perfectly with the motif of the character who was a witch and witches were believed to be in league with demons so it only seemed natural.

Also, it was never Platinum's (Or Kamiya's) intention to replace DMC but rather to follow through with what they wanted to make for DMC2 and also make another action game of they same type as DMC but with elements from all the games that followed.

That's not the mentality behind the conception of her character, infact it wasn't till asked by a fan that Kamiya had to think about that answer. He didn't make Bayonetta with Dante in mind the same way he made Okami with Dante in mind. They were seperate creations with seperate ideas in their creation.

It wasn't a 'Make her better than him' situation because if he wanted to make her stronger it wouldn't be Dante who he should think about surpassing, it'd be Okami.

Well, first of all don't make the fact that he created the franchise seem like less of an acomplishment than it is. Second, Bayonetta is a better game than DMC, 3 or 4, in most every respect. The story might not have the appeal, nor the characters, but it's gameplay outshines them both.

Not entirely a good thing. If it were they wouldn't need NT at all.

Well, I never use the Dread Naught, I find it useless, and some for the Majin form since is kinda cheap, but they are just exptentions of the DT and nether appealed to me personally.

I never thought that the 4 styles were really as nesesary as people make them out to be. That system could've been replaced in a number of ways to give access to those moves.

Doopleganger's fine, but it's pressence isn't a make or brake so I never think about it much.

There really aren't that many new weapons to be missed. Lucifer, Angi & Rudra, Nevan, and Cerberus are the only really unique ones, everything else is just the same with a new name. Besides, even if it were a dozen more it's not exactly impossible to come up with ideas for weapons. Bayonetta's arsenal is more than the entire DMC franchise put together, I'd love a DMC game with that large an arsenal!

Yeah, he doesn't like the idea that other people already tweeked the story so he doesn't really touch it anymore.

Well, I see Nero in the same light as NT's Dante so that's not a good thing, but do you honestly think that in his hands DMC3 and 4 wouldn't have been made? Sorry but they were going to happen one way or another; different, yeah, but still there. Why? because Capcom loves money. And if DMC3 got made dispite the poor quality of 2 then it was going to happen.

Seriously? He turned the series into an anime. The last 3 villans were all humans who wanted demonic power... Couldn't he come up with something different? Besides, it wasn't just Kamiya's hand in DMC1, it was also Mikami's and if the two of them were making a DMC game it would be writen more like RE4.

How is that a bad thing? Bayonetta took the natural evolution of DMC that Capcom refused to make. While Capcom keeps making small improvements and additions Bayonetta took leaps in the gameplay, things that I wondered why they weren't done before.

A DMC clone would imply that it played like DMC. When alot of the elements that now define DMC became available VJ was already in the market. Joe took nothing from the DMC sequels.

I certainly won't deny him his acomplishments.

Which is cool.


I Saw the Devil
Never mind you do make some pretty damn good points.....normally I'll argue/debate with you but I know it won't end well so nah.

You said you like a lot of weapons right?
Yeah, I can see this turning ugly fast...

Anyway, not so much alot of weapons as much as veriety, in any respect. For example: Nero has a combination of sword, gun, and DB. That's great and all but it lacks more. Rather than sword/gun/DB it should've been mele/projectile/hand.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Yeah, I can see this turning ugly fast...

Anyway, not so much alot of weapons as much as veriety, in any respect. For example: Nero has a combination of sword, gun, and DB. That's great and all but it lacks more. Rather than sword/gun/DB it should've been mele/projectile/hand.

You want to be able to combine the 3 battle types to create a large series of combos?
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