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Credo tips....


Bad a$$ Gunslinger
Can anyone give me some tips at beating Credo...
My boyfriend and I could really use some help....We can't beat him....
We are playing on devil hunter mode. I bought air hike and level 2 snatch. I consulted a walkthrough on gamefaqs.com and i didnt find it particularly helpful. Please HELP!!!!

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
It's on mission 8 Trishy. I played 7 and had to beat the boogers out of Echidna and then realised afterward Credo is only in the next stage...doh!

Sideroll to dodge the swords he throws at you. If you don't know how to sideroll, then up Nero to Max-Speed and just run like a headless chicken every time Credo starts throwing the big swords.

When he's done his showy flip through the air and crashes his sword into the ground, he's vulnerable to attack, so try get as close to him as you can without getting hit and then give him a few blows with Red Queen.

Another tip you can try do is when he leaps into the air to deliver the showy flip, you can deflect the blow and make him lose his combo by jumping in the air and warding off his sword with your own.

Don't DB him when he's far away. He comes at you with his shield and knocks you over.

Then just the usual stuff that applies to all the other bosses - if he holds his head, strike at him, when the glow around him and his shield disappears, DB him. You can activate his DT and DB at those times too but I've never really had the mind for it, I'm too caught up in just smashing my fist into his face and watching his life go down.

And taunting obviously ups your style rank after a nice combo. I beat him on Atomic, but I'm sure if you stop messing around as much as I do and get down to business, you can crank it up to SSS, easy.

Hope I helped a bit.


Super Penguin Number 2
Chloe_Ryder;262713 said:
Don't DB him when he's far away. He comes at you with his shield and knocks you over.

No offense to you Clair ^^ But I'd like to counter this statement, even though Trish has already beat Credo.

If you DB when he's far away, and he does the charge with his shield, if you're quick enough and can dodge it, he's open to an attack afterwards.

Maybe the tip can help you on later difficulties while fighting him ^^


Well-known Member
Another tip is that when he thrusts his sword at you you can catch it with the DB :)

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
My way of fighting Angelo Credo:

1. When he throws a lance at super fast speed, use Snatch to knock it down to gain some Green Orbs to recover your health, or time it with your Buster to throw it back to Angelo Credo. This damages him a lot, and leaves him defenseless for a moment.

2. When he does the three hit combo, with a finisher of him smashing his sword to the ground, go to the right side of him, use this combo:

Streak -> High Roller -> Buster

This combo can deals nice damage to Angelo Credo.

You can use your own combo, but I prefer the combo that I listed above.

3. Most of his moves can be dodged by precise Side Roll or Air Hike. Use each move according to the situation.

4. Angelo Credo can block any frontal attacks due to his shield. To have a chance of using the Devil Buster on him, use Buster multiple times when he is vulnerable to make his shield becomes weaker (red glow shows that the shield is getting weaker). When the shield stops glowing, that is the chance for you to use a powerful Buster, Devil Buster, or any other Red Queen combos while in D.T. Mode.

5. When he lost a lot of his health, he started to summon swords like Vergil's Summoned Swords. He can use it for offense and defense. You can dodge it easily, but when the swords surrounded you, use D.T. to destroy the surrounding swords to gain more Stylish points and to avoid damage, or just use Air Hike to dodge it.

6. Angelo Credo will be much more aggressive and moves faster when he is in low health. It is best to finish him as quickly as possible.

7. Do NOT use Snatch on Angelo Credo when he is walking. Angelo Credo will rush towards you and ram you with his shield. However, you can use it to your advantage as he is vulnerable at the back after using the ramming attack.

8. Blue Rose normal shots are not really effective in this battle. You can use Charge Shot 3 to deal some damage on him. Use it whenever he is not attacking.

9. EX attacks can deal good damage on Angelo Credo, but a risk must be considered as Angelo Credo's shield can block ANY Nero's EX Attacks.

Hope this helps.
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